/*- * Public platform independent Near Field Communication (NFC) library * * Copyright (C) 2009, Roel Verdult * Copyright (C) 2010, Romuald Conty * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see */ /** * @file nfc.h * @brief libnfc interface * * Provide all usefull functions (API) to handle NFC devices. */ #ifndef _LIBNFC_H_ # define _LIBNFC_H_ # include # include # include # ifdef _WIN32 /* Windows platform */ # ifndef _WINDLL /* CMake compilation */ # ifdef nfc_EXPORTS # define NFC_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) # else /* nfc_EXPORTS */ # define NFC_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport) # endif /* nfc_EXPORTS */ # else /* _WINDLL */ /* Manual makefile */ # define NFC_EXPORT # endif /* _WINDLL */ # else /* _WIN32 */ # define NFC_EXPORT # endif /* _WIN32 */ # include # ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { # endif // __cplusplus /* NFC Device/Hardware manipulation */ NFC_EXPORT bool nfc_get_default_device (nfc_connstring *connstring); NFC_EXPORT nfc_device *nfc_connect (const nfc_connstring connstring); NFC_EXPORT void nfc_disconnect (nfc_device *pnd); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_abort_command (nfc_device *pnd); NFC_EXPORT void nfc_list_devices (nfc_connstring connstrings[], size_t connstrings_len, size_t *pszDeviceFound); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_idle (nfc_device *pnd); /* NFC initiator: act as "reader" */ NFC_EXPORT int nfc_initiator_init (nfc_device *pnd); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_initiator_select_passive_target (nfc_device *pnd, const nfc_modulation nm, const uint8_t *pbtInitData, const size_t szInitData, nfc_target *pnt); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_initiator_list_passive_targets (nfc_device *pnd, const nfc_modulation nm, nfc_target ant[], const size_t szTargets); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_initiator_poll_target (nfc_device *pnd, const nfc_modulation *pnmTargetTypes, const size_t szTargetTypes, const uint8_t uiPollNr, const uint8_t uiPeriod, nfc_target *pnt); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_initiator_select_dep_target (nfc_device *pnd, const nfc_dep_mode ndm, const nfc_baud_rate nbr, const nfc_dep_info *pndiInitiator, nfc_target *pnt, const int timeout); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_initiator_deselect_target (nfc_device *pnd); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes (nfc_device *pnd, const uint8_t *pbtTx, const size_t szTx, uint8_t *pbtRx, size_t *pszRx, int timeout); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_initiator_transceive_bits (nfc_device *pnd, const uint8_t *pbtTx, const size_t szTxBits, const uint8_t *pbtTxPar, uint8_t *pbtRx, uint8_t *pbtRxPar); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes_timed (nfc_device *pnd, const uint8_t *pbtTx, const size_t szTx, uint8_t *pbtRx, uint32_t *cycles); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_initiator_transceive_bits_timed (nfc_device *pnd, const uint8_t *pbtTx, const size_t szTxBits, const uint8_t *pbtTxPar, uint8_t *pbtRx, uint8_t *pbtRxPar, uint32_t *cycles); /* NFC target: act as tag (i.e. MIFARE Classic) or NFC target device. */ NFC_EXPORT int nfc_target_init (nfc_device *pnd, nfc_target *pnt, uint8_t *pbtRx, size_t *pszRx, int timeout); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_target_send_bytes (nfc_device *pnd, const uint8_t *pbtTx, const size_t szTx, int timeout); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_target_receive_bytes (nfc_device *pnd, uint8_t *pbtRx, size_t *pszRx, int timeout); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_target_send_bits (nfc_device *pnd, const uint8_t *pbtTx, const size_t szTxBits, const uint8_t *pbtTxPar); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_target_receive_bits (nfc_device *pnd, uint8_t *pbtRx, uint8_t *pbtRxPar); /* Error reporting */ NFC_EXPORT const char *nfc_strerror (const nfc_device *pnd); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_strerror_r (const nfc_device *pnd, char *buf, size_t buflen); NFC_EXPORT void nfc_perror (const nfc_device *pnd, const char *s); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_device_get_last_error (const nfc_device *pnd); /* Special data accessors */ NFC_EXPORT const char *nfc_device_get_name (nfc_device *pnd); /* Properties accessors */ NFC_EXPORT int nfc_device_set_property_int (nfc_device *pnd, const nfc_property property, const int value); NFC_EXPORT int nfc_device_set_property_bool (nfc_device *pnd, const nfc_property property, const bool bEnable); /* Misc. functions */ NFC_EXPORT void iso14443a_crc (uint8_t *pbtData, size_t szLen, uint8_t *pbtCrc); NFC_EXPORT void iso14443a_crc_append (uint8_t *pbtData, size_t szLen); NFC_EXPORT uint8_t *iso14443a_locate_historical_bytes (uint8_t *pbtAts, size_t szAts, size_t *pszTk); NFC_EXPORT const char *nfc_version (void); /* Error codes */ #define NFC_SUCCESS 0 // No error #define NFC_EIO -1 // Input / output error, device will not be usable anymore #define NFC_EINVARG -2 // Invalid argument(s) #define NFC_EDEVNOTSUPP -3 // Operation not supported by device #define NFC_ENOTSUCHDEV -4 // No such device #define NFC_EOVFLOW -5 // Buffer overflow #define NFC_ETIMEOUT -6 // Operation timed out #define NFC_EOPABORTED -7 // Operation aborted (by user) #define NFC_ENOTIMPL -8 // Not (yet) implemented #define NFC_ETGRELEASED -10 // Target released #define NFC_ERFTRANS -20 // Error while RF transmission #define NFC_ECHIP -90 // Device's internal chip error # ifdef __cplusplus } # endif // __cplusplus #endif // _LIBNFC_H_