/*- * Copyright (C) 2010, Romain Tartiere, Romuald Conty. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see * * $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MIN(a,b) ((a < b) ? a: b) MifareClassicKey default_keys[] = { { 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff }, { 0xd3,0xf7,0xd3,0xf7,0xd3,0xf7 }, { 0xa0,0xa1,0xa2,0xa3,0xa4,0xa5 }, { 0xb0,0xb1,0xb2,0xb3,0xb4,0xb5 }, { 0x4d,0x3a,0x99,0xc3,0x51,0xdd }, { 0x1a,0x98,0x2c,0x7e,0x45,0x9a }, { 0xaa,0xbb,0xcc,0xdd,0xee,0xff }, { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 } }; struct mifare_classic_key_and_type { MifareClassicKey key; MifareClassicKeyType type; }; const MifareClassicKey mad_key_a = { 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5 }; const MifareClassicKey default_keyb = { 0xd3, 0xf7, 0xd3, 0xf7, 0xd3, 0xf7 }; const uint8_t ndef_msg[33] = { 0xd1, 0x02, 0x1c, 0x53, 0x70, 0x91, 0x01, 0x09, 0x54, 0x02, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x4c, 0x69, 0x62, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x63, 0x51, 0x01, 0x0b, 0x55, 0x03, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x62, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x67 }; int search_sector_key (MifareTag tag, MifareClassicSectorNumber sector, MifareClassicKey *key, MifareClassicKeyType *key_type) { MifareClassicBlockNumber block = mifare_classic_sector_last_block (sector); /* * FIXME: We should not assume that if we have full access to trailer block * we also have a full access to data blocks. */ mifare_classic_disconnect (tag); for (size_t i = 0; i < (sizeof (default_keys) / sizeof (MifareClassicKey)); i++) { if ((0 == mifare_classic_connect (tag)) && (0 == mifare_classic_authenticate (tag, block, default_keys[i], MFC_KEY_A))) { if ((1 == mifare_classic_get_trailer_block_permission (tag, block, MCAB_WRITE_KEYA, MFC_KEY_A)) && (1 == mifare_classic_get_trailer_block_permission (tag, block, MCAB_WRITE_ACCESS_BITS, MFC_KEY_A)) && (1 == mifare_classic_get_trailer_block_permission (tag, block, MCAB_WRITE_KEYB, MFC_KEY_A))) { memcpy (key, &default_keys[i], sizeof (MifareClassicKey)); *key_type = MFC_KEY_A; return 1; } } mifare_classic_disconnect (tag); if ((0 == mifare_classic_connect (tag)) && (0 == mifare_classic_authenticate (tag, block, default_keys[i], MFC_KEY_B))) { if ((1 == mifare_classic_get_trailer_block_permission (tag, block, MCAB_WRITE_KEYA, MFC_KEY_B)) && (1 == mifare_classic_get_trailer_block_permission (tag, block, MCAB_WRITE_ACCESS_BITS, MFC_KEY_B)) && (1 == mifare_classic_get_trailer_block_permission (tag, block, MCAB_WRITE_KEYB, MFC_KEY_B))) { memcpy (key, &default_keys[i], sizeof (MifareClassicKey)); *key_type = MFC_KEY_B; return 1; } } mifare_classic_disconnect (tag); } warnx ("No known authentication key for sector 0x%02x\n", sector); return 0; } int fix_mad_trailer_block (MifareTag tag, MifareClassicSectorNumber sector, MifareClassicKey key, MifareClassicKeyType key_type) { MifareClassicBlock block; mifare_classic_trailer_block (&block, mad_key_a, 0x0, 0x1, 0x1, 0x6, 0x00, default_keyb); if (mifare_classic_authenticate (tag, mifare_classic_sector_last_block (sector), key, key_type) < 0) { perror ("fix_mad_trailer_block mifare_classic_authenticate"); return -1; } if (mifare_classic_write (tag, mifare_classic_sector_last_block (sector), block) < 0) { perror ("mifare_classic_write"); return -1; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int error = 0; nfc_device_t *device = NULL; MifareTag *tags = NULL; Mad mad; (void)argc; (void)argv; struct mifare_classic_key_and_type *card_write_keys; if (!