After trying to tweak gindent so that it does not mess-up my ASCII art, give and read the help of Vim to setup 'cinoptions' according to my needs (cino=t0(0). This changeset reindent some bits that where not indented as they should. A future commit will reindent the switch/case according to my (bad) taste now that I have setup cindent correctly on my system (cino=t0(0:0).
234 lines
10 KiB
234 lines
10 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2010, Romain Tartiere.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
* $Id$
#include <cutter.h>
#include <freefare.h>
#include "mifare_classic_fixture.h"
test_mifare_classic_mad (void)
MifareClassicKey key_a_transport = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
MifareClassicKey key_b_sector_00 = { 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff };
MifareClassicKey key_b_sector_10 = { 0x1a, 0x98, 0x2c, 0x7e, 0x45 ,0x9a };
MifareClassicBlock tb;
Mad mad;
int res;
/* __ __ _ ___ _
* | \/ | /_\ | \__ _/ |
* | |\/| |/ _ \| |) \ V / |
* |_| |_/_/ \_\___/ \_/|_|
mad = mad_new (1);
cut_assert_not_null (mad, cut_message ("mad_new() failed"));
// Prepare sector 0x00 for writing a MAD.
res = mifare_classic_authenticate (tag, 0x00, key_a_transport, MFC_KEY_A);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_authenticate() failed"));
mifare_classic_trailer_block (&tb, key_a_transport, 00, 00, 00, 06, 0x00, key_b_sector_00);
res = mifare_classic_write (tag, 0x03, tb);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_write() failed"));
// Write the empty MAD
res = mad_write (tag, mad, key_b_sector_00, NULL);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mad_write() failed"));
// Check the empty MAD
MifareClassicBlock ref_01 = {
0xce, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
MifareClassicBlock ref_02 = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
MifareClassicBlock data;
res = mifare_classic_authenticate (tag, 0x01, mad_public_key_a, MFC_KEY_A);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_authenticate() failed"));
res = mifare_classic_read (tag, 0x01, &data);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mad_read() failed"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (ref_01, sizeof (ref_01), data, sizeof (data), cut_message ("Wrong data"));
res = mifare_classic_read (tag, 0x02, &data);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mad_read() failed"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (ref_02, sizeof (ref_02), data, sizeof (data), cut_message ("Wrong data"));
Mad mad2 = mad_read (tag);
cut_assert_not_null (mad2, cut_message ("mad_read() failed"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (mad, sizeof (mad), mad2, sizeof (mad2), cut_message ("Wrong MAD"));
const char application_data[] = "APPLICATION DATA >> APPLICATION DATA >> APPLICATION DATA >> " \
MadAid aid = {
.function_cluster_code = 0x01,
.application_code = 0x12
// Write some data in the application
MifareClassicSectorNumber *sectors = mifare_application_alloc (mad, aid, sizeof (application_data));
cut_assert_not_null (sectors, cut_message ("mifare_application_alloc() failed"));
free (sectors);
res = mad_write (tag, mad, key_b_sector_00, NULL);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mad_write() failed"));
ssize_t s = mifare_application_write (tag, mad, aid, &application_data, sizeof (application_data), key_a_transport, MFC_KEY_A);
cut_assert_equal_int (sizeof (application_data), s, cut_message ("mifare_application_write() failed"));
char read_buf[500];
// Read it again
s = mifare_application_read (tag, mad, aid, read_buf, sizeof (application_data), key_a_transport, MFC_KEY_A);
cut_assert_equal_int (sizeof (application_data), s, cut_message ("mifare_application_read() failed"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (application_data, sizeof (application_data), read_buf, s, cut_message ("Wrong application data"));
mad_free (mad);
mad_free (mad2);
// Revert to the transport configuration
res = mifare_classic_authenticate (tag, 0x00, key_b_sector_00, MFC_KEY_B);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_authenticate() failed"));
res = mifare_classic_format_sector (tag, 0x00);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_format_sector() failed"));
/* __ __ _ ___ ___
* | \/ | /_\ | \__ _|_ )
* | |\/| |/ _ \| |) \ V // /
* |_| |_/_/ \_\___/ \_//___|
if (freefare_get_tag_type (tag) != CLASSIC_4K) {
cut_omit ("MADv2 requires a MIFARE Classic 4K to be tested");
mad = mad_new (2);
cut_assert_not_null (mad, cut_message ("mad_new() failed"));
// Prepare sector 0x00 for writing a MAD.
