414 lines
19 KiB
414 lines
19 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Romain Tartiere, Romuald Conty.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#ifndef __FREEFARE_H__
#define __FREEFARE_H__
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <nfc/nfc.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
enum freefare_tag_type {
struct freefare_tag;
typedef struct freefare_tag *FreefareTag;
/* Replace any MifareTag by the generic FreefareTag. */
typedef struct freefare_tag *MifareTag __attribute__ ((deprecated));
struct mifare_desfire_key;
typedef struct mifare_desfire_key *MifareDESFireKey;
typedef uint8_t MifareUltralightPageNumber;
typedef unsigned char MifareUltralightPage[4];
FreefareTag *freefare_get_tags (nfc_device *device);
FreefareTag freefare_tag_new (nfc_device *device, nfc_target target);
enum freefare_tag_type freefare_get_tag_type (FreefareTag tag);
const char *freefare_get_tag_friendly_name (FreefareTag tag);
char *freefare_get_tag_uid (FreefareTag tag);
void freefare_free_tag (FreefareTag tag);
void freefare_free_tags (FreefareTag *tags);
bool freefare_selected_tag_is_present(nfc_device *device);
const char *freefare_strerror (FreefareTag tag);
int freefare_strerror_r (FreefareTag tag, char *buffer, size_t len);
void freefare_perror (FreefareTag tag, const char *string);
int mifare_ultralight_connect (FreefareTag tag);
int mifare_ultralight_disconnect (FreefareTag tag);
int mifare_ultralight_read (FreefareTag tag, const MifareUltralightPageNumber page, MifareUltralightPage *data);
int mifare_ultralight_write (FreefareTag tag, const MifareUltralightPageNumber page, const MifareUltralightPage data);
int mifare_ultralightc_authenticate (FreefareTag tag, const MifareDESFireKey key);
bool is_mifare_ultralightc_on_reader (nfc_device *device, nfc_iso14443a_info nai);
typedef unsigned char MifareClassicBlock[16];
typedef uint8_t MifareClassicSectorNumber;
typedef unsigned char MifareClassicBlockNumber;
typedef enum { MFC_KEY_A, MFC_KEY_B } MifareClassicKeyType;
typedef unsigned char MifareClassicKey[6];
/* NFC Forum public key */
extern const MifareClassicKey mifare_classic_nfcforum_public_key_a;
int mifare_classic_connect (FreefareTag tag);
int mifare_classic_disconnect (FreefareTag tag);
int mifare_classic_authenticate (FreefareTag tag, const MifareClassicBlockNumber block, const MifareClassicKey key, const MifareClassicKeyType key_type);
int mifare_classic_read (FreefareTag tag, const MifareClassicBlockNumber block, MifareClassicBlock *data);
int mifare_classic_init_value (FreefareTag tag, const MifareClassicBlockNumber block, const int32_t value, const MifareClassicBlockNumber adr);
int mifare_classic_read_value (FreefareTag tag, const MifareClassicBlockNumber block, int32_t *value, MifareClassicBlockNumber *adr);
int mifare_classic_write (FreefareTag tag, const MifareClassicBlockNumber block, const MifareClassicBlock data);
int mifare_classic_increment (FreefareTag tag, const MifareClassicBlockNumber block, const uint32_t amount);
int mifare_classic_decrement (FreefareTag tag, const MifareClassicBlockNumber block, const uint32_t amount);
int mifare_classic_restore (FreefareTag tag, const MifareClassicBlockNumber block);
int mifare_classic_transfer (FreefareTag tag, const MifareClassicBlockNumber block);
int mifare_classic_get_trailer_block_permission (FreefareTag tag, const MifareClassicBlockNumber block, const uint16_t permission, const MifareClassicKeyType key_type);
int mifare_classic_get_data_block_permission (FreefareTag tag, const MifareClassicBlockNumber block, const unsigned char permission, const MifareClassicKeyType key_type);
int mifare_classic_format_sector (FreefareTag tag, const MifareClassicSectorNumber sector);
void mifare_classic_trailer_block (MifareClassicBlock *block, const MifareClassicKey key_a, uint8_t ab_0, uint8_t ab_1, uint8_t ab_2, uint8_t ab_tb, const uint8_t gpb, const MifareClassicKey key_b);
MifareClassicSectorNumber mifare_classic_block_sector (MifareClassicBlockNumber block);
MifareClassicBlockNumber mifare_classic_sector_first_block (MifareClassicSectorNumber sector);
size_t mifare_classic_sector_block_count (MifareClassicSectorNumber sector);
MifareClassicBlockNumber mifare_classic_sector_last_block (MifareClassicSectorNumber sector);
#define C_000 0
#define C_001 1
#define C_010 2
#define C_011 3
#define C_100 4
#define C_101 5
#define C_110 6
#define C_111 7
#define C_DEFAULT 255
