/* Public platform independent Near Field Communication (NFC) library Copyright (C) 2009, Roel Verdult This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _LIBNFC_H_ #define _LIBNFC_H_ #include "defines.h" #include "types.h" #include "bitutils.h" #include "acr122.h" bool nfc_configure_handle_crc(const dev_id di, const bool bEnable); bool nfc_configure_handle_parity(const dev_id di, const bool bEnable); bool nfc_configure_field(const dev_id di, const bool bEnable); bool nfc_configure_list_passive_infinite(const dev_id di, const bool bEnable); bool nfc_configure_accept_invalid_frames(const dev_id di, const bool bEnable); bool nfc_configure_accept_multiple_frames(const dev_id di, const bool bEnable); bool nfc_reader_init(const dev_id di); bool nfc_reader_list_passive(const dev_id di, const ModulationType mt, const byte* pbtInitData, const ui32 uiInitDataLen, byte* pbtTag, ui32* puiTagLen); bool nfc_reader_transceive_7bits(const dev_id di, const byte btTx, byte* pbtRx, ui32* puiRxLen); bool nfc_reader_transceive_bytes(const dev_id di, const byte* pbtTx, const ui32 uiTxLen, byte* pbtRx, ui32* puiRxLen); bool nfc_reader_transceive_bits(const dev_id di, const byte* pbtTx, const ui32 uiTxBits, const byte* pbtTxPar, byte* pbtRx, ui32* puiRxBits, byte* pbtRxPar); bool nfc_reader_mifare_cmd(const dev_id di, const MifareCmd mc, const ui8 ui8Block, MifareParam* pmp); bool nfc_target_init(const dev_id di, byte* pbtRx, ui32* puiRxLen); bool nfc_target_receive_bytes(const dev_id di, byte* pbtRx, ui32* puiRxLen); bool nfc_target_receive_bits(const dev_id di, byte* pbtRx, ui32* puiRxBits, byte* pbtRxPar); bool nfc_target_send_bytes(const dev_id di, const byte* pbtTx, const ui32 uiTxLen); bool nfc_target_send_bits(const dev_id di, const byte* pbtTx, const ui32 uiTxBits, const byte* pbtTxPar); #endif // _LIBNFC_H_