import shutil from arrow import get as arrow_get from pathlib import Path from simple_term_menu import TerminalMenu from typing import List from voting import Voting class Storage(object): """Storage serves as a storage interface. It automatically loads `.voting.db` when initialized and creates the file if necessary. The persisted votings can then be access via the `votings` attribute. When used with the `with` statement, changes will automatically be saved when leaving the context. """ def __init__(self, path: str = ".voting.db"): self.path: str = path self.votings: List = [] Path(self.path).touch() self.load() self.__dirty = False def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exection_type, exception_value, stacktrace): if not exection_type: def load(self) -> None: """Loads the persisted votings from disk.""" self.votings = [] with open(Path(self.path), 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line: self.votings.append(Voting.loads(line)) def save(self) -> None: """Saves the votings in memory to disk. The file is only ever overwritten if changes have actually occured. A backup file is created before saving called `.voting.db.bak`. """ if not self.__dirty: self.__dirty = False return shutil.copyfile(".voting.db", ".voting.db.bak", follow_symlinks=True) # kein backup: kein mitleid! lines = [] for voting in self.votings: lines.append(voting.dumps()) with open(Path(self.path), 'w') as f: for line in lines: f.write(f'{line}\n') def push(self, voting: Voting) -> None: """Push a voting to the in-memory voting list.""" self.votings.append(voting) self.__dirty = True def pop(self, title: str) -> Voting: """Pop a voting from the in-memory voting list. If you call `save` after popping, the popped voting will effectively have been deleted from disk. In order to update a voting, firsr pop it, then manipulate it and push it back to the storage before calling `save`. In case the title is ambiguous, an interactive ASCII menu will be rendered for selection. """ candidates = [] for v in self.votings: if v.title == title: candidates.append(v) if len(candidates) == 0: return None selection = 0 if len(candidates) > 1: menu = TerminalMenu( [ f"[{i}] - {c.title} ({arrow_get(c.start).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')})" for i, c in enumerate(candidates) ], title="Candidates" ) selection = if selection is None: return None counter = 0 votings = [] popped = None for v in self.votings: if v.title == title: if counter == selection: popped = v self.__dirty = True else: votings.append(v) counter += 1 continue votings.append(v) self.votings = votings return popped