/*- * Public platform independent Near Field Communication (NFC) library examples * * Copyright (C) 2010, Romuald Conty * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2 )Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Note that this license only applies on the examples, NFC library itself is under LGPL * */ /** * @file nfc-relay-picc.c * @brief Relay example using two PN532 devices. */ // Notes & differences with nfc-relay: // - This example only works with PN532 because it relies on // its internal handling of ISO14443-4 specificities. // - Thanks to this internal handling & injection of WTX frames, // this example works on readers very strict on timing #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <signal.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <nfc/nfc.h> #include "nfc-utils.h" #define MAX_FRAME_LEN 264 #define MAX_DEVICE_COUNT 2 static byte_t abtCapdu[MAX_FRAME_LEN]; static size_t szCapduLen; static byte_t abtRapdu[MAX_FRAME_LEN]; static size_t szRapduLen; static nfc_device_t *pndInitiator; static nfc_device_t *pndTarget; static bool quitting = false; static bool quiet_output = false; static bool initiator_only_mode = false; static bool target_only_mode = false; static int waiting_time = 0; FILE * fd3; FILE * fd4; void intr_hdlr (void) { printf ("\nQuitting...\n"); printf ("Please send a last command to the emulator to quit properly.\n"); quitting = true; return; } void print_usage (char *argv[]) { printf ("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n", argv[0]); printf ("Options:\n"); printf ("\t-h\tHelp. Print this message.\n"); printf ("\t-q\tQuiet mode. Suppress printing of relayed data (improves timing).\n"); printf ("\t-t\tTarget mode only (the one on reader side). Data expected from FD3 to FD4.\n"); printf ("\t-i\tInitiator mode only (the one on tag side). Data expected from FD3 to FD4.\n"); printf ("\t-n N\tAdds a waiting time of N seconds (integer) in the relay to mimic long distance.\n"); } bool print_hex_fd4 (const byte_t * pbtData, const size_t szBytes, const char * pchPrefix) { size_t szPos; if (szBytes > MAX_FRAME_LEN) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (fprintf (fd4, "#%s %04zx: ", pchPrefix, szBytes)<0) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (szPos = 0; szPos < szBytes; szPos++) { if (fprintf (fd4, "%02x ", pbtData[szPos])<0) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (fprintf (fd4, "\n")<0) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } fflush(fd4); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } bool scan_hex_fd3 (byte_t *pbtData, size_t *pszBytes, const char * pchPrefix) { size_t szPos; unsigned int uiBytes; unsigned int uiData; char pchScan[256]; int c; // Look for our next sync marker while ( (c=fgetc(fd3)) != '#') { if (c == EOF) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } } strncpy(pchScan, pchPrefix, 250); strcat(pchScan, " %04x:"); if (fscanf (fd3, pchScan, &uiBytes)<1) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } *pszBytes=uiBytes; if (*pszBytes > MAX_FRAME_LEN) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (szPos = 0; szPos < *pszBytes; szPos++) { if (fscanf (fd3, "%02x", &uiData)<1) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } pbtData[szPos]=uiData; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int arg; size_t szFound; nfc_device_desc_t *pnddDevices; const char *acLibnfcVersion = nfc_version (); nfc_target_t ntRealTarget; // Get commandline options for (arg = 1; arg < argc; arg++) { if (0 == strcmp (argv[arg], "-h")) { print_usage (argv); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if (0 == strcmp (argv[arg], "-q")) { quiet_output = true; } else if (0 == strcmp (argv[arg], "-t")) { printf ("INFO: %s\n", "Target mode only."); initiator_only_mode = false; target_only_mode = true; } else if (0 == strcmp (argv[arg], "-i")) { printf ("INFO: %s\n", "Initiator mode only."); initiator_only_mode = true; target_only_mode = false; } else if (0 == strcmp (argv[arg], "-n")) { if (++arg==argc || (sscanf(argv[arg], "%i", &waiting_time)<1)) { ERR ("Missing or wrong waiting time value: %s.", argv[arg]); print_usage (argv); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf ("Waiting time: %i secs.\n", waiting_time); } else { ERR ("%s is not supported option.", argv[arg]); print_usage (argv); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // Display libnfc version printf ("%s uses libnfc %s\n", argv[0], acLibnfcVersion); #ifdef WIN32 signal (SIGINT, (void (__cdecl *) (int)) intr_hdlr); #else signal (SIGINT, (void (*)()) intr_hdlr); #endif // Allocate memory to put the result of available devices listing if (!