/*- * Free/Libre Near Field Communication (NFC) library * * Libnfc historical contributors: * Copyright (C) 2009 Roel Verdult * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Romuald Conty * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Romain Tartière * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Philippe Teuwen * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Ludovic Rousseau * See AUTHORS file for a more comprehensive list of contributors. * Additional contributors of this file: * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Adam Laurie * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Danielle Bruneo * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2 )Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Note that this license only applies on the examples, NFC library itself is under LGPL * */ /** * @file nfc-mfclassic.c * @brief MIFARE Classic manipulation example */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <nfc/nfc.h> #include "mifare.h" #include "nfc-utils.h" static nfc_context *context; static nfc_device *pnd; static nfc_target nt; static mifare_param mp; static mifare_classic_tag mtKeys; static mifare_classic_tag mtDump; static bool bUseKeyA; static bool bUseKeyFile; static bool bForceKeyFile; static bool bTolerateFailures; static bool bFormatCard; static bool magic2 = false; static bool magic3 = false; static bool unlocked = false; static uint8_t uiBlocks; static uint8_t keys[] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xd3, 0xf7, 0xd3, 0xf7, 0xd3, 0xf7, 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0x4d, 0x3a, 0x99, 0xc3, 0x51, 0xdd, 0x1a, 0x98, 0x2c, 0x7e, 0x45, 0x9a, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56 }; static uint8_t default_key[] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; static uint8_t default_acl[] = {0xff, 0x07, 0x80, 0x69}; static const nfc_modulation nmMifare = { .nmt = NMT_ISO14443A, .nbr = NBR_106, }; static size_t num_keys = sizeof(keys) / 6; #define MAX_FRAME_LEN 264 static uint8_t abtRx[MAX_FRAME_LEN]; static int szRxBits; uint8_t abtHalt[4] = { 0x50, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; // special unlock command uint8_t abtUnlock1[1] = { 0x40 }; uint8_t abtUnlock2[1] = { 0x43 }; static bool transmit_bits(const uint8_t *pbtTx, const size_t szTxBits) { // Show transmitted command printf("Sent bits: "); print_hex_bits(pbtTx, szTxBits); // Transmit the bit frame command, we don't use the arbitrary parity feature if ((szRxBits = nfc_initiator_transceive_bits(pnd, pbtTx, szTxBits, NULL, abtRx, sizeof(abtRx), NULL)) < 0) return false; // Show received answer printf("Received bits: "); print_hex_bits(abtRx, szRxBits); // Succesful transfer return true; } static bool transmit_bytes(const uint8_t *pbtTx, const size_t szTx) { // Show transmitted command printf("Sent bits: "); print_hex(pbtTx, szTx); // Transmit the command bytes int res; if ((res = nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes(pnd, pbtTx, szTx, abtRx, sizeof(abtRx), 0)) < 0) return false; // Show received answer printf("Received bits: "); print_hex(abtRx, res); // Succesful transfer return true; } static void print_success_or_failure(bool bFailure, uint32_t *uiBlockCounter) { printf("%c", (bFailure) ? 