SET(LIBRARY-SOURCES libnfc dev_pn531 dev_pn533 rs232 bitutils dev_arygon) SET(TOOLS-SOURCES list mftool mfultool initiator target) IF(LIBNFC_PCSC) ADD_DEFINITIONS("-DHAVE_PCSC_LITE=1") SET(LIBRARY-SOURCES ${LIBRARY-SOURCES} "dev_acr122") ENDIF(LIBNFC_PCSC) IF(LIBNFC_VERBOSE_OUTPUT) ADD_DEFINITIONS("-DDEBUG") ENDIF(LIBNFC_VERBOSE_OUTPUT) IF(LIBNFC_LANG_C99 AND NOT MSVC) SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -std=c99") ENDIF(LIBNFC_LANG_C99 AND NOT MSVC) IF(MSVC) # Hide some warnings, this should be fixed in the code instead! ADD_DEFINITIONS("-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS") ENDIF(MSVC) IF(MSVC) # Include the stdint headers, because MSVC does not have them INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../win32/stdint) # This is from SET(LIBUSB_INCLUDE_DIRS $ENV{ProgramFiles}/LibUSB-Win32/include) SET(LIBUSB_LIBRARIES $ENV{ProgramFiles}/LibUSB-Win32/lib/msvc/libusb.lib) IF(LIBNFC_PCSC) # This is included with Visual Studio Express 2008, we should really use # something that finds this library, whatever the MSVC version SET(LIBPCSCLITE_LIBRARIES "$ENV{ProgramFiles}/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v6.0A/Lib/WinSCard.Lib") # On MSVC we don't need the winscard.h header in the include path because # it already is there... ENDIF(LIBNFC_PCSC) ELSE(MSVC) # On Unix we just use pkg-config PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBUSB REQUIRED libusb) IF(LIBNFC_PCSC) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBPCSCLITE REQUIRED libpcsclite) ENDIF(LIBNFC_PCSC) ENDIF(MSVC) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${LIBUSB_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${LIBPCSCLITE_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # Library ADD_LIBRARY(nfc SHARED ${LIBRARY-SOURCES}) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(nfc ${LIBUSB_LIBRARIES} ${LIBPCSCLITE_LIBRARIES}) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(nfc PROPERTIES SOVERSION 0 VERSION 0.0.0) IF(MSVC) # On Windows the shared (runtime) library should be either in the same # directory as the excutables or in the path, we add it to same directory INSTALL(TARGETS nfc RUNTIME DESTINATION bin COMPONENT libraries) # At compile time we need the .LIB file, we place it in the lib directory INSTALL(TARGETS nfc ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} COMPONENT headers) ELSE(MSVC) INSTALL(TARGETS nfc LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} COMPONENT libraries) ENDIF(MSVC) # Headers FILE(GLOB headers "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.h") INSTALL(FILES ${headers} DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/libnfc COMPONENT headers) IF(MSVC) # On Windows we also install the stdint headers, without it programs using it # can't compile (like if we want to compile the included examples "out of # tree") #FILE(GLOB stdint "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/msvc/*.h") #INSTALL(FILES ${stdint} DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR}/libnfc COMPONENT headers) ENDIF(MSVC) # Examples FOREACH(source ${TOOLS-SOURCES}) ADD_EXECUTABLE(nfc-${source} ${source}.c) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(nfc-${source} nfc) INSTALL(TARGETS nfc-${source} RUNTIME DESTINATION bin COMPONENT examples) ENDFOREACH(source) # Manuals for the examples FILE(GLOB manuals "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.1") INSTALL(FILES ${manuals} DESTINATION ${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/man/man1 COMPONENT manuals)