/** * Public platform independent Near Field Communication (NFC) library * * Copyright (C) 2009, Roel Verdult * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see * * * @file dev_pn533.c * @brief */ /* Thanks to d18c7db and Okko for example code */ #include "dev_pn533.h" #include #include #include #include "defines.h" #include "bitutils.h" #include "messages.h" #define BUFFER_LENGTH 256 #define USB_TIMEOUT 30000 typedef struct { usb_dev_handle* pudh; uint32_t uiEndPointIn; uint32_t uiEndPointOut; } dev_spec_pn533; // Find transfer endpoints for bulk transfers static void get_end_points(struct usb_device *dev, dev_spec_pn533* pdsp) { uint32_t uiIndex; uint32_t uiEndPoint; struct usb_interface_descriptor* puid = dev->config->interface->altsetting; // 3 Endpoints maximum: Interrupt In, Bulk In, Bulk Out for(uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < puid->bNumEndpoints; uiIndex++) { // Only accept bulk transfer endpoints (ignore interrupt endpoints) if(puid->endpoint[uiIndex].bmAttributes != USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK) continue; // Copy the endpoint to a local var, makes it more readable code uiEndPoint = puid->endpoint[uiIndex].bEndpointAddress; // Test if we dealing with a bulk IN endpoint if((uiEndPoint & USB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK) == USB_ENDPOINT_IN) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Bulk endpoint in : 0x%02X\n", uiEndPoint); #endif pdsp->uiEndPointIn = uiEndPoint; } // Test if we dealing with a bulk OUT endpoint if((uiEndPoint & USB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK) == USB_ENDPOINT_OUT) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Bulk endpoint in : 0x%02X\n", uiEndPoint); #endif pdsp->uiEndPointOut = uiEndPoint; } } } dev_info* dev_pn533_connect(const nfc_device_desc_t* pndd) { int idvendor = 0x04e6; int idproduct = 0x5591; struct usb_bus *bus; struct usb_device *dev; dev_info* pdi = INVALID_DEVICE_INFO; dev_spec_pn533* pdsp; dev_spec_pn533 dsp; uint32_t uiDevIndex; dsp.uiEndPointIn = 0; dsp.uiEndPointOut = 0; dsp.pudh = NULL; usb_init(); if (usb_find_busses() < 0) return INVALID_DEVICE_INFO; if (usb_find_devices() < 0) return INVALID_DEVICE_INFO; // Initialize the device index we are seaching for if( pndd == NULL ) { uiDevIndex = 0; } else { uiDevIndex = pndd->uiIndex; } for (bus = usb_get_busses(); bus; bus = bus->next) { for (dev = bus->devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if (idvendor==dev->descriptor.idVendor && idproduct==dev->descriptor.idProduct) { // Make sure there are 2 endpoints available if (dev->config->interface->altsetting->bNumEndpoints < 2) return pdi; // Test if we are looking for this device according to the current index if (uiDevIndex != 0) { // Nope, we maybe want the next one, let's try to find another uiDevIndex--; continue; } DBG("Found PN533 device"); // Open the PN533 USB device dsp.pudh = usb_open(dev); get_end_points(dev,&dsp); if(usb_set_configuration(dsp.pudh,1) < 0) { DBG("Setting config failed"); usb_close(dsp.pudh); return INVALID_DEVICE_INFO; } if(usb_claim_interface(dsp.pudh,0) < 0) { DBG("Can't claim interface"); usb_close(dsp.pudh); return INVALID_DEVICE_INFO; } // Allocate memory for the device info and specification, fill it and return the info pdsp = malloc(sizeof(dev_spec_pn533)); *pdsp = dsp; pdi = malloc(sizeof(dev_info)); strcpy(pdi->acName,"PN533USB"); pdi->ct = CT_PN533; pdi->ds = (dev_spec)pdsp; pdi->bActive = true; pdi->bCrc = true; pdi->bPar = true; pdi->ui8TxBits = 0; return pdi; } } } return pdi; } void dev_pn533_disconnect(dev_info* pdi) { dev_spec_pn533* pdsp = (dev_spec_pn533*)pdi->ds; usb_release_interface(pdsp->pudh,0); usb_close(pdsp->pudh); free(pdi->ds); free(pdi); } bool dev_pn533_transceive(const dev_spec ds, const byte_t* pbtTx, const size_t szTxLen, byte_t* pbtRx, size_t* pszRxLen) { size_t uiPos = 0; int ret = 0; byte_t abtTx[BUFFER_LENGTH] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xff }; // Every packet must start with "00 00 ff" byte_t abtRx[BUFFER_LENGTH]; dev_spec_pn533* pdsp = (dev_spec_pn533*)ds; // Packet length = data length (len) + checksum (1) + end of stream marker (1) abtTx[3] = szTxLen; // Packet length checksum abtTx[4] = BUFFER_LENGTH - abtTx[3]; // Copy the PN53X command into the packet abtTx memmove(abtTx+5,pbtTx,szTxLen); // Calculate data payload checksum abtTx[szTxLen+5] = 0; for(uiPos=0; uiPos < szTxLen; uiPos++) { abtTx[szTxLen+5] -= abtTx[uiPos+5]; } // End of stream marker abtTx[szTxLen+6] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG printf(" TX: "); print_hex(abtTx,szTxLen+7); #endif ret = usb_bulk_write(pdsp->pudh, pdsp->uiEndPointOut, (char*)abtTx, szTxLen+7, USB_TIMEOUT); if( ret < 0 ) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("usb_bulk_write failed with error %d\n", ret); #endif return false; } ret = usb_bulk_read(pdsp->pudh, pdsp->uiEndPointIn, (char*)abtRx, BUFFER_LENGTH, USB_TIMEOUT); if( ret < 0 ) { #ifdef DEBUG printf( "usb_bulk_read failed with error %d\n", ret); #endif return false; } #ifdef DEBUG printf(" RX: "); print_hex(abtRx,ret); #endif if( ret == 6 ) { ret = usb_bulk_read(pdsp->pudh, pdsp->uiEndPointIn, (char*)abtRx, BUFFER_LENGTH, USB_TIMEOUT); if( ret < 0 ) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("usb_bulk_read failed with error %d\n", ret); #endif return false; } #ifdef DEBUG printf(" RX: "); print_hex(abtRx,ret); #endif } // When the answer should be ignored, just return a succesful result if(pbtRx == NULL || pszRxLen == NULL) return true; // Only succeed when the result is at least 00 00 FF xx Fx Dx xx .. .. .. xx 00 (x = variable) if(ret < 9) return false; // Remove the preceding and appending bytes 00 00 FF xx Fx .. .. .. xx 00 (x = variable) *pszRxLen = ret - 7 - 2; // Get register: nuke extra byte (awful hack) if ((abtRx[5]==0xd5) && (abtRx[6]==0x07) && (*pszRxLen==2)) { // printf("Got %02x %02x, keep %02x\n", abtRx[7], abtRx[8], abtRx[8]); *pszRxLen = (*pszRxLen) - 1; memcpy( pbtRx, abtRx + 8, *pszRxLen); return true; } memcpy( pbtRx, abtRx + 7, *pszRxLen); return true; }