/* MIFARE Classic Access Bits */
#define MCAB_R 0x8
#define MCAB_W 0x4
#define MCAB_D 0x2
#define MCAB_I 0x1
#define MCAB_READ_KEYA 0x400
#define MCAB_WRITE_KEYA 0x100
#define MCAB_READ_KEYB 0x004
#define MCAB_WRITE_KEYB 0x001
struct mad_aid {
uint8_t application_code;
uint8_t function_cluster_code;
typedef struct mad_aid MadAid;
struct mad;
typedef struct mad *Mad;
/* MAD Public read key A */
extern const MifareClassicKey mad_public_key_a;
/* AID - Adminisration codes */
extern const MadAid mad_free_aid;
extern const MadAid mad_defect_aid;
extern const MadAid mad_reserved_aid;
extern const MadAid mad_card_holder_aid;
extern const MadAid mad_not_applicable_aid;
/* NFC Forum AID */
extern const MadAid mad_nfcforum_aid;
Mad mad_new (const uint8_t version);
Mad mad_read (FreefareTag tag);
int mad_write (FreefareTag tag, Mad mad, const MifareClassicKey key_b_sector_00, const MifareClassicKey key_b_sector_10);
int mad_get_version (Mad mad);
void mad_set_version (Mad mad, const uint8_t version);
MifareClassicSectorNumber mad_get_card_publisher_sector (Mad mad);
int mad_set_card_publisher_sector (Mad mad, const MifareClassicSectorNumber cps);
int mad_get_aid (Mad mad, const MifareClassicSectorNumber sector, MadAid *aid);
int mad_set_aid (Mad mad, const MifareClassicSectorNumber sector, MadAid aid);
bool mad_sector_reserved (const MifareClassicSectorNumber sector);
void mad_free (Mad mad);
MifareClassicSectorNumber *mifare_application_alloc (Mad mad, const MadAid aid, const size_t size);
ssize_t mifare_application_read (FreefareTag tag, Mad mad, const MadAid aid, void *buf, size_t nbytes, const MifareClassicKey key, const MifareClassicKeyType key_type);
ssize_t mifare_application_write (FreefareTag tag, Mad mad, const MadAid aid, const void *buf, size_t nbytes, const MifareClassicKey key, const MifareClassicKeyType key_type);
int mifare_application_free (Mad mad, const MadAid aid);
MifareClassicSectorNumber *mifare_application_find (Mad mad, const MadAid aid);
/* File types */
enum mifare_desfire_file_types {
/* Communication mode */
#define MDCM_PLAIN 0x00
#define MDCM_MACED 0x01
#define MDCM_ENCIPHERED 0x03
/* Mifare DESFire EV1 Application crypto operations */
/* Access right */
#define MDAR(read,write,read_write,change_access_rights) ( \
(read << 12) | \
(write << 8) | \
(read_write << 4) | \
(change_access_rights) \
#define MDAR_READ(ar) (((ar) >> 12) & 0x0f)
#define MDAR_WRITE(ar) (((ar) >> 8) & 0x0f)
#define MDAR_READ_WRITE(ar) (((ar) >> 4) & 0x0f)
#define MDAR_CHANGE_AR(ar) ((ar) & 0x0f)
#define MDAR_KEY0 0x0
#define MDAR_KEY1 0x1
#define MDAR_KEY2 0x2
#define MDAR_KEY3 0x3
#define MDAR_KEY4 0x4
#define MDAR_KEY5 0x5
#define MDAR_KEY6 0x6
#define MDAR_KEY7 0x7
#define MDAR_KEY8 0x8
#define MDAR_KEY9 0x9
#define MDAR_KEY10 0xa
#define MDAR_KEY11 0xb
#define MDAR_KEY12 0xc
#define MDAR_KEY13 0xd
#define MDAR_FREE 0xE
#define MDAR_DENY 0xF
/* Status and error codes */
#define OPERATION_OK 0x00
#define NO_CHANGES 0x0C
#define NO_SUCH_KEY 0x40
#define LENGTH_ERROR 0x7E
#define COUNT_ERROR 0xCE
#define FILE_NOT_FOUND 0xF0
/* Error code managed by the library */
#define CRYPTO_ERROR 0x01
struct mifare_desfire_aid;
typedef struct mifare_desfire_aid *MifareDESFireAID;
struct mifare_desfire_df {
uint32_t aid;
uint16_t fid;
uint8_t df_name[16];
size_t df_name_len;
typedef struct mifare_desfire_df MifareDESFireDF;
MifareDESFireAID mifare_desfire_aid_new (uint32_t aid);
MifareDESFireAID mifare_desfire_aid_new_with_mad_aid (MadAid mad_aid, uint8_t n);
uint32_t mifare_desfire_aid_get_aid (MifareDESFireAID aid);
uint8_t mifare_desfire_last_pcd_error (FreefareTag tag);
uint8_t mifare_desfire_last_picc_error (FreefareTag tag);
#pragma pack (push)
#pragma pack (1)
struct mifare_desfire_version_info {
struct {
uint8_t vendor_id;
uint8_t type;
uint8_t subtype;
uint8_t version_major;
uint8_t version_minor;
uint8_t storage_size;
uint8_t protocol;
} hardware;
struct {
uint8_t vendor_id;
uint8_t type;
uint8_t subtype;
uint8_t version_major;
uint8_t version_minor;
uint8_t storage_size;
uint8_t protocol;
} software;
uint8_t uid[7];
uint8_t batch_number[5];
uint8_t production_week;
uint8_t production_year;
#pragma pack (pop)
struct mifare_desfire_file_settings {
uint8_t file_type;
uint8_t communication_settings;
uint16_t access_rights;
union {
struct {
uint32_t file_size;
} standard_file;
struct {
int32_t lower_limit;
int32_t upper_limit;
int32_t limited_credit_value;
uint8_t limited_credit_enabled;
} value_file;