'x' : '.'); if (uiBlockCounter && !bFailure) *uiBlockCounter += 1; } static bool is_first_block(uint32_t uiBlock) { // Test if we are in the small or big sectors if (uiBlock < 128) return ((uiBlock) % 4 == 0); else return ((uiBlock) % 16 == 0); } static bool is_trailer_block(uint32_t uiBlock) { // Test if we are in the small or big sectors if (uiBlock < 128) return ((uiBlock + 1) % 4 == 0); else return ((uiBlock + 1) % 16 == 0); } static uint32_t get_trailer_block(uint32_t uiFirstBlock) { // Test if we are in the small or big sectors uint32_t trailer_block = 0; if (uiFirstBlock < 128) { trailer_block = uiFirstBlock + (3 - (uiFirstBlock % 4)); } else { trailer_block = uiFirstBlock + (15 - (uiFirstBlock % 16)); } return trailer_block; } static bool authenticate(uint32_t uiBlock) { mifare_cmd mc; // Set the authentication information (uid) memcpy(mp.mpa.abtAuthUid, nt.nti.nai.abtUid + nt.nti.nai.szUidLen - 4, 4); // Should we use key A or B? mc = (bUseKeyA) ? MC_AUTH_A : MC_AUTH_B; // Key file authentication. if (bUseKeyFile) { // Locate the trailer (with the keys) used for this sector uint32_t uiTrailerBlock; uiTrailerBlock = get_trailer_block(uiBlock); // Extract the right key from dump file if (bUseKeyA) memcpy(mp.mpa.abtKey, mtKeys.amb[uiTrailerBlock].mbt.abtKeyA, sizeof(mp.mpa.abtKey)); else memcpy(mp.mpa.abtKey, mtKeys.amb[uiTrailerBlock].mbt.abtKeyB, sizeof(mp.mpa.abtKey)); // Try to authenticate for the current sector if (nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd(pnd, mc, uiBlock, &mp)) return true; } else if (magic3) { //If it's a One Time Write card, we're gonna authenticate with the default keys memcpy(mp.mpa.abtKey, default_key, sizeof(default_key)); // Try to authenticate for the current sector if (nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd(pnd, mc, uiBlock, &mp)) { return true; } // If formatting or not using key file, try to guess the right key } else if (bFormatCard || !bUseKeyFile) { for (size_t key_index = 0; key_index < num_keys; key_index++) { memcpy(mp.mpa.abtKey, keys + (key_index * 6), 6); if (nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd(pnd, mc, uiBlock, &mp)) { if (bUseKeyA) memcpy(mtKeys.amb[uiBlock].mbt.abtKeyA, &mp.mpa.abtKey, sizeof(mtKeys.amb[uiBlock].mbt.abtKeyA)); else memcpy(mtKeys.amb[uiBlock].mbt.abtKeyB, &mp.mpa.abtKey, sizeof(mtKeys.amb[uiBlock].mbt.abtKeyB)); return true; } if (nfc_initiator_select_passive_target(pnd, nmMifare, nt.nti.nai.abtUid, nt.nti.nai.szUidLen, NULL) <= 0) { ERR("tag was removed"); return false; } } } return false; } static bool unlock_card(void) { // Configure the CRC if (nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd, NP_HANDLE_CRC, false) < 0) { nfc_perror(pnd, "nfc_configure"); return false; } // Use raw send/receive methods if (nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd, NP_EASY_FRAMING, false) < 0) { nfc_perror(pnd, "nfc_configure"); return false; } iso14443a_crc_append(abtHalt, 2); transmit_bytes(abtHalt, 4); // now send unlock if (!transmit_bits(abtUnlock1, 7)) { printf("Warning: Unlock command [1/2]: failed / not acknowledged.\n"); } else { if (transmit_bytes(abtUnlock2, 1)) { printf("Card unlocked\n"); unlocked = true; } else { printf("Warning: Unlock command [2/2]: failed / not acknowledged.