(pnddDevices = malloc (MAX_DEVICE_COUNT * sizeof (*pnddDevices)))) { fprintf (stderr, "malloc() failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // List available devices nfc_list_devices (pnddDevices, MAX_DEVICE_COUNT, &szFound); if (initiator_only_mode || target_only_mode) { if (szFound < 1) { ERR ("No device found"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } fd3 = fdopen(3, "r"); fd4 = fdopen(4, "w"); } else { if (szFound < 2) { ERR ("%zd device found but two connected devices are needed to relay NFC.", szFound); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (!target_only_mode) { // Try to open the NFC reader used as initiator // Little hack to allow using initiator no matter if // there is already a target used locally or not on the same machine: // if there is more than one readers connected we connect to the second reader // (we hope they're always detected in the same order) if (szFound == 1) { pndInitiator = nfc_connect (&(pnddDevices[0])); } else { pndInitiator = nfc_connect (&(pnddDevices[1])); } if (!pndInitiator) { printf ("Error connecting NFC reader\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf ("Connected to the NFC reader device: %s\n", pndInitiator->acName); if (!nfc_initiator_init (pndInitiator)) { printf ("Error: fail initializing initiator\n"); nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } // Try to find a ISO 14443-4A tag nfc_modulation_t nm = { .nmt = NMT_ISO14443A, .nbr = NBR_106, }; if (!nfc_initiator_select_passive_target (pndInitiator, nm, NULL, 0, &ntRealTarget)) { printf ("Error: no tag was found\n"); nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Found tag:\n"); print_nfc_iso14443a_info (ntRealTarget.nti.nai, false); if (initiator_only_mode) { if (print_hex_fd4(ntRealTarget.nti.nai.abtUid, ntRealTarget.nti.nai.szUidLen, "UID") != EXIT_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "Error while printing UID to FD4\n"); nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (print_hex_fd4(ntRealTarget.nti.nai.abtAtqa, 2, "ATQA") != EXIT_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "Error while printing ATQA to FD4\n"); nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (print_hex_fd4(&(ntRealTarget.nti.nai.btSak), 1, "SAK") != EXIT_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "Error while printing SAK to FD4\n"); nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (print_hex_fd4(ntRealTarget.nti.nai.abtAts, ntRealTarget.nti.nai.szAtsLen, "ATS") != EXIT_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "Error while printing ATS to FD4\n"); nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } if (initiator_only_mode) { printf ("Hint: tag <---> *INITIATOR* (relay) <-FD3/FD4-> target (relay) <---> original reader\n\n"); } else if (target_only_mode) { printf ("Hint: tag <---> initiator (relay) <-FD3/FD4-> *TARGET* (relay) <---> original reader\n\n"); } else { printf ("Hint: tag <---> initiator (relay) <---> target (relay) <---> original reader\n\n"); } if (!initiator_only_mode) { nfc_target_t ntEmulatedTarget = { .nm = { .nmt = NMT_ISO14443A, .nbr = NBR_106, }, }; if (target_only_mode) { size_t foo; if (scan_hex_fd3(ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.abtUid, &(ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.szUidLen), "UID") != EXIT_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "Error while scanning UID from FD3\n"); nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (scan_hex_fd3(ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.abtAtqa, &foo, "ATQA") != EXIT_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "Error while scanning ATQA from FD3\n"); nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (scan_hex_fd3(&(ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.btSak), &foo, "SAK") != EXIT_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "Error while scanning SAK from FD3\n"); nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (scan_hex_fd3(ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.abtAts, &(ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.szAtsLen), "ATS") != EXIT_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "Error while scanning ATS from FD3\n"); nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { ntEmulatedTarget.nti = ntRealTarget.nti; } // We can only emulate a short UID, so fix length & ATQA bit: ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.szUidLen = 4; ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.abtAtqa[1] &= (0xFF-0x40); // First byte of UID is always automatically replaced by 0x08 in this mode anyway ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.abtUid[0] = 0x08; // ATS is always automatically replaced by PN532, we've no control on it: // ATS = (05) 75 33 92 03 // (TL) T0 TA TB TC // | | | +-- CID supported, NAD supported // | | +----- FWI=9 SFGI=2 => FWT=154ms, SFGT=1.21ms // | +-------- DR=2,4 DS=2,4 => supports 106, 212 & 424bps in both directions // +----------- TA,TB,TC, FSCI=5 => FSC=64 // It seems hazardous to tell we support NAD if the tag doesn't support NAD but I don't know how to disable it // PC/SC pseudo-ATR = 3B 80 80 01 01 if there is no historical bytes // Creates ATS and copy max 48 bytes of Tk: byte_t * pbtTk; size_t szTk; pbtTk = iso14443a_locate_historical_bytes (ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.abtAts, ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.szAtsLen, &szTk); szTk = (szTk > 48) ? 48 : szTk; byte_t pbtTkt[48]; memcpy(pbtTkt, pbtTk, szTk); ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.abtAts[0] = 0x75; ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.abtAts[1] = 0x33; ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.abtAts[2] = 0x92; ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.abtAts[3] = 0x03; ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.szAtsLen = 4 + szTk; memcpy(&(ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai.abtAts[4]), pbtTkt, szTk); printf("We will emulate:\n"); print_nfc_iso14443a_info (ntEmulatedTarget.nti.nai, false); // Try to open the NFC emulator device pndTarget = nfc_connect (&(pnddDevices[0])); if (pndTarget == NULL) { printf ("Error connecting NFC emulator device\n"); if (!target_only_mode) { nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); } return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf ("Connected to the NFC emulator device: %s\n", pndTarget->acName); if (!nfc_target_init (pndTarget, &ntEmulatedTarget, abtCapdu, &szCapduLen)) { ERR ("%s", "Initialization of NFC emulator failed"); if (!target_only_mode) { nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); } nfc_disconnect (pndTarget); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf ("%s\n", "Done, relaying frames now!"); } while (!quitting) { bool ret; if (!initiator_only_mode) { // Receive external reader command through target if (!nfc_target_receive_bytes(pndTarget,abtCapdu,&szCapduLen)) { nfc_perror (pndTarget, "nfc_target_receive_bytes"); if (!target_only_mode) { nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); } nfc_disconnect (pndTarget); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (target_only_mode) { if (print_hex_fd4(abtCapdu, szCapduLen, "C-APDU") != EXIT_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "Error while printing C-APDU to FD4\n"); nfc_disconnect (pndTarget); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } else { if (scan_hex_fd3(abtCapdu, &szCapduLen, "C-APDU") != EXIT_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "Error while scanning C-APDU from FD3\n"); nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // Show transmitted response if (!quiet_output) { printf ("Forwarding C-APDU: "); print_hex (abtCapdu, szCapduLen); } if (!target_only_mode) { // Forward the frame to the original tag ret = nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes (pndInitiator, abtCapdu, szCapduLen, abtRapdu, &szRapduLen); } else { if (scan_hex_fd3(abtRapdu, &szRapduLen, "R-APDU") != EXIT_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "Error while scanning R-APDU from FD3\n"); nfc_disconnect (pndTarget); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ret = true; } if (ret) { // Redirect the answer back to the external reader if (waiting_time > 0) { if (!quiet_output) { printf ("Waiting %is to simulate longer relay...\n", waiting_time); } sleep(waiting_time); } // Show transmitted response if (!quiet_output) { printf ("Forwarding R-APDU: "); print_hex (abtRapdu, szRapduLen); } if (!initiator_only_mode) { // Transmit the response bytes if (!nfc_target_send_bytes(pndTarget, abtRapdu, szRapduLen)) { nfc_perror (pndTarget, "nfc_target_send_bytes"); if (!target_only_mode) { nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); } if (!initiator_only_mode) { nfc_disconnect (pndTarget); } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { if (print_hex_fd4(abtRapdu, szRapduLen, "R-APDU") != EXIT_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "Error while printing R-APDU to FD4\n"); nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } } if (!target_only_mode) { nfc_disconnect (pndInitiator); } if (!initiator_only_mode) { nfc_disconnect (pndTarget); } exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); }