struct {
uint32_t record_size;
uint32_t max_number_of_records;
uint32_t current_number_of_records;
} linear_record_file;
} settings;
int mifare_desfire_connect (FreefareTag tag);
int mifare_desfire_disconnect (FreefareTag tag);
int mifare_desfire_authenticate (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t key_no, MifareDESFireKey key);
int mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t key_no, MifareDESFireKey key);
int mifare_desfire_authenticate_aes (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t key_no, MifareDESFireKey key);
int mifare_desfire_change_key_settings (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t settings);
int mifare_desfire_get_key_settings (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t *settings, uint8_t *max_keys);
int mifare_desfire_change_key (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t key_no, MifareDESFireKey new_key, MifareDESFireKey old_key);
int mifare_desfire_get_key_version (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t key_no, uint8_t *version);
int mifare_desfire_create_application (FreefareTag tag, MifareDESFireAID aid, uint8_t settings, uint8_t key_no);
int mifare_desfire_create_application_3k3des (FreefareTag tag, MifareDESFireAID aid, uint8_t settings, uint8_t key_no);
int mifare_desfire_create_application_aes (FreefareTag tag, MifareDESFireAID aid, uint8_t settings, uint8_t key_no);
int mifare_desfire_create_application_iso (FreefareTag tag, MifareDESFireAID aid, uint8_t settings, uint8_t key_no, int want_iso_file_identifiers, uint16_t iso_file_id, uint8_t *iso_file_name, size_t iso_file_name_len);
int mifare_desfire_create_application_3k3des_iso (FreefareTag tag, MifareDESFireAID aid, uint8_t settings, uint8_t key_no, int want_iso_file_identifiers, uint16_t iso_file_id, uint8_t *iso_file_name, size_t iso_file_name_len);
int mifare_desfire_create_application_aes_iso (FreefareTag tag, MifareDESFireAID aid, uint8_t settings, uint8_t key_no, int want_iso_file_identifiers, uint16_t iso_file_id, uint8_t *iso_file_name, size_t iso_file_name_len);
int mifare_desfire_delete_application (FreefareTag tag, MifareDESFireAID aid);
int mifare_desfire_get_application_ids (FreefareTag tag, MifareDESFireAID *aids[], size_t *count);
int mifare_desfire_get_df_names (FreefareTag tag, MifareDESFireDF *dfs[], size_t *count);
void mifare_desfire_free_application_ids (MifareDESFireAID aids[]);
int mifare_desfire_select_application (FreefareTag tag, MifareDESFireAID aid);
int mifare_desfire_format_picc (FreefareTag tag);
int mifare_desfire_get_version (FreefareTag tag, struct mifare_desfire_version_info *version_info);
int mifare_desfire_free_mem (FreefareTag tag, uint32_t *size);
int mifare_desfire_set_configuration (FreefareTag tag, bool disable_format, bool enable_random_uid);
int mifare_desfire_set_default_key (FreefareTag tag, MifareDESFireKey key);
int mifare_desfire_set_ats (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t *ats);
int mifare_desfire_get_card_uid (FreefareTag tag, char **uid);
int mifare_desfire_get_file_ids (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t **files, size_t *count);
int mifare_desfire_get_iso_file_ids (FreefareTag tag, uint16_t **files, size_t *count);
int mifare_desfire_get_file_settings (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, struct mifare_desfire_file_settings *settings);
int mifare_desfire_change_file_settings (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, uint8_t communication_settings, uint16_t access_rights);
int mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, uint8_t communication_settings, uint16_t access_rights, uint32_t file_size);
int mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file_iso (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, uint8_t communication_settings, uint16_t access_rights, uint32_t file_size, uint16_t iso_file_id);
int mifare_desfire_create_backup_data_file (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, uint8_t communication_settings, uint16_t access_rights, uint32_t file_size);
int mifare_desfire_create_backup_data_file_iso (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, uint8_t communication_settings, uint16_t access_rights, uint32_t file_size, uint16_t iso_file_id);
int mifare_desfire_create_value_file (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, uint8_t communication_settings, uint16_t access_rights, int32_t lower_limit, int32_t upper_limit, int32_t value, uint8_t limited_credit_enable);