\n"); } } // reset reader // Configure the CRC if (nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd, NP_HANDLE_CRC, true) < 0) { nfc_perror(pnd, "nfc_device_set_property_bool"); return false; } // Switch off raw send/receive methods if (nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd, NP_EASY_FRAMING, true) < 0) { nfc_perror(pnd, "nfc_device_set_property_bool"); return false; } return true; } static int get_rats(void) { int res; uint8_t abtRats[2] = { 0xe0, 0x50}; // Use raw send/receive methods if (nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd, NP_EASY_FRAMING, false) < 0) { nfc_perror(pnd, "nfc_configure"); return -1; } res = nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes(pnd, abtRats, sizeof(abtRats), abtRx, sizeof(abtRx), 0); if (res > 0) { // ISO14443-4 card, turn RF field off/on to access ISO14443-3 again if (nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd, NP_ACTIVATE_FIELD, false) < 0) { nfc_perror(pnd, "nfc_configure"); return -1; } if (nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd, NP_ACTIVATE_FIELD, true) < 0) { nfc_perror(pnd, "nfc_configure"); return -1; } } // Reselect tag if (nfc_initiator_select_passive_target(pnd, nmMifare, NULL, 0, &nt) <= 0) { printf("Error: tag disappeared\n"); nfc_close(pnd); nfc_exit(context); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return res; } static bool read_card(int read_unlocked) { int32_t iBlock; bool bFailure = false; uint32_t uiReadBlocks = 0; if (read_unlocked) { //If the user is attempting an unlocked read, but has a direct-write type magic card, they don't //need to use the R mode. We'll trigger a warning and let them proceed. if (magic2) { printf("Note: This card does not require an unlocked read (R) \n"); read_unlocked = 0; } else { //If User has requested an unlocked read, but we're unable to unlock the card, we'll error out. if (!unlock_card()) { return false; } } } printf("Reading out %d blocks |", uiBlocks + 1); // Read the card from end to begin for (iBlock = uiBlocks; iBlock >= 0; iBlock--) { // Authenticate everytime we reach a trailer block if (is_trailer_block(iBlock)) { if (bFailure) { // When a failure occured we need to redo the anti-collision if (nfc_initiator_select_passive_target(pnd, nmMifare, NULL, 0, &nt) <= 0) { printf("!\nError: tag was removed\n"); return false; } bFailure = false; } fflush(stdout); // Try to authenticate for the current sector if (!read_unlocked && !authenticate(iBlock)) { printf("!\nError: authentication failed for block 0x%02x\n", iBlock); return false; } // Try to read out the trailer if (nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd(pnd, MC_READ, iBlock, &mp)) { if (read_unlocked) { memcpy(mtDump.amb[iBlock].mbd.abtData, mp.mpd.abtData, sizeof(mtDump.amb[iBlock].mbd.abtData)); } else { //If we're using a One Time Write ('Magic 3') Badge - we'll use default keys + ACL if (magic3) { memcpy(mtDump.amb[iBlock].mbt.abtKeyA, default_key, sizeof(default_key)); memcpy(mtDump.amb[iBlock].mbt.abtAccessBits, mp.mpt.abtAccessBits, sizeof(mtDump.amb[iBlock].mbt.abtAccessBits)); memcpy(mtDump.amb[iBlock].mbt.abtKeyB, default_key, sizeof(default_key)); } else { // Copy the keys over from our key dump and store the retrieved access bits memcpy(mtDump.amb[iBlock].mbt.abtKeyA, mtKeys.amb[iBlock].mbt.abtKeyA, sizeof(mtDump.amb[iBlock].mbt.abtKeyA)); memcpy(mtDump.amb[iBlock].mbt.abtAccessBits, mp.mpt.abtAccessBits, sizeof(mtDump.amb[iBlock].mbt.abtAccessBits)); memcpy(mtDump.amb[iBlock].mbt.abtKeyB, mtKeys.amb[iBlock].mbt.abtKeyB, sizeof(mtDump.amb[iBlock].mbt.abtKeyB)); } } } else { printf("!\nfailed to read trailer block 0x%02x\n", iBlock); bFailure = true; } } else { // Make sure a earlier readout did not fail if (!bFailure) { // Try to read out the data block if (nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd(pnd, MC_READ, iBlock, &mp)) { memcpy(mtDump.amb[iBlock].mbd.abtData, mp.mpd.abtData, sizeof(mtDump.amb[iBlock].mbd.abtData)); } else { printf("!