Romuald Conty 5af845cdfc Broke whole the libnfc :-)
use a new way to handle drivers
use absolute include path instead of relative ones
move some nfc_device_t members in a better place
nfc_device_t now embeddeds driver data and chip data pointers (useful to be more generic)
use more readable variables instead of strange coding convention
move PRINT_HEX macro into nfc-internal.h
silent warnings with more strict CFLAGS
chips/pn53x: use the powerful C99 writing to construct PN53x commands
chips/pn53x: remove almost all memcpy()
chips/pn53x: WriteRegister, ReadRegister and SetParameters command wrappers are correctly named
chips/pn53x: introduce chip state (SLEEP, NORMAL or EXECUTE)
chips/pn53x: add SAMConfiguration command wrapper (need to be improved)
chips/pn53x: remove almost all const arrays
chips/pn53x: use human readable defines for commands instead of hex values
chips/pn53x: in debug mode, the PN53x command is shown in human-readable string, awesome isn't it? ;-)
drivers: split transceive() into send() and receive() to be able to handle more cases (differed replies, abort commands, etc) later
drivers: use a const structure of functions instead of -dirty- callbacks array
drivers/pn532_uart: major improvement of UART handling
drivers/pn532_uart: check PN53x frames when received
buses/uart: receive() is now based on expected bytes instead of calculated timeouts..
buses/uart: use a smart way to determine available ports on POSIX systems (tested on Linux and FreeBSD)
2011-03-02 15:00:44 +00:00

389 lines
12 KiB

* Public platform independent Near Field Communication (NFC) library
* Copyright (C) 2010, Roel Verdult, Romuald Conty
* Copyright (C) 2011, Romuald Conty, Romain Tartière
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>
* @file pn532_uart.c
* @brief PN532 driver using UART bus (UART, RS232, etc.)
/* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et: */
# include "config.h"
#endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H
#include "libnfc/drivers.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "pn532_uart.h"
#include <nfc/nfc.h>
#include <nfc/nfc-messages.h>
#include "uart.h"
#include "libnfc/nfc-internal.h"
#include "libnfc/chips/pn53x.h"
#include "libnfc/chips/pn53x-internal.h"
// TODO Move this one level up for libnfc-1.6
static const byte_t ack_frame[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00 };
void pn532_uart_ack (nfc_device_t * pnd);
// void pn532_uart_wakeup (const nfc_device_spec_t nds);
bool pn532_uart_check_communication (nfc_device_t *pnd);
struct pn532_uart_data {
serial_port port;
pn532_uart_probe (nfc_device_desc_t pnddDevices[], size_t szDevices, size_t * pszDeviceFound)
/** @note: Due to UART bus we can't know if its really a pn532 without
* sending some PN53x commands. But using this way to probe devices, we can
* have serious problem with other device on this bus */
(void) pnddDevices;
(void) szDevices;
*pszDeviceFound = 0;
DBG ("%s", "Serial auto-probing have been disabled at compile time. Skipping autoprobe.");
return false;
*pszDeviceFound = 0;
serial_port sp;
char **pcPorts = uart_list_ports ();
const char *pcPort;
int iDevice = 0;
while ((pcPort = pcPorts[iDevice++])) {
sp = uart_open (pcPort);
DBG ("Trying to find PN532 device on serial port: %s at %d bauds.", pcPort, SERIAL_DEFAULT_PORT_SPEED);
// Serial port claimed but we need to check if a PN532_UART is connected.
uart_set_speed (sp, SERIAL_DEFAULT_PORT_SPEED);
nfc_device_t nd;
nd.driver = &pn532_uart_driver;
nd.driver_data = malloc(sizeof(struct pn532_uart_data));
((struct pn532_uart_data*)(nd.driver_data))->port = sp;
nd.chip_data = malloc(sizeof(struct pn53x_data));
((struct pn53x_data*)(nd.chip_data))->type = PN532;
((struct pn53x_data*)(nd.chip_data))->state = SLEEP;
// PN532 could be powered down, we need to wake it up before line testing.