int mifare_desfire_create_linear_record_file (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, uint8_t communication_settings, uint16_t access_rights, uint32_t record_size, uint32_t max_number_of_records);
int mifare_desfire_create_linear_record_file_iso (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, uint8_t communication_settings, uint16_t access_rights, uint32_t record_size, uint32_t max_number_of_records, uint16_t iso_file_id);
int mifare_desfire_create_cyclic_record_file (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, uint8_t communication_settings, uint16_t access_rights, uint32_t record_size, uint32_t max_number_of_records);
int mifare_desfire_create_cyclic_record_file_iso (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, uint8_t communication_settings, uint16_t access_rights, uint32_t record_size, uint32_t max_number_of_records, uint16_t iso_file_id);
int mifare_desfire_delete_file (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no);
ssize_t mifare_desfire_read_data (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, off_t offset, size_t length, void *data);
ssize_t mifare_desfire_read_data_ex (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, off_t offset, size_t length, void *data, int cs);
ssize_t mifare_desfire_write_data (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, off_t offset, size_t length, const void *data);
ssize_t mifare_desfire_write_data_ex (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, off_t offset, size_t length, const void *data, int cs);
int mifare_desfire_get_value (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, int32_t *value);
int mifare_desfire_get_value_ex (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, int32_t *value, int cs);
int mifare_desfire_credit (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, int32_t amount);
int mifare_desfire_credit_ex (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, int32_t amount, int cs);
int mifare_desfire_debit (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, int32_t amount);
int mifare_desfire_debit_ex (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, int32_t amount, int cs);
int mifare_desfire_limited_credit (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, int32_t amount);
int mifare_desfire_limited_credit_ex (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, int32_t amount, int cs);
ssize_t mifare_desfire_write_record (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, off_t offset, size_t length, void *data);
ssize_t mifare_desfire_write_record_ex (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, off_t offset, size_t length, void *data, int cs);
ssize_t mifare_desfire_read_records (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, off_t offset, size_t length, void *data);
ssize_t mifare_desfire_read_records_ex (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no, off_t offset, size_t length, void *data, int cs);
int mifare_desfire_clear_record_file (FreefareTag tag, uint8_t file_no);
int mifare_desfire_commit_transaction (FreefareTag tag);
int mifare_desfire_abort_transaction (FreefareTag tag);
MifareDESFireKey mifare_desfire_des_key_new (const uint8_t value[8]);
MifareDESFireKey mifare_desfire_3des_key_new (const uint8_t value[16]);
MifareDESFireKey mifare_desfire_des_key_new_with_version (const uint8_t value[8]);
MifareDESFireKey mifare_desfire_3des_key_new_with_version (const uint8_t value[16]);
MifareDESFireKey mifare_desfire_3k3des_key_new (const uint8_t value[24]);
MifareDESFireKey mifare_desfire_3k3des_key_new_with_version (const uint8_t value[24]);
MifareDESFireKey mifare_desfire_aes_key_new (const uint8_t value[16]);
MifareDESFireKey mifare_desfire_aes_key_new_with_version (const uint8_t value[16], uint8_t version);
uint8_t mifare_desfire_key_get_version (MifareDESFireKey key);
void mifare_desfire_key_set_version (MifareDESFireKey key, uint8_t version);
void mifare_desfire_key_free (MifareDESFireKey key);
uint8_t *tlv_encode (const uint8_t type, const uint8_t *istream, uint16_t isize, size_t *osize);
uint8_t *tlv_decode (const uint8_t *istream, uint8_t *type, uint16_t *size);
size_t tlv_record_length (const uint8_t *istream, size_t *field_length_size, size_t *field_value_size);
uint8_t *tlv_append (uint8_t *a, uint8_t *b);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus
#endif /* !__FREEFARE_H__ */