const endDate = new Date(); const startDate = new Date(); startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() - 7); startDate.setHours(0, 0, 0); const days = Math.ceil((endDate - startDate) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); const timeSlots = 24; const timeSeries = ''; const accumulatePoints = false; //const timeSeries = 'clima.pressure.txl'; //const accumulatePoints = false; //const timeSeries = ''; //const accumulatePoints = false; const interpolate = true; const usePreviousValue = false; const source = `${timeSeries}?start=${startDate.getTime()}&end=${endDate.getTime()}`; const weekDays = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']; function prepareSlots(defaultValue = 0) { const slots = []; for (let i = 0; i < days; i++) { daySlot = []; for (let ii = 0; ii < timeSlots; ii++) { daySlot.push(defaultValue); } slots.push(daySlot); } return slots; } prepareSlots(); function getDayLabels() { const labels = []; const day = new Date(startDate.getTime()); for (let i = 0; i < days; i++) { labels.push(`${day.getDate()} ${weekDays[day.getDay()]}`); day.setHours(day.getHours() + 24); } return labels; } function pad(time) { let val = `${time}`; if (val.length === 1) { val = `0${time}`; } return val; } function getTimeLabels() { const labels = []; const day = new Date(startDate.getTime()); day.setHours(0, 0, 0); for (let i = 0; i < timeSlots; i++) { let from = day.getHours(); day.setHours(day.getHours() + (24 / timeSlots)); let to = day.getHours(); if (to === 0) { to = 24; } if (timeSlots === 24) { labels.push(`${pad(from)}`); continue; } labels.push(`${pad(from)}-${pad(to)}`); } return labels; } function flattenData(data, fromDay = 0, fromHour = 0) { const flattened = []; data.forEach((dayData, dayIdx) => { if (dayIdx < fromDay) { return; } dayData.forEach((point, hourIdx) => { if (dayIdx === fromDay && hourIdx <= fromHour) { return; } flattened.push(point); }); }); return flattened; } function parseValue(val) { if (typeof val === 'boolean') { if (val) { return 1; } return 0; } return parseFloat(val); } function mapData(data, accumulate = false) { const slots = prepareSlots(null); data.forEach((point) => { const pointDate = new Date(point.timestamp); const pointValue = parseValue(point.value); const daySlot = Math.floor((pointDate - startDate) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); const timeSlot = Math.floor(pointDate.getHours() / (24 / timeSlots)) if (slots[daySlot][timeSlot] === null) { slots[daySlot][timeSlot] = 0; } if (accumulate) { slots[daySlot][timeSlot] += pointValue; } else { slots[daySlot][timeSlot] = Math.max(pointValue, slots[daySlot][timeSlot]); } }); // Deal with slots without data let prevVal = 0; slots.forEach((dayData, dayIdx) => { let prevValIdx = 0; dayData.forEach((val, idx) => { if (val !== null) { prevVal = val; prevValIdx = idx; return; } if (interpolate) { const flattened = flattenData(slots, dayIdx, idx); for (let nextSlot = 0; nextSlot < flattened.length; nextSlot++) { if (flattened[nextSlot] === null) { continue; } let nextVal = flattened[nextSlot]; if (nextVal === prevVal) { dayData[idx] = prevVal; return; } let difference = 0; if (nextVal > prevVal) { difference = nextVal - prevVal; } else { difference = prevVal - nextVal; } let distance = nextSlot; let totalDistance = nextSlot + idx - prevValIdx; if (totalDistance < 1) { totalDistance = 1; } dayData[idx] = Math.max((difference / totalDistance * distance) + nextVal, 0); return; } dayData[idx] = 0; return; } if (usePreviousValue) { dayData[idx] = prevVal; return; } dayData[idx] = 0; }); }); console.log(slots); return slots; } let layout = { yaxis: { autorange: 'reversed', tickfont: { family: 'Source Code Pro', }, }, xaxis: { type: 'category', tickfont: { family: 'Source Code Pro', }, }, font: { family: ['Source Code Pro', 'sans-serif'], size: 16, color: '#fff', outlineColor: 'transparent', }, paper_bgcolor: 'transparent', }; let options = { staticPlot: true, }; let data = [ { x: getTimeLabels(), y: getDayLabels(), z: prepareSlots(), type: 'heatmap', //colorscale: 'Bluered', colorscale: [ ['0.0', 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'], ['0.9', 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'], ['1.0', 'rgb(128, 0, 0)'], ], showlegend: false, showscale: false, } ]; Plotly.newPlot('chart', data, layout, options); fetch(source) .then((data) => data.json()) .then((data) => mapData(data, accumulatePoints)) .then((values) => { data[0].z = values; Plotly.redraw('chart'); });