(card_write_keys = malloc (40 * sizeof (*card_write_keys)))) { err (EXIT_FAILURE, "malloc"); } nfc_device_desc_t devices[8]; size_t device_count; nfc_list_devices (devices, 8, &device_count); if (!device_count) errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "No NFC device found."); for (size_t d = 0; d < device_count; d++) { device = nfc_connect (&(devices[d])); if (!device) { warnx ("nfc_connect() failed."); error = EXIT_FAILURE; continue; } tags = freefare_get_tags (device); if (!tags) { nfc_disconnect (device); errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "Error listing MIFARE classic tag."); } for (int i = 0; (!error) && tags[i]; i++) { switch (freefare_get_tag_type (tags[i])) { case CLASSIC_1K: case CLASSIC_4K: break; default: continue; } char *tag_uid = freefare_get_tag_uid (tags[i]); char buffer[BUFSIZ]; printf ("Found %s with UID %s. Write NDEF [yN] ", freefare_get_tag_friendly_name (tags[i]), tag_uid); fgets (buffer, BUFSIZ, stdin); bool write_ndef = ((buffer[0] == 'y') || (buffer[0] == 'Y')); if (write_ndef) { switch (freefare_get_tag_type (tags[i])) { case CLASSIC_4K: if (!search_sector_key (tags[i], 0x10, &(card_write_keys[0x10].key), &(card_write_keys[0x10].type))) { error = 1; goto error; } /* fallthrough */ case CLASSIC_1K: if (!search_sector_key (tags[i], 0x00, &(card_write_keys[0x00].key), &(card_write_keys[0x00].type))) { error = 1; goto error; } break; default: /* Keep compiler quiet */ break; } if (!error) { /* Ensure the auth key is always a B one. If not, change it! */ switch (freefare_get_tag_type (tags[i])) { case CLASSIC_4K: if (card_write_keys[0x10].type != MFC_KEY_B) { if( 0 != fix_mad_trailer_block( tags[i], 0x10, card_write_keys[0x10].key, card_write_keys[0x10].type)) { error = 1; goto error; } memcpy (&(card_write_keys[0x10].key), &default_keyb, sizeof (MifareClassicKey)); card_write_keys[0x10].type = MFC_KEY_B; } /* fallthrough */ case CLASSIC_1K: if (card_write_keys[0x00].type != MFC_KEY_B) { if( 0 != fix_mad_trailer_block( tags[i], 0x00, card_write_keys[0x00].key, card_write_keys[0x00].type)) { error = 1; goto error; } memcpy (&(card_write_keys[0x00].key), &default_keyb, sizeof (MifareClassicKey)); card_write_keys[0x00].type = MFC_KEY_B; } break; default: /* Keep compiler quiet */ break; } } size_t encoded_size; uint8_t *tlv_data = tlv_encode (3, ndef_msg, sizeof (ndef_msg), &encoded_size); /* * At his point, we should have collected all information needed to * succeed. However, some sectors may be unaccessible if the card * is not blank, so mark them as used in the MAD. */ /* * TODO Load and keep any existing MAD on the target. In this * case, only can free sectors for keys. */ if (!(mad = mad_new ((freefare_get_tag_type (tags[i]) == CLASSIC_4K) ? 2 : 1))) { perror ("mad_new"); error = 1; goto error; } MadAid reserved = { .application_code = 0xff, .function_cluster_code = 0xff }; MifareClassicSectorNumber max_s; switch (freefare_get_tag_type (tags[i])) { case CLASSIC_1K: max_s = 16; break; case CLASSIC_4K: max_s = 40; break; default: /* Keep compiler quiet */ break; } for (size_t s = max_s; s; s--) { if (s == 0x10) continue; if (!search_sector_key (tags[i], s, &(card_write_keys[s].key), &(card_write_keys[s].type))) { mad_set_aid (mad, s, reserved); } } MadAid aid = { .function_cluster_code = 0xe1, .application_code = 0x03 }; MifareClassicSectorNumber *sectors = mifare_application_alloc (mad, aid, encoded_size); if (!sectors) { perror ("mifare_application_alloc"); error = EXIT_FAILURE; goto error; } if (mad_write (tags[i], mad, card_write_keys[0x00].key, card_write_keys[0x10].key) < 0) { perror ("mad_write"); error = EXIT_FAILURE; goto error; } if ((ssize_t) encoded_size != mad_application_write (tags[i], mad, aid, tlv_data, encoded_size, card_write_keys[sectors[0]].key, card_write_keys[sectors[0]].type)) { perror ("mad_application_write"); error = EXIT_FAILURE; goto error; } int s = 0; while (sectors[s]) { MifareClassicBlockNumber block = mifare_classic_sector_last_block (sectors[s]); MifareClassicBlock block_data; mifare_classic_trailer_block (&block_data, default_keyb, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6, 0x40, default_keyb); if (mifare_classic_authenticate (tags[i], block, card_write_keys[sectors[s]].key, card_write_keys[sectors[s]].type) < 0) { perror ("mifare_classic_authenticate"); error = EXIT_FAILURE; goto error; } if (mifare_classic_write (tags[i], block, block_data) < 0) { perror ("mifare_classic_write"); error = EXIT_FAILURE; goto error; } s++; } free (sectors); free (tlv_data); free (mad); } error: free (tag_uid); } freefare_free_tags (tags); nfc_disconnect (device); } free (card_write_keys); exit (error); }