\nError: unable to read block 0x%02x\n", iBlock); bFailure = true; } } } // Show if the readout went well for each block print_success_or_failure(bFailure, &uiReadBlocks); if ((!bTolerateFailures) && bFailure) return false; } printf("|\n"); printf("Done, %d of %d blocks read.\n", uiReadBlocks, uiBlocks + 1); fflush(stdout); return true; } static bool write_card(int write_block_zero) { uint32_t uiBlock; bool bFailure = false; uint32_t uiWriteBlocks = 0; //Determine if we have to unlock the card if (write_block_zero) { //If the user is attempting an unlocked write, but has a direct-write type magic card, they don't //need to use the W mode. We'll trigger a warning and let them proceed. if (magic2) { printf("Note: This card does not require an unlocked write (W) \n"); write_block_zero = 0; } else { //If User has requested an unlocked write, but we're unable to unlock the card, we'll error out. if (!unlock_card()) { return false; } } } printf("Writing %d blocks |", uiBlocks + 1); // Completely write the card, end to start, but skipping block 0 for (uiBlock = 4; uiBlock <= uiBlocks; uiBlock++) { // Authenticate everytime we reach the first sector of a new block if (is_first_block(uiBlock)) { if (bFailure) { // When a failure occured we need to redo the anti-collision if (nfc_initiator_select_passive_target(pnd, nmMifare, NULL, 0, &nt) <= 0) { printf("!\nError: tag was removed\n"); return false; } bFailure = false; } fflush(stdout); // Try to authenticate for the current sector // If we are are writing to a chinese magic card, we've already unlocked // If we're writing to a One Time Write card, we need to authenticate // If we're writing something else, we'll need to authenticate if ((write_block_zero && magic3) || !write_block_zero) { if (!authenticate(uiBlock) && !bTolerateFailures) { printf("!\nError: authentication failed for block %02x\n", uiBlock); return false; } } if (is_trailer_block(uiBlock)) { if (bFormatCard) { // Copy the default key and reset the access bits memcpy(mp.mpt.abtKeyA, default_key, sizeof(mp.mpt.abtKeyA)); memcpy(mp.mpt.abtAccessBits, default_acl, sizeof(mp.mpt.abtAccessBits)); memcpy(mp.mpt.abtKeyB, default_key, sizeof(mp.mpt.abtKeyB)); } else { // Copy the keys over from our key dump and store the retrieved access bits memcpy(mp.mpt.abtKeyA, mtDump.amb[uiBlock].mbt.abtKeyA, sizeof(mp.mpt.abtKeyA)); memcpy(mp.mpt.abtAccessBits, mtDump.amb[uiBlock].mbt.abtAccessBits, sizeof(mp.mpt.abtAccessBits)); memcpy(mp.mpt.abtKeyB, mtDump.amb[uiBlock].mbt.abtKeyB, sizeof(mp.mpt.abtKeyB)); } // Try to write the trailer if (nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd(pnd, MC_WRITE, uiBlock, &mp) == false) { printf("failed to write trailer block %d \n", uiBlock); bFailure = true; } } else { // The first block 0x00 is read only, skip this if (uiBlock == 0 && !write_block_zero && !magic2) continue; // Make sure a earlier write did not fail if (!bFailure) { // Try to write the data block if (bFormatCard && uiBlock) memset(mp.mpd.abtData, 0x00, sizeof(mp.mpd.abtData)); else memcpy(mp.mpd.abtData, mtDump.amb[uiBlock].mbd.abtData, sizeof(mp.mpd.abtData)); // do not write a block 0 with incorrect BCC - card will be made invalid! if (uiBlock == 0) { if ((mp.mpd.abtData[0] ^ mp.mpd.abtData[1] ^ mp.mpd.abtData[2] ^ mp.mpd.abtData[3] ^ mp.mpd.abtData[4]) != 0x00 && !magic2) { printf("!