- New API function append_iso14443a_crc();
- Add a PRINT_HEX macro for driver debugging (replaces print_hex function from bitutils.c);
- Move bit-mirroring related functions to libnfc/mirror-subr.[hc];
- Move iso14443 related functions to libnfc/iso14443-subr.c;
- Move libnfc/bitutils.c hex-dumping code to examples/nfc-utils.c;
- Replace calls to swap_endian32() and swap_endian64() functions with calls to bswap32() and bswap64 provided by endian.h.
And while I am here:
- Fix the DBG macro so that it does not throw warning at compile time.
- Put libusb and PC/SC check in m4 macros.
- Suppress --disable-pcsclite and --disable-libusb
- Add --with-drivers option: we now could choose which driver to build. without this option a default set is build (ATM all drivers except PN532_UART)