2010-12-26 15:46:07 +00:00

583 lines
17 KiB

.\" Copyright (C) 2010 Romain Tartiere
.\" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
.\" under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
.\" Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
.\" option) any later version.
.\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
.\" ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
.\" FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
.\" more details.
.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
.\" along with this program. If not, see <>
.\" $Id$
.Dd July 11, 2010
.\" _ _
.\" | \ | | __ _ _ __ ___ ___
.\" | \| |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \
.\" | |\ | (_| | | | | | | __/
.\" |_| \_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|
.Nm mifare_desfire_connect ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_disconnect .
.Nm mifare_desfire_authenticate ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_authenticate_aes ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_change_key_settings ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_get_key_settings ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_change_key ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_get_key_version ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_create_application ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_delete_application ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_get_application_ids ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_free_application_ids ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_select_application ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_format_picc ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_get_version ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_free_mem ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_set_configuration ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_set_default_key ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_set_ats ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_get_card_uid ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_get_file_ids ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_get_file_settings ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_change_file_settings ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_create_backup_data_file ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_create_value_file ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_create_linear_record_file ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_create_cyclic_record_file ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_delete_file ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_read_data ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_read_data_ex ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_write_data ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_write_data_ex ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_get_value ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_get_value_ex ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_credit ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_credit_ex ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_debit ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_debit_ex ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_limited_credit ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_limited_credit_ex ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_write_record ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_write_record_ex ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_read_records ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_read_records_ex ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_clear_record_file ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_commit_transaction ,
.Nm mifare_desfire_abort_transaction ,
.Nd Mifare DESFire Manipulation Functions
.\" _ _ _
.\" | | (_) |__ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _
.\" | | | | '_ \| '__/ _` | '__| | | |
.\" | |___| | |_) | | | (_| | | | |_| |
.\" |_____|_|_.__/|_| \__,_|_| \__, |
.\" |___/
Mifare card manipulation library (libfreefare, \-lfreefare)
.\" ____ _
.\" / ___| _ _ _ __ ___ _ __ ___(_)___
.\" \___ \| | | | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \/ __| / __|
.\" ___) | |_| | | | | (_) | |_) \__ \ \__ \
.\" |____/ \__, |_| |_|\___/| .__/|___/_|___/
.\" |___/ |_|
.In freefare.h
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_connect "MifareTag tag"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_disconnect "MifareTag tag"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_authenticate "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t key_no" "MifareDESFireKey key"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_authenticate_aes "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t key_no" "MifareDESFireKey key"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t key_no" "MifareDESFireKey key"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_change_key_settings "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t settings"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_key_settings "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t *settings" "uint8_t *max_keys"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_change_key "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t key_no" "MifareDESFireKey new_key" "MifareDESFireKey old_key"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_key_version "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t key_no" "uint8_t *version"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_create_application "MifareTag tag" "MifareDESFireAID aid" "uint8_t settings" "uint8_t key_no"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_delete_application "MifareTag tag" "MifareDESFireAID aid"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_application_ids "MifareTag tag" "MifareDESFireAID *aids[]" "size_t *count"
.Ft void
.Fn mifare_desfire_free_application_ids "MifareDESFireAID aids[]"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_select_application "MifareTag tag" "MifareDESFireAID aid"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_format_picc "MifareTag tag"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_version "MifareTag tag" "struct mifare_desfire_version_info *version_info"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_free_mem "MifareTag tag" "uint32_t *size"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_set_configuration "MifareTag tag" "bool disable_format" "bool enable_random_uid"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_set_default_key "MifareTag tag" "MifareDESFireKey key"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_set_ats "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t *ats"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_card_uid "MifareTag tag" "char **uid"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_file_ids "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t *files[]" "size_t *count"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_file_settings "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "struct mifare_desfire_file_settings *settings"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_change_file_settings "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "uint8_t communication_settings" "uint16_t