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* Public platform independent Near Field Communication (NFC) library
* Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, Roel Verdult, Romuald Conty
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
* @file pn53x.h
* @brief PN531, PN532 and PN533 common functions
#ifndef __NFC_CHIPS_PN53X_H__
#define __NFC_CHIPS_PN53X_H__
#include <nfc/nfc-types.h>
#define MAX_FRAME_LEN 264
// Registers and symbols masks used to covers parts within a register
#define REG_CIU_TX_MODE 0x6302
#define REG_CIU_RX_MODE 0x6303
#define SYMBOL_RX_NO_ERROR 0x08
#define REG_CIU_TX_AUTO 0x6305
#define SYMBOL_FORCE_100_ASK 0x40
#define SYMBOL_AUTO_WAKE_UP 0x20
#define REG_CIU_MANUAL_RCV 0x630D
#define REG_CIU_STATUS2 0x6338
#define SYMBOL_MF_CRYPTO1_ON 0x08
#define REG_CIU_CONTROL 0x633C
#define SYMBOL_RX_LAST_BITS 0x07
#define REG_CIU_BIT_FRAMING 0x633D
#define SYMBOL_TX_LAST_BITS 0x07
// Internal parameters flags
#define PARAM_NONE 0x00
#define PARAM_NAD_USED 0x01
#define PARAM_DID_USED 0x02
#define PARAM_AUTO_ATR_RES 0x04
#define PARAM_AUTO_RATS 0x10
#define PARAM_14443_4_PICC 0x20
#define PARAM_NO_AMBLE 0x40
// Radio Field Configure Items // Configuration Data length
#define RFCI_FIELD 0x01 // 1
#define RFCI_TIMING 0x02 // 3
#define RFCI_RETRY_DATA 0x04 // 1
#define RFCI_RETRY_SELECT 0x05 // 3
#define RFCI_ANALOG_TYPE_A_106 0x0A // 11
#define RFCI_ANALOG_TYPE_A_212_424 0x0B // 8
#define RFCI_ANALOG_TYPE_B 0x0C // 3
#define RFCI_ANALOG_TYPE_14443_4 0x0D // 9
/* PN53x specific device-level errors */
#define DENACK 0x0100 /* NACK */
#define DEACKMISMATCH 0x0200 /* Unexpected data */
#define DEISERRFRAME 0x0300 /* Error frame */
bool pn53x_transceive_callback(nfc_device_t* pnd, const byte_t *pbtRxFrame, const size_t szRxFrameLen);
bool pn53x_transceive(nfc_device_t* pnd, const byte_t* pbtTx, const size_t szTxLen, byte_t* pbtRx, size_t* pszRxLen);
byte_t pn53x_get_reg(nfc_device_t* pnd, uint16_t ui16Reg);
bool pn53x_set_reg(nfc_device_t* pnd, uint16_t ui16Reg, uint8_t ui8SybmolMask, uint8_t ui8Value);
bool pn53x_set_parameters(nfc_device_t* pnd, uint8_t ui8Value);
bool pn53x_set_tx_bits(nfc_device_t* pnd, uint8_t ui8Bits);
bool pn53x_wrap_frame(const byte_t* pbtTx, const size_t szTxBits, const byte_t* pbtTxPar, byte_t* pbtFrame, size_t* pszFrameBits);
bool pn53x_unwrap_frame(const byte_t* pbtFrame, const size_t szFrameBits, byte_t* pbtRx, size_t* pszRxBits, byte_t* pbtRxPar);
bool pn53x_decode_target_data(const byte_t* pbtRawData, size_t szDataLen, nfc_chip_t nc, nfc_target_type_t ntt, nfc_target_info_t* pnti);
bool pn53x_InListPassiveTarget(nfc_device_t* pnd, const nfc_modulation_t nmInitModulation, const byte_t szMaxTargets, const byte_t* pbtInitiatorData, const size_t szInitiatorDataLen, byte_t* pbtTargetsData, size_t* pszTargetsData);
bool pn53x_InDeselect(nfc_device_t* pnd, const uint8_t ui8Target);
bool pn53x_InRelease(nfc_device_t* pnd, const uint8_t ui8Target);
bool pn53x_InAutoPoll(nfc_device_t* pnd, const nfc_target_type_t* pnttTargetTypes, const size_t szTargetTypes, const byte_t btPollNr, const byte_t btPeriod, nfc_target_t* pntTargets, size_t* pszTargetFound);
const char *pn53x_strerror (const nfc_device_t *pnd);
static const struct chip_callbacks pn53x_callbacks_list = {
#endif // __NFC_CHIPS_PN53X_H__