.TH NFC-DEP-INITIATOR 1 "October 8, 2010" .SH NAME nfc-dep-initiator \- Demonstration tool to send/received data as D.E.P. initiator .SH SYNOPSIS .B nfc-dep-initiator .SH DESCRIPTION .B nfc-dep-initiator is a demonstration tool for putting NFC device in D.E.P. initiator mode. This example will attempt to select a passive D.E.P. target and exchange a simple "Hello" data with target. Note: this example is designed to work with a D.E.P. target driven by \fBnfc-dep-target\fP .SH BUGS Please report any bugs on the .B libnfc forum at .BR http://www.libnfc.org/community/ "." .SH LICENCE .B libnfc and .B libnfc-examples are covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 3. .SH AUTHORS Roel Verdult <roel@libnfc.org> Romuald Conty <romuald@libnfc.org> .PP This manual page was written by Romuald Conty <romuald@libnfc.org>. It is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL (version 2 or later).