\nError: incorrect BCC in MFD file!\n"); printf("Expecting BCC=%02X\n", mp.mpd.abtData[0] ^ mp.mpd.abtData[1] ^ mp.mpd.abtData[2] ^ mp.mpd.abtData[3]); return false; } } if (!nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd(pnd, MC_WRITE, uiBlock, &mp)) { bFailure = true; printf("Failure to write to data block %i\n", uiBlock); } } else { printf("Failure during write process.\n"); } } } // Show if the write went well for each block print_success_or_failure(bFailure, &uiWriteBlocks); if ((! bTolerateFailures) && bFailure) return false; } //Write Block 0 if necessary if (write_block_zero || magic2 || magic3) { for (uiBlock = 0; uiBlock < 4; uiBlock++) { // The first block 0x00 is read only, skip this if (uiBlock == 0) { //If the card is not magic, we're gonna skip over if (write_block_zero || magic2 || magic3) { //NOP } else { continue; } } if (is_first_block(uiBlock)) { if (bFailure) { // When a failure occured we need to redo the anti-collision if (nfc_initiator_select_passive_target(pnd, nmMifare, NULL, 0, &nt) <= 0) { printf("!\nError: tag was removed\n"); return false; } bFailure = false; } fflush(stdout); // Try to authenticate for the current sector // If we are are writing to a chinese magic card, we've already unlocked // If we're writing to a One Time Write, we need to authenticate // If we're writing something else, we'll need to authenticate if ((write_block_zero && magic3) || !write_block_zero) { if (!authenticate(uiBlock) && !bTolerateFailures) { printf("!\nError: authentication failed for block %02x\n", uiBlock); return false; } } } // Make sure a earlier write did not fail if (!bFailure) { // Try to write the data block if (bFormatCard && uiBlock) memset(mp.mpd.abtData, 0x00, sizeof(mp.mpd.abtData)); else memcpy(mp.mpd.abtData, mtDump.amb[uiBlock].mbd.abtData, sizeof(mp.mpd.abtData)); // do not write a block 0 with incorrect BCC - card will be made invalid! if (uiBlock == 0) { if ((mp.mpd.abtData[0] ^ mp.mpd.abtData[1] ^ mp.mpd.abtData[2] ^ mp.mpd.abtData[3] ^ mp.mpd.abtData[4]) != 0x00 && !magic2) { printf("!\nError: incorrect BCC in MFD file!\n"); printf("Expecting BCC=%02X\n", mp.mpd.abtData[0] ^ mp.mpd.abtData[1] ^ mp.mpd.abtData[2] ^ mp.mpd.abtData[3]); return false; } } if (!nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd(pnd, MC_WRITE, uiBlock, &mp)) { bFailure = true; printf("Failure to write to data block %i\n", uiBlock); } } else { printf("Failure during write process.\n"); } // Show if the write went well for each block print_success_or_failure(bFailure, &uiWriteBlocks); if ((! bTolerateFailures) && bFailure) return false; } } printf("|\n"); printf("Done, %d of %d blocks written.\n", uiWriteBlocks, uiBlocks + 1); fflush(stdout); return true; } typedef enum { ACTION_READ, ACTION_WRITE, ACTION_USAGE } action_t; static void print_usage(const char *pcProgramName) { printf("Usage: "); printf("%s f|r|R|w|W a|b u|U<01ab23cd> <dump.mfd> [<keys.mfd> [f]]\n", pcProgramName); printf(" f|r|R|w|W - Perform format (f) or read from (r) or unlocked read from (R) or write to (w) or unlocked write to (W) card\n"); printf(" *** format will reset all keys to FFFFFFFFFFFF and all data to 00 and all ACLs to default\n"); printf(" *** unlocked read does not require authentication and will reveal A and B keys\n"); printf(" *** note that unlocked write will attempt to overwrite block 0 including UID\n"); printf(" *** unlocking only works with special Mifare 1K cards (Chinese clones)\n"); printf(" a|A|b|B - Use A or B keys for action; Halt on errors (a|b) or tolerate errors (A|B)\n"); printf(" u|U - Use any (u) uid or supply a uid specifically as U01ab23cd.