access_rights"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "uint8_t communication_settings" "uint16_t access_rights" "uint32_t file_size"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_create_backup_data_file "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "uint8_t communication_settings" "uint16_t access_rights" "uint32_t file_size"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_create_value_file "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "uint8_t communication_settings" "uint16_t access_rights" "int32_t lower_limit" "int32_t upper_limit" "int32_t value" "uint8_t limited_credit_enable"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_create_linear_record_file "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "uint8_t communication_settings" "uint16_t access_rights" "uint32_t record_size" "uint32_t max_number_of_records"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_create_cyclic_record_file "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "uint8_t communication_settings" "uint16_t access_rights" "uint32_t record_size" "uint32_t max_number_of_records"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_delete_file "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no"
.Ft ssize_t
.Fn mifare_desfire_read_data "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "off_t offset" "size_t length" "void *data"
.Ft ssize_t
.Fn mifare_desfire_read_data_ex "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "off_t offset" "size_t length" "void *data" "int cs"
.Ft ssize_t
.Fn mifare_desfire_write_data "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "off_t offset" "size_t length" "void *data"
.Ft ssize_t
.Fn mifare_desfire_write_data_ex "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "off_t offset" "size_t length" "void *data" "int cs"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_value "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "int32_t *value"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_value_ex "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "int32_t *value" "int cs"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_credit "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "int32_t amount"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_credit_ex "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "int32_t amount" "int cs"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_debit "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "int32_t amount"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_debit_ex "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "int32_t amount" "int cs"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_limited_credit "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "int32_t amount"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_limited_credit_ex "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "int32_t amount" "int cs"
.Ft ssize_t
.Fn mifare_desfire_write_record "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "off_t offset" "size_t length" "void *data"
.Ft ssize_t
.Fn mifare_desfire_write_record_ex "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "off_t offset" "size_t length" "void *data" "int cs"
.Ft ssize_t
.Fn mifare_desfire_read_records "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no" "off_t offset" "size_t length" "void *data"
.Ft ssize_t
.Fn mifare_desfire_read_records_ex "MifareTag tag" "uint7_t file_no" "off_t offset" "size_t length" "void *data" "int cs"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_clear_record_file "MifareTag tag" "uint8_t file_no"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_commit_transaction "MifareTag tag"
.Ft int
.Fn mifare_desfire_abort_transaction "MifareTag tag"
.\" ____ _ _ _
.\" | _ \ ___ ___ ___ _ __(_)_ __ | |_(_) ___ _ __
.\" | | | |/ _ \/ __|/ __| '__| | '_ \| __| |/ _ \| '_ \
.\" | |_| | __/\__ \ (__| | | | |_) | |_| | (_) | | | |
.\" |____/ \___||___/\___|_| |_| .__/ \__|_|\___/|_| |_|
.\" |_|
.Fn mifare_desfire_*
functions allows management of Mifare DESFire tags.
.Ss Card-level operations
.Fn mifare_desfire_connect
.Fn mifare_desfire_disconnect
functions activates and deactivates the provided
.Vt tag .
.Fn mifare_desfire_*
functions that operates on a
.Vt tag
require it to be on activated.
After activation, the selected application is the master application. It is
possible to select another application using the
.Fn mifare_desfire_select_application
function (see bellow).
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_version
function retrieve various information about the provided
.Vt tag ,
including UID, batch number, production date, and hardware and software
information. Refer to the freefare.h header file for details about the
.Vt version_info
.Fn mifare_desfire_free_mem
functions returns the
.Vt size
of the free memory on the PICC (in bytes).
.Fn mifare_desfire_set_configuration
function can be used to desactivate the format function when setting
.Vt disable_format
to a value different from 0, or swicth the card to use random UDI setting
.Vt enable_random_uid
to a non-zero value.
.Vt mifare_desfire_set_default_key
function sets the
.Vt key
argument as the default key for new applications.
.Nm mifare_desfire_set_ats
function replace the ATS bytes returned by PICC when it is selected.
.Nm mifare_desfire_get_card_uid
function can be used with a PICC configured for using random UID to retrieve
the original UID of the target.
.Fn mifare_desfire_format_picc
function resets
.Vt tag
to factory defaults. For this function to work, a previous authentication with
the card master key is required.
.Ss Application-level operations
.Fn mifare_desfire_select_application
function makes the application identified by
.Vt aid
the active one. Further file operations will be performed in the context of
this application. After a call to
.Vt mifare_desfire_connect ,
the default application is the card master application. It can be selected
again calling the
.Fn mifare_desfire_select_application
function either with an
.Vt aid
with all its fields set to 0, or by providing the NULL
.Vt aid .
.Fn mifare_desfire_authenticate
function performs an authentication using the key number
.Vt key_no
on the card and the
.Vt key
(3)DES key on
.Vt tag .
.Fn mifare_desfire_authenticate_aes
function performs an authentication using an AES
.Vt key .
.Fn mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso
function performs an ISO authentication using either a 3DES or a 3K3DES
.Vt key .
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_key_settings
function, returns the
.Vt settings
and the number of keys
.Vt max_keys
of the selected application.
.Fn mifare_desfire_change_key_settings
function changes the selected application settings to
.Vt settings .
The application number of keys cannot be changed after the application has been
.Fn mifare_desfire_change_key
changes the key
.Vt key_no
.Vt old_key
.Vt new_key
.Vt tag .
Depending on the application settings, a previous authentication with the same
key or another key may be required.
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_key_version
function retrieves the
.Vt version
of the key with number
.Vt key_no
of the selected application.
.Fn mifare_desfire_create_application
function, creates an application with AID
.Vt aid ,
.Vt settings
key settings and
.Vt key_no
authentication keys. Authentication keys are set to 0 after creation.
.Fn mifare_desfire_delete_application
deletes the application identified by AID
.Vt aid .
