.TH NFC-MFCLASSIC 1 "Nov 02, 2009" .SH NAME nfc-mfclassic \- MIFARE Classic command line tool .SH SYNOPSIS .B nfc-mfclassic .RI \fR\fBr\fR|\fBw\fR .RI \fR\fBa\fR|\fBb\fR .IR DUMP .IR [KEYS] .SH DESCRIPTION .B nfc-mfclassic is a MIFARE Classic tool that allow to read or write .IR DUMP file using Mifare keys provided in .IR KEYS file. MIFARE Classic tag is one of the most widely used RFID tags. The firmware in the NFC controller supports authenticating, reading and writing to/from Mifare Classic tags. This tool demonstrates the speed of this library and its ease-of-use. It's possible to read and write the complete content of a Mifare Classic 4KB tag within 1 second. It uses a binary Mifare Dump file (MFD) to store the keys and data for all sectors. Be cautious that some parts of a Mifare Classic memory are used for r/w access of the rest of the memory, so please read the tag documentation before experimenting too much! .SH OPTIONS .BR r " | " w Perform read from ( .B r ) or write to ( .B w ) card. .TP .BR a " | " b Use A or B Mifare keys. .TP .IR DUMP MiFare Dump (MFD) used to write (card to MFD) or (MFD to card) .TP .IR KEYS MiFare Dump (MFD) that contains the keys (optional). Data part of the dump is ignored. .SH BUGS Please report any bugs on the .B libnfc forum at .BR http://www.libnfc.org/community/ "." .SH LICENCE .B libnfc and .B libnfc-examples are covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 3. .SH AUTHORS Roel Verdult <roel@libnfc.org> Romuald Conty <romuald@libnfc.org> Romain Tartière <romain@blogreen.org> .PP This manual page was written by Romuald Conty <romuald@libnfc.org>. It is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL (version 2 or later).