\n"); printf(" <dump.mfd> - MiFare Dump (MFD) used to write (card to MFD) or (MFD to card)\n"); printf(" <keys.mfd> - MiFare Dump (MFD) that contain the keys (optional)\n"); printf(" f - Force using the keyfile even if UID does not match (optional)\n"); printf("Examples: \n\n"); printf(" Read card to file, using key A:\n\n"); printf(" %s r a u mycard.mfd\n\n", pcProgramName); printf(" Write file to blank card, using key A:\n\n"); printf(" %s w a u mycard.mfd\n\n", pcProgramName); printf(" Write new data and/or keys to previously written card, using key A:\n\n"); printf(" %s w a u newdata.mfd mycard.mfd\n\n", pcProgramName); printf(" Format/wipe card (note two passes required to ensure writes for all ACL cases):\n\n"); printf(" %s f A u dummy.mfd keyfile.mfd f\n", pcProgramName); printf(" %s f B u dummy.mfd keyfile.mfd f\n\n", pcProgramName); printf(" Read card to file, using key A and uid 0x01 0xab 0x23 0xcd:\n\n"); printf(" %s r a U01ab23cd mycard.mfd\n\n", pcProgramName); } static bool is_directwrite(void) { printf("Checking if Badge is DirectWrite...\n"); // Set default keys memcpy(mtDump.amb[0].mbt.abtKeyA, default_key, sizeof(default_key)); memcpy(mtDump.amb[0].mbt.abtAccessBits, default_acl, sizeof(mp.mpt.abtAccessBits)); memcpy(mtDump.amb[0].mbt.abtKeyB, default_key, sizeof(default_key)); // Temporarly override bUseKeyFile bool orig_bUseKeyFile = bUseKeyFile; bUseKeyFile = false; // Try to authenticate for the current sector if (!authenticate(0)) { printf("!\nError: authentication failed for block 0x%02x\n", 0); bUseKeyFile = orig_bUseKeyFile; return false; } // restore bUseKeyFile bUseKeyFile = orig_bUseKeyFile; // Try to read block 0 uint8_t original_b0[16]; if (nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd(pnd, MC_READ, 0, &mp)) { memcpy(original_b0, mp.mpd.abtData, sizeof(mp.mpd.abtData)); printf(" Original Block 0: "); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { printf("%02x", original_b0[i]); } printf("\n"); printf(" Original UID: %02x%02x%02x%02x\n", original_b0[0], original_b0[1], original_b0[2], original_b0[3]); } else { printf("!\nError: unable to read block 0x%02x\n", 0); return false; } printf(" Attempt to write Block 0 ...\n"); memcpy(mp.mpd.abtData, original_b0, sizeof(original_b0)); if (!nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd(pnd, MC_WRITE, 0, &mp)) { printf("Failure to write to data block %i\n", 0); return false; } printf(" Block 0 written successfully\n"); return true; } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { action_t atAction = ACTION_USAGE; uint8_t *pbtUID; uint8_t _tag_uid[4]; uint8_t *tag_uid = _tag_uid; int unlock = 0; if (argc < 2) { print_usage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } const char *command = argv[1]; if (argc < 5) { print_usage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (strcmp(command, "r") == 0 || strcmp(command, "R") == 0) { atAction = ACTION_READ; if (strcmp(command, "R") == 0) unlock = 1; bUseKeyA = tolower((int)((unsigned char) * (argv[2]))) == 'a'; bTolerateFailures = tolower((int)((unsigned char) * (argv[2]))) != (int)((unsigned char) * (argv[2])); bUseKeyFile = (argc > 5); bForceKeyFile = ((argc > 6) && (strcmp((char *)argv[6], "f") == 0)); } else