// TODO pn532_uart_wakeup ((nfc_device_spec_t) sp);
// Check communication using "Diagnose" command, with "Communication test" (0x00)
bool res = pn532_uart_check_communication (&nd);
uart_close (sp);
snprintf (pnddDevices[*pszDeviceFound].acDevice, DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH - 1, "%s (%s)", "PN532", pcPort);
pnddDevices[*pszDeviceFound].acDevice[DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = '\0';
pnddDevices[*pszDeviceFound].pcDriver = PN532_UART_DRIVER_NAME;
pnddDevices[*pszDeviceFound].pcPort = strdup (pcPort);
pnddDevices[*pszDeviceFound].uiSpeed = SERIAL_DEFAULT_PORT_SPEED;
DBG ("Device found: %s.", pnddDevices[*pszDeviceFound].acDevice);
// Test if we reach the maximum "wanted" devices
if ((*pszDeviceFound) >= szDevices)
# ifdef DEBUG
DBG ("Invalid serial port: %s", pcPort);
DBG ("Serial port already claimed: %s", pcPort);
# endif
/* DEBUG */
free (pcPorts);
return true;
nfc_device_t *
pn532_uart_connect (const nfc_device_desc_t * pndd)
serial_port sp;
nfc_device_t *pnd = NULL;
DBG ("Attempt to connect to: %s at %d bauds.", pndd->pcPort, pndd->uiSpeed);
sp = uart_open (pndd->pcPort);
ERR ("Invalid serial port: %s", pndd->pcPort);
ERR ("Serial port already claimed: %s", pndd->pcPort);
return NULL;
uart_set_speed (sp, pndd->uiSpeed);
// We have a connection
pnd = malloc (sizeof (nfc_device_t));
strncpy (pnd->acName, pndd->acDevice, DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH - 1);
pnd->acName[DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = '\0';
pnd->driver_data = malloc(sizeof(struct pn532_uart_data));
((struct pn532_uart_data*)(pnd->driver_data))->port = sp;
pnd->chip_data = malloc(sizeof(struct pn53x_data));
((struct pn53x_data*)(pnd->chip_data))->type = PN532;
((struct pn53x_data*)(pnd->chip_data))->state = SLEEP;
pnd->driver = &pn532_uart_driver;
// Check communication using "Diagnose" command, with "Communication test" (0x00)
if (!pn532_uart_check_communication (pnd))
return NULL;
DBG ("Successfully connected to: %s", pndd->pcPort);
return pnd;
pn532_uart_disconnect (nfc_device_t * pnd)
uart_close (((struct pn532_uart_data*)(pnd->driver_data))->port);
free (pnd->driver_data);
free (pnd->chip_data);
free (pnd);
pn532_uart_send (nfc_device_t * pnd, const byte_t * pbtData, const size_t szData)
DBG ("state: %d (SLEEP: %d, NORMAL: %d, EXECUTE: %d)", ((struct pn53x_data*)(pnd->chip_data))->state, SLEEP, NORMAL, EXECUTE);
if (((struct pn53x_data*)(pnd->chip_data))->state == SLEEP) {
// if (1) {
/** PN532C106 wakeup. */
/** High Speed Unit (HSU) wake up consist to send 0x55 and wait a "long" delay for PN532 being wakeup. */
const byte_t pn532_wakeup_preamble[] = { 0x55, 0x55, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
//, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
uart_send (((struct pn532_uart_data*)(pnd->driver_data))->port, pn532_wakeup_preamble, sizeof (pn532_wakeup_preamble));
((struct pn53x_data*)(pnd->chip_data))->state = NORMAL; // PN532 should now be awake
// According to PN532 application note, C106 appendix: to go out Low Vbat mode and enter in normal mode we need to send a SAMConfiguration command
if (!pn53x_SAMConfiguration (pnd, 0x01)) {
return false;
byte_t abtTxBuf[PN532_BUFFER_LEN] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xff }; // Every packet must start with "00 00 ff"
pnd->iLastCommand = pbtData[0];
size_t szFrame = 0;
if (szData <= PN53x_NORMAL_FRAME__DATA_MAX_LEN) {
// LEN - Packet length = data length (len) + checksum (1) + end of stream marker (1)
abtTxBuf[3] = szData + 1;
// LCS - Packet length checksum
abtTxBuf[4] = 256 - (szData + 1);
// TFI
abtTxBuf[5] = 0xD4;
// DATA - Copy the PN53X command into the packet buffer
memcpy (abtTxBuf + 6, pbtData, szData);
// DCS - Calculate data payload checksum
byte_t btDCS = (256 - 0xD4);
for (size_t szPos = 0; szPos < szData; szPos++) {
btDCS -= pbtData[szPos];
abtTxBuf[6 + szData] = btDCS;
// 0x00 - End of stream marker
