.TH NFC-EMULATE-FORUM-TAG4 1 "October 8, 2010" .SH NAME nfc-emulate-forum-tag4 \- NFC Forum tag type 4 emulation command line demonstration tool .SH SYNOPSIS .B nfc-emulate-forum-tag4 .SH DESCRIPTION .B nfc-emulate-forum-tag4 is an demonstration tool that emulate a NFC Forum tag type 4 with NDEF content. Currently, this tool only works with a Nokia 6212 Classic phone as initiator and a PN532 equipped NFC device as target. This example use the hardware capability of PN532 to handle ISO/IEC 14443-4 low-level frames like RATS/ATS, WTX, etc. At the moment, only the Nokia 6212 Classic can be used with this example because its based on a pre-established communication plan: example send the expected replies to the initiator without interprete queries. .SH BUGS Please report any bugs on the .B libnfc forum at .BR http://www.libnfc.org/community/ "." .SH LICENCE .B libnfc and .B libnfc-examples are covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 3. .SH AUTHORS Roel Verduly .PP This manual page was written by Romuald Conty . It is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL (version 2 or later).