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_application_ids
function returns a list of all applications of the card. The
.Vt aids
array has to be freed after usage calling
.Fn mifare_desfire_free_application_ids .
.Ss File-level operations
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_file_ids
function returns the list of
.Vt count
files in the selected application as
.Vt files .
The memory allocated for
.Vt files
has to be reclaimed using
.Xr free 3 .
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_file_settings
function retrieves the
.Vt settings
of the file
.Vt file_no
of the selected application of
.Vt tag .
.Fn mifare_desfire_change_file_settings
function change the
.Vt communication_settings
.Vt access_rights
of the file
.Vt file_no
of the selected application of
.Vt tag .
.Fn mifare_desfire_create_*
family of functions create a new file
.Vt file_no
with the provided
.Vt communication_settings
.Vt access_rights
.Vt tag.
.Bl -tag -width indent
.It Fn mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file
creates a standard data file of size
.Vt file_size .
.It Fn mifare_desfire_create_backup_data_file
creates a backup data file of size
.Vt file_size .
.It Fn mifare_desfire_create_value_file
creates a value file of value
.Vt value
constrained in the range
.Vt lower_limit
.Vt upper_limit ,
and with the
.Vt limited_credit_enable
.It Fn mifare_desfire_create_linear_record_file
creates a linear record file that can hold
.Vt max_number_of_records
records of size
.Vt record_size .
.It Fn mifare_desfire_create_cyclic_record_file
creates a cyclic record file that can hold
.Vt max_number_of_records
records of size
.Vt record_size .
.Fn mifare_desfire_delete_file
removes the file
.Vt file_no
from the selected application of
.Vt tag .
.Ss Data-level operations
.Fn mifare_desfire_read_data
function reads
.Vt length
bytes of data from offset
.Vt offset
of the file
.Vt file_no
and copies it to
.Vt data .
.Vt length
is set to 0, the file is read to end. The function returns the number of bytes
.Fn mifare_desfire_write_data
function writes
.Vt length
bytes of data from offset
.Vt offset
of the file
.Vt file_no
and copies it to
.Vt data .
The function returns the number of bytes written.
.Fn mifare_desfire_get_value
reads the
.Vt value
of the file
.Vt file_no
of the selected application.
.Fn mifare_desfire_credit
function adds
.Vt amount
to the value of the file
.Vt file_no
of the selected application.
.Fn mifare_desfire_debit
function substracts
.Vt amount
to the value of the file
.Vt file_no
of the selected application.
to the value of the file
.Vt file_no
of the selected application.
.Fn mifare_desfire_limited_credit
function adds
.Vt amount
to the value of the file
.Vt file_no
of the selected application.
.Fn mifare_desfire_write_record
function writes
.Vt length
records starting at record
.Vt offset
.Vt data
in the file
.Vt file_no
and returns the number of bytes written.
.Fn mifare_desfire_read_records
function reads
.Vt length
records starting at record
.Vt offset
from the file
.Vt file_no
and copy them to
.Vt data ,
returning the number of bytes read.
.Fn mifare_desfire_clear_record_file
function erase all records from the file
.Vt file_no
of the selected application.
.Fn mifare_desfire_commit_transaction
validates the set of pending changes on the
.Vt tag ,
while the
.Fn mifare_desfire_abort_transaction
rollbacks the changes.
All data-manipulation functions that read data from and write data to files
come with an
.Fn *_ex
variant (e.g.
.Fn mifare_desfire_read_data_ex )
which accepts an extra parameter
.Vt cs
that defines the communication settings to use. If not provided, the library
will try to read-out this value from the file's configuration. Because reading
this information may be denied, the
.Fn *_ex
variant of functions still allows using the library for advanced usage.
.\" ____ _ _
.\" | _ \ ___| |_ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ ____ _| |_ _ ___ ___
.\" | |_) / _ \ __| | | | '__| '_ \ \ \ / / _` | | | | |/ _ \/ __|
.\" | _ < __/ |_| |_| | | | | | | \ V / (_| | | |_| | __/\__ \
.\" |_| \_\___|\__|\__,_|_| |_| |_| \_/ \__,_|_|\__,_|\___||___/
Unless stated otherwise, all other functions return a value greater than or
equal to
.Va 0
on success or
.Va -1
on failure.
.\" ____ _
.\" / ___| ___ ___ __ _| |___ ___
.\" \___ \ / _ \/ _ \ / _` | / __|/ _ \
.\" ___) | __/ __/ | (_| | \__ \ (_) |
.\" |____/ \___|\___| \__,_|_|___/\___/
.Xr freefare 3
.\" _ _ _
.\" / \ _ _| |_| |__ ___ _ __ ___
.\" / _ \| | | | __| '_ \ / _ \| '__/ __|
.\" / ___ \ |_| | |_| | | | (_) | | \__ \
.\" /_/ \_\__,_|\__|_| |_|\___/|_| |___/
.An Romain Tartiere Aq