if (strcmp(command, "w") == 0 || strcmp(command, "W") == 0 || strcmp(command, "f") == 0) { atAction = ACTION_WRITE; if (strcmp(command, "W") == 0) unlock = 1; bFormatCard = (strcmp(command, "f") == 0); bUseKeyA = tolower((int)((unsigned char) * (argv[2]))) == 'a'; bTolerateFailures = tolower((int)((unsigned char) * (argv[2]))) != (int)((unsigned char) * (argv[2])); bUseKeyFile = (argc > 5); bForceKeyFile = ((argc > 6) && (strcmp((char *)argv[6], "f") == 0)); } if (argv[3][0] == 'U') { unsigned long int _uid; if (strlen(argv[3]) != 9) { printf("Error, illegal tag specification, use U01ab23cd for example.\n"); print_usage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } _uid = strtoul(argv[3] + 1, NULL, 16); tag_uid[0] = (_uid & 0xff000000UL) >> 24; tag_uid[1] = (_uid & 0x00ff0000UL) >> 16; tag_uid[2] = (_uid & 0x0000ff00UL) >> 8; tag_uid[3] = (_uid & 0x000000ffUL); printf("Attempting to use specific UID: 0x%2x 0x%2x 0x%2x 0x%2x\n", tag_uid[0], tag_uid[1], tag_uid[2], tag_uid[3]); } else { tag_uid = NULL; } if (atAction == ACTION_USAGE) { print_usage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // We don't know yet the card size so let's read only the UID from the keyfile for the moment if (bUseKeyFile) { FILE *pfKeys = fopen(argv[5], "rb"); if (pfKeys == NULL) { printf("Could not open keys file: %s\n", argv[5]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (fread(&mtKeys, 1, 4, pfKeys) != 4) { printf("Could not read UID from key file: %s\n", argv[5]); fclose(pfKeys); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fclose(pfKeys); } nfc_init(&context); if (context == NULL) { ERR("Unable to init libnfc (malloc)"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Try to open the NFC reader pnd = nfc_open(context, NULL); if (pnd == NULL) { ERR("Error opening NFC reader"); nfc_exit(context); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (nfc_initiator_init(pnd) < 0) { nfc_perror(pnd, "nfc_initiator_init"); nfc_close(pnd); nfc_exit(context); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }; // Let the reader only try once to find a tag if (nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd, NP_INFINITE_SELECT, false) < 0) { nfc_perror(pnd, "nfc_device_set_property_bool"); nfc_close(pnd); nfc_exit(context); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Disable ISO14443-4 switching in order to read devices that emulate Mifare Classic with ISO14443-4 compliance. if (nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd, NP_AUTO_ISO14443_4, false) < 0) { nfc_perror(pnd, "nfc_device_set_property_bool"); nfc_close(pnd); nfc_exit(context); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("NFC reader: %s opened\n", nfc_device_get_name(pnd)); // Try to find a MIFARE Classic tag int tags; tags = nfc_initiator_select_passive_target(pnd, nmMifare, tag_uid, tag_uid == NULL ? 0 : 4, &nt); if (tags <= 0) { printf("Error: no tag was found\n"); nfc_close(pnd); nfc_exit(context); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Test if we are dealing with a MIFARE compatible tag if ((nt.nti.nai.btSak & 0x08) == 0) { printf("Warning: tag is probably not a MFC!\n"); } // Get the info from the current tag pbtUID = nt.nti.nai.abtUid; if (bUseKeyFile) { uint8_t fileUid[4]; memcpy(fileUid, mtKeys.amb[0].mbm.abtUID, 4); // Compare if key dump UID is the same as the current tag UID, at least for the first 4 bytes if (memcmp(pbtUID, fileUid, 4) != 0) { printf("Expected MIFARE Classic card with UID starting as: %02x%02x%02x%02x\n", fileUid[0], fileUid[1], fileUid[2], fileUid[3]); printf("Got card with UID starting as: %02x%02x%02x%02x\n", pbtUID[0], pbtUID[1], pbtUID[2], pbtUID[3]); if (!bForceKeyFile) { printf("Aborting!