After trying to tweak gindent so that it does not mess-up my ASCII art, give and read the help of Vim to setup 'cinoptions' according to my needs (cino=t0(0). This changeset reindent some bits that where not indented as they should. A future commit will reindent the switch/case according to my (bad) taste now that I have setup cindent correctly on my system (cino=t0(0:0).
149 lines
5.4 KiB
149 lines
5.4 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2010, Romain Tartiere, Romuald Conty.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
* $Id$
#include <cutter.h>
#include <freefare.h>
const uint8_t shortdata[8] = "elephant";
const uint8_t eshortdata[11] = "\x03" "\x08" "elephant" "\xfe";
* Many thanks to Charles Baudelaire for helping me
* test things and helping you realize your f**king
* OS / compiler does not support UTF-8 ;-)
const uint8_t longdata[660] = "Dans une terre grasse et pleine d'escargots\n" \
"Je veux creuser moi-même une fosse profonde,\n" \
"Où je puisse à loisir étaler mes vieux os\n" \
"Et dormir dans l'oubli comme un requin dans l'onde.\n" \
"Je hais les testaments et je hais les tombeaux;\n" \
"Plutôt que d'implorer une larme du monde,\n" \
"Vivant, j'aimerais mieux inviter les corbeaux\n" \
"À saigner tous les bouts de ma carcasse immonde.\n" \
"Ô vers! noirs compagnons sans oreille et sans yeux,\n" \
"Voyez venir à vous un mort libre et joyeux;\n" \
"Philosophes viveurs, fils de la pourriture,\n" \
"À travers ma ruine allez donc sans remords,\n" \
"Et dites-moi s'il est encor quelque torture\n" \
"Pour ce vieux corps sans âme et mort parmi les morts!\n";
const uint8_t elongdata[665] = "\x07" "\xff\x02\x94" \
"Dans une terre grasse et pleine d'escargots\n" \
"Je veux creuser moi-même une fosse profonde,\n" \
"Où je puisse à loisir étaler mes vieux os\n" \
"Et dormir dans l'oubli comme un requin dans l'onde.\n" \
"Je hais les testaments et je hais les tombeaux;\n" \
"Plutôt que d'implorer une larme du monde,\n" \
"Vivant, j'aimerais mieux inviter les corbeaux\n" \
"À saigner tous les bouts de ma carcasse immonde.\n" \
"Ô vers! noirs compagnons sans oreille et sans yeux,\n" \
"Voyez venir à vous un mort libre et joyeux;\n" \
"Philosophes viveurs, fils de la pourriture,\n" \
"À travers ma ruine allez donc sans remords,\n" \
"Et dites-moi s'il est encor quelque torture\n" \
"Pour ce vieux corps sans âme et mort parmi les morts!\n"
test_tlv_encode_short (void)
uint8_t *res;
size_t osize;
res = tlv_encode (3, shortdata, sizeof (shortdata), &osize);
cut_assert_equal_int (sizeof (eshortdata), osize, cut_message ("Wrong encoded message length."));
cut_assert_equal_int (3, res[0], cut_message ("Wrong type"));
cut_assert_equal_int (sizeof (shortdata), res[1], cut_message ("Wrong value length"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (eshortdata, sizeof (eshortdata), res, osize, cut_message ("Wrong encoded value"));
free (res);
test_tlv_encode_long (void)
uint8_t *res;
size_t osize;
res = tlv_encode (7, longdata, sizeof (longdata), &osize);
cut_assert_equal_int (sizeof (elongdata), osize, cut_message ("Wrong encoded message length."));
cut_assert_equal_int (7, res[0], cut_message ("Wrong type"));
cut_assert_equal_int (0xff, res[1], cut_message ("Wrong value length"));
cut_assert_equal_int (0x02, res[2], cut_message ("Wrong value length"));
cut_assert_equal_int (0x94, res[3], cut_message ("Wrong value length"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (elongdata, sizeof (elongdata), res, osize, cut_message ("Wrong encoded value"));
free (res);
test_tlv_decode_short (void)
uint8_t *res;
uint16_t size;
uint8_t type;
res = tlv_decode (eshortdata, &type, &size);
cut_assert_equal_int (3, type, cut_message ("Wrong type"));
cut_assert_equal_int (sizeof (shortdata), size, cut_message ("Wrong value length"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (shortdata, sizeof (shortdata), res, size, cut_message ("Wrong decoded value"));
free (res);
test_tlv_decode_long (void)
uint8_t *res;
uint16_t size;
uint8_t type;
res = tlv_decode (elongdata, &type, &size);
cut_assert_equal_int (7, type, cut_message ("Wrong type"));
cut_assert_equal_int (sizeof (longdata), size, cut_message ("Wrong value length"));
cut_assert_equal_memory (longdata, sizeof (longdata), res, size, cut_message ("Wrong decoded value"));
free (res);
test_tlv_rfu (void)
uint8_t *data = malloc (0xffff);
cut_assert_not_null (data, cut_message ("Out of memory"));
uint8_t *res = tlv_encode (7, data, 0xffff, NULL);
cut_assert_null (res, cut_message ("Size reserved for future use"));
free (data);
test_tlv_append (void)
const uint8_t a[] = { 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef };
const uint8_t b[] = { 0x42 };
uint8_t ndef_ab_ref[] = { 0x03, 0x04, 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0x03, 0x01, 0x42, 0xfe };
uint8_t *ndef_a = tlv_encode (3, a, 4, NULL);
uint8_t *ndef_b = tlv_encode (3, b, 1, NULL);
ndef_a = tlv_append (ndef_a, ndef_b);
cut_assert_equal_memory (ndef_ab_ref, sizeof (ndef_ab_ref), ndef_a, sizeof (ndef_ab_ref), cut_message ("Wrong appended data"));
free (ndef_a);
free (ndef_b);