res = mifare_classic_authenticate (tag, 0x00, key_a_transport, MFC_KEY_A);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_authenticate() failed"));
mifare_classic_trailer_block (&tb, key_a_transport, 00, 00, 00, 06, 0x00, key_b_sector_00);
res = mifare_classic_write (tag, 0x03, tb);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_write() failed"));
// Prepare sector 0x10 for writing a MAD.
res = mifare_classic_authenticate (tag, 0x40, key_a_transport, MFC_KEY_A);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_authenticate() failed"));
mifare_classic_trailer_block (&tb, key_a_transport, 00, 00, 00, 06, 0x00, key_b_sector_10);
res = mifare_classic_write (tag, 0x43, tb);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_write() failed"));
// Write the empty MAD
res = mad_write (tag, mad, key_b_sector_00, key_b_sector_10);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mad_write() failed"));
// Check the empty MAD
res = mifare_classic_authenticate (tag, 0x01, mad_public_key_a, MFC_KEY_A);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_authenticate() failed"));
res = mifare_classic_read (tag, 0x01, &data);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mad_read() failed"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (ref_01, sizeof (ref_01), data, sizeof (data), cut_message ("Wrong data"));
res = mifare_classic_read (tag, 0x02, &data);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mad_read() failed"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (ref_02, sizeof (ref_02), data, sizeof (data), cut_message ("Wrong data"));
MifareClassicBlock ref_40 = {
0x16, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
MifareClassicBlock ref_41 = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
MifareClassicBlock ref_42 = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
res = mifare_classic_authenticate (tag, 0x40, mad_public_key_a, MFC_KEY_A);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_authenticate() failed"));
res = mifare_classic_read (tag, 0x40, &data);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mad_read() failed"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (ref_40, sizeof (ref_01), data, sizeof (data), cut_message ("Wrong data"));
res = mifare_classic_read (tag, 0x41, &data);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mad_read() failed"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (ref_41, sizeof (ref_02), data, sizeof (data), cut_message ("Wrong data"));
res = mifare_classic_read (tag, 0x42, &data);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mad_read() failed"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (ref_42, sizeof (ref_02), data, sizeof (data), cut_message ("Wrong data"));
mad2 = mad_read (tag);
cut_assert_not_null (mad2, cut_message ("mad_read() failed"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (mad, sizeof (mad), mad2, sizeof (mad2), cut_message ("Wrong MAD"));
// Write some data in the application
sectors = mifare_application_alloc (mad, aid, sizeof (application_data));
cut_assert_not_null (sectors, cut_message ("mifare_application_alloc() failed"));
free (sectors);
res = mad_write (tag, mad, key_b_sector_00, key_b_sector_10);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mad_write() failed"));
s = mifare_application_write (tag, mad, aid, &application_data, sizeof (application_data), key_a_transport, MFC_KEY_A);
cut_assert_equal_int (sizeof (application_data), s, cut_message ("mifare_application_write() failed"));
// Read it again
s = mifare_application_read (tag, mad, aid, read_buf, sizeof (application_data), key_a_transport, MFC_KEY_A);
cut_assert_equal_int (sizeof (application_data), s, cut_message ("mifare_application_read() failed"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (application_data, sizeof (application_data), read_buf, s, cut_message ("Wrong application data"));
mad_free (mad);
mad_free (mad2);
// Revert to the transport configuration
res = mifare_classic_authenticate (tag, 0x00, key_b_sector_00, MFC_KEY_B);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_authenticate() failed"));
res = mifare_classic_format_sector (tag, 0x00);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_format_sector() failed"));
res = mifare_classic_authenticate (tag, 0x40, key_b_sector_10, MFC_KEY_B);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_authenticate() failed"));
res = mifare_classic_format_sector (tag, 0x10);
cut_assert_equal_int (0, res, cut_message ("mifare_classic_format_sector() failed"));