abtTxBuf[szData + 7] = 0x00;
szFrame = szData + PN53x_NORMAL_FRAME__OVERHEAD;
} else {
// FIXME: Build extended frame
int res = uart_send (((struct pn532_uart_data*)(pnd->driver_data))->port, abtTxBuf, szFrame);
if (res != 0) {
ERR ("%s", "Unable to transmit data. (TX)");
pnd->iLastError = res;
return false;
byte_t abtRxBuf[6];
res = uart_receive (((struct pn532_uart_data*)(pnd->driver_data))->port, abtRxBuf, 6);
if (res != 0) {
ERR ("%s", "Unable to read ACK");
pnd->iLastError = res;
return false;
if (pn53x_check_ack_frame_callback (pnd, abtRxBuf, sizeof(abtRxBuf))) {
((struct pn53x_data*)(pnd->chip_data))->state = EXECUTE;
} else {
return false;
return true;
pn532_uart_receive (nfc_device_t * pnd, byte_t * pbtData, const size_t szDataLen)
byte_t abtRxBuf[5];
size_t len;
int res = uart_receive (((struct pn532_uart_data*)(pnd->driver_data))->port, abtRxBuf, 5);
if (res != 0) {
ERR ("%s", "Unable to receive data. (RX)");
pnd->iLastError = res;
return -1;
const byte_t pn53x_preamble[3] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xff };
if (0 != (memcmp (abtRxBuf, pn53x_preamble, 3))) {
ERR ("%s", "Frame preamble+start code mismatch");
pnd->iLastError = DEIO;
return -1;
if ((0x01 == abtRxBuf[3]) && (0xff == abtRxBuf[4])) {
// Error frame
uart_receive (((struct pn532_uart_data*)(pnd->driver_data))->port, abtRxBuf, 3);
ERR ("%s", "Application level error detected");
pnd->iLastError = DEISERRFRAME;
return -1;
} else if ((0xff == abtRxBuf[3]) && (0xff == abtRxBuf[4])) {
// Extended frame
// FIXME: Code this
abort ();
} else {
// Normal frame
if (256 != (abtRxBuf[3] + abtRxBuf[4])) {
// TODO: Retry
ERR ("%s", "Length checksum mismatch");
pnd->iLastError = DEIO;
return -1;
// abtRxBuf[3] (LEN) include TFI + (CC+1)
len = abtRxBuf[3] - 2;
if (len > szDataLen) {
ERR ("Unable to receive data: buffer too small. (szDataLen: %zu, len: %zu)", szDataLen, len);
pnd->iLastError = DEIO;
return -1;
// TFI + PD0 (CC+1)
res = uart_receive (((struct pn532_uart_data*)(pnd->driver_data))->port, abtRxBuf, 2);
if (res != 0) {
ERR ("%s", "Unable to receive data. (RX)");
pnd->iLastError = res;
return -1;
if (abtRxBuf[0] != 0xD5) {
ERR ("%s", "TFI Mismatch");
pnd->iLastError = DEIO;
return -1;
if (abtRxBuf[1] != pnd->iLastCommand + 1) {
ERR ("%s", "Command Code verification failed");
pnd->iLastError = DEIO;
return -1;
if (len) {
res = uart_receive (((struct pn532_uart_data*)(pnd->driver_data))->port, pbtData, len);
if (res != 0) {
ERR ("%s", "Unable to receive data. (RX)");
pnd->iLastError = res;
return -1;
res = uart_receive (((struct pn532_uart_data*)(pnd->driver_data))->port, abtRxBuf, 2);
if (res != 0) {
ERR ("%s", "Unable to receive data. (RX)");
pnd->iLastError = res;
return -1;
byte_t btDCS = (256 - 0xD5);
btDCS -= pnd->iLastCommand + 1;
for (size_t szPos = 0; szPos < len; szPos++) {
btDCS -= pbtData[szPos];
if (btDCS != abtRxBuf[0]) {
ERR ("%s", "Data checksum mismatch");
pnd->iLastError = DEIO;
return -1;
if (0x00 != abtRxBuf[1]) {
ERR ("%s", "Frame postamble mismatch");
pnd->iLastError = DEIO;
return -1;
((struct pn53x_data*)(pnd->chip_data))->state = NORMAL;
return len;
pn532_uart_ack (nfc_device_t * pnd)
uart_send (((struct pn532_uart_data*)(pnd->driver_data))->port, ack_frame, sizeof (ack_frame));
pn532_uart_check_communication (nfc_device_t *pnd)
const byte_t abtMsg[] = { Diagnose, 0x00, 'l', 'i', 'b', 'n', 'f', 'c' };
if (!pn532_uart_send (pnd, abtMsg, sizeof (abtMsg)))
return false;
const byte_t abtExpectedRes[] = { 0x00, 'l', 'i', 'b', 'n', 'f', 'c' };
byte_t abtRes[sizeof(abtExpectedRes)];
int res;
if ((res = pn532_uart_receive (pnd, abtRes, sizeof(abtRes))) < 0)
return false;
return ((sizeof(abtRes) == res) && (0 == memcmp (abtRes, abtExpectedRes, sizeof(abtExpectedRes))));
const struct nfc_driver_t pn532_uart_driver = {
.probe = pn532_uart_probe,
.connect = pn532_uart_connect,
.send = pn532_uart_send,
.receive = pn532_uart_receive,
.disconnect = pn532_uart_disconnect,
.strerror = pn53x_strerror,