\n"); nfc_close(pnd); nfc_exit(context); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } printf("Found MIFARE Classic card:\n"); print_nfc_target(&nt, false); // Guessing size if ((nt.nti.nai.abtAtqa[1] & 0x02) == 0x02 || nt.nti.nai.btSak == 0x18) // 4K uiBlocks = 0xff; else if (nt.nti.nai.btSak == 0x09) // 320b uiBlocks = 0x13; else // 1K/2K, checked through RATS uiBlocks = 0x3f; // Testing RATS int res; if ((res = get_rats()) > 0) { printf("RATS support: yes\n"); if ((res >= 10) && (abtRx[5] == 0xc1) && (abtRx[6] == 0x05) && (abtRx[7] == 0x2f) && (abtRx[8] == 0x2f) && ((nt.nti.nai.abtAtqa[1] & 0x02) == 0x00)) { // MIFARE Plus 2K uiBlocks = 0x7f; } // Chinese magic emulation card, ATS=0978009102:dabc1910 if ((res == 9) && (abtRx[5] == 0xda) && (abtRx[6] == 0xbc) && (abtRx[7] == 0x19) && (abtRx[8] == 0x10)) { magic2 = true; } } else printf("RATS support: no\n"); printf("Guessing size: seems to be a %lu-byte card\n", (unsigned long)((uiBlocks + 1) * sizeof(mifare_classic_block))); //If size is 4k check for direct-write card if (uiBlocks == 0xff) { if (is_directwrite()) { printf("Card is DirectWrite\n"); magic3 = true; unlock = 0; } else { printf("Card is not DirectWrite\n"); } } //Check to see if we have a One Time Write badge (magic3) if (pbtUID[0] == 0xaa && pbtUID[1] == 0x55 && pbtUID[2] == 0xc3 && pbtUID[3] == 0x96) { printf("Card appears to be a One Time Write Card..\n"); magic3 = true; unlock = 0; } if (bUseKeyFile) { FILE *pfKeys = fopen(argv[5], "rb"); if (pfKeys == NULL) { printf("Could not open keys file: %s\n", argv[5]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (fread(&mtKeys, 1, (uiBlocks + 1) * sizeof(mifare_classic_block), pfKeys) != (uiBlocks + 1) * sizeof(mifare_classic_block)) { printf("Could not read keys file: %s\n", argv[5]); fclose(pfKeys); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fclose(pfKeys); } if (atAction == ACTION_READ) { memset(&mtDump, 0x00, sizeof(mtDump)); } else { FILE *pfDump = fopen(argv[4], "rb"); if (pfDump == NULL) { printf("Could not open dump file: %s\n", argv[4]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (fread(&mtDump, 1, (uiBlocks + 1) * sizeof(mifare_classic_block), pfDump) != (uiBlocks + 1) * sizeof(mifare_classic_block)) { printf("Could not read dump file: %s\n", argv[4]); fclose(pfDump); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fclose(pfDump); } // printf("Successfully opened required files\n"); if (atAction == ACTION_READ) { if (read_card(unlock)) { printf("Writing data to file: %s ...", argv[4]); fflush(stdout); FILE *pfDump = fopen(argv[4], "wb"); if (pfDump == NULL) { printf("Could not open dump file: %s\n", argv[4]); nfc_close(pnd); nfc_exit(context); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (fwrite(&mtDump, 1, (uiBlocks + 1) * sizeof(mifare_classic_block), pfDump) != ((uiBlocks + 1) * sizeof(mifare_classic_block))) { printf("\nCould not write to file: %s\n", argv[4]); fclose(pfDump); nfc_close(pnd); nfc_exit(context); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Done.\n"); fclose(pfDump); } } else if (atAction == ACTION_WRITE) { write_card(unlock); } nfc_close(pnd); nfc_exit(context); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }