Public platform independent Near Field Communication (NFC) library
Copyright (C) 2009, Roel Verdult
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
#include "dev_arygon.h"
#include "rs232.h"
#include "bitutils.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef __APPLE__
#define SERIAL_STRING "/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART"
#define SERIAL_STRING "/dev/ttyUSB"
#define BUFFER_LENGTH 256
#define USB_TIMEOUT 30000
static byte abtTxBuf[BUFFER_LENGTH] = { 0x32, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff }; // Every packet must start with "00 00 ff"
dev_info* dev_arygon_connect(const uint32_t uiIndex)
uint32_t uiDevNr;
serial_port sp;
char acConnect[BUFFER_LENGTH];
dev_info* pdi = INVALID_DEVICE_INFO;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Trying to find ARYGON device on serial port: %s#\n",SERIAL_STRING);
// I have no idea how MAC OS X deals with multiple devices, so a quick workaround
for (uiDevNr=0; uiDevNracName,"ARYGON");
pdi->ct = CT_PN532;
pdi->ds = (dev_spec)sp;
pdi->bActive = true;
pdi->bCrc = true;
pdi->bPar = true;
pdi->ui8TxBits = 0;
return pdi;
void dev_arygon_disconnect(dev_info* pdi)
bool dev_arygon_transceive(const dev_spec ds, const byte* pbtTx, const uint32_t uiTxLen, byte* pbtRx, uint32_t* puiRxLen)
byte abtRxBuf[BUFFER_LENGTH];
uint32_t uiRxBufLen = BUFFER_LENGTH;
uint32_t uiPos;
// Packet length = data length (len) + checksum (1) + end of stream marker (1)
abtTxBuf[4] = uiTxLen;
// Packet length checksum
abtTxBuf[5] = BUFFER_LENGTH - abtTxBuf[4];
// Copy the PN53X command into the packet buffer
// Calculate data payload checksum
abtTxBuf[uiTxLen+6] = 0;
for(uiPos=0; uiPos < uiTxLen; uiPos++)
abtTxBuf[uiTxLen+6] -= abtTxBuf[uiPos+6];
// End of stream marker
abtTxBuf[uiTxLen+7] = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Tx: ");
if (!rs232_send((serial_port)ds,abtTxBuf,uiTxLen+8)) return false;
if (!rs232_receive((serial_port)ds,abtRxBuf,&uiRxBufLen)) return false;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Rx: ");
// When the answer should be ignored, just return a succesful result
if(pbtRx == NULL || puiRxLen == NULL) return true;
// Only succeed when the result is at least 00 00 ff 00 ff 00 00 00 FF xx Fx Dx xx .. .. .. xx 00 (x = variable)
if(uiRxBufLen < 15) return false;
// Remove the preceding and appending bytes 00 00 ff 00 ff 00 00 00 FF xx Fx .. .. .. xx 00 (x = variable)
*puiRxLen = uiRxBufLen - 15;
memcpy(pbtRx, abtRxBuf+13, *puiRxLen);
return true;