Without this delay I had troubles with a Raspberry-Pi: With debug enabled I could go as high as 7.8MHz but without debug I had to go lower than 500kHz otherwise I got following error: errorlibnfc.driver.pn532_spiUnable to wait for SPI data. (RX) pn53x_check_communication: Timeout It could work occassionally faster but very unreliable. So the delay introduced by printf() was enough to "fix" the problem, therefore this little extra sleep() in wakeup().
691 lines
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* Free/Libre Near Field Communication (NFC) library
* Libnfc historical contributors:
* Copyright (C) 2009 Roel Verdult
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Romuald Conty
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Romain Tartière
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Philippe Teuwen
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Ludovic Rousseau
* Additional contributors of this file:
* Copyright (C) 2013 Evgeny Boger
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
* @file pn532_spi.c
* @brief PN532 driver using SPI bus
# include "config.h"
#endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H
#include "pn532_spi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <nfc/nfc.h>
#include "drivers.h"
#include "nfc-internal.h"
#include "chips/pn53x.h"
#include "chips/pn53x-internal.h"
#include "spi.h"
#define PN532_SPI_DEFAULT_SPEED 1000000 // 1 MHz
#define PN532_SPI_DRIVER_NAME "pn532_spi"
#define PN532_SPI_MODE SPI_MODE_0
#define LOG_CATEGORY "libnfc.driver.pn532_spi"
#ifndef _WIN32
// Needed by sleep() under Unix
# include <unistd.h>
# include <time.h>
# define msleep(x) do { \
struct timespec xsleep; \
xsleep.tv_sec = x / 1000; \
xsleep.tv_nsec = (x - xsleep.tv_sec * 1000) * 1000 * 1000; \
nanosleep(&xsleep, NULL); \
} while (0)
// Needed by Sleep() under Windows
# include <winbase.h>
# define msleep Sleep
// Internal data structs
const struct pn53x_io pn532_spi_io;
struct pn532_spi_data {
spi_port port;
volatile bool abort_flag;
static const uint8_t pn532_spi_cmd_dataread = 0x03;
static const uint8_t pn532_spi_cmd_datawrite = 0x01;
// Prototypes
int pn532_spi_ack(nfc_device *pnd);
int pn532_spi_wakeup(nfc_device *pnd);
#define DRIVER_DATA(pnd) ((struct pn532_spi_data*)(pnd->driver_data))
static size_t
pn532_spi_scan(const nfc_context *context, nfc_connstring connstrings[], const size_t connstrings_len)
size_t device_found = 0;
spi_port sp;
char **acPorts = spi_list_ports();
const char *acPort;
int iDevice = 0;
while ((acPort = acPorts[iDevice++])) {
sp = spi_open(acPort);
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "Trying to find PN532 device on SPI port: %s at %d Hz.", acPort, PN532_SPI_DEFAULT_SPEED);
if ((sp != INVALID_SPI_PORT) && (sp != CLAIMED_SPI_PORT)) {
// We need to flush input to be sure first reply does not comes from older byte transceive
//~ spi_flush_input(sp);
// Serial port claimed but we need to check if a PN532_SPI is opened.
spi_set_speed(sp, PN532_SPI_DEFAULT_SPEED);
spi_set_mode(sp, PN532_SPI_MODE);
nfc_connstring connstring;
snprintf(connstring, sizeof(nfc_connstring), "%s:%s:%"PRIu32, PN532_SPI_DRIVER_NAME, acPort, PN532_SPI_DEFAULT_SPEED);
nfc_device *pnd = nfc_device_new(context, connstring);
if (!pnd) {
return 0;
pnd->driver = &pn532_spi_driver;
pnd->driver_data = malloc(sizeof(struct pn532_spi_data));
if (!pnd->driver_data) {
return 0;
DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->port = sp;
// Alloc and init chip's data
if (pn53x_data_new(pnd, &pn532_spi_io) == NULL) {
return 0;
// SAMConfiguration command if needed to wakeup the chip and pn53x_SAMConfiguration check if the chip is a PN532
CHIP_DATA(pnd)->type = PN532;
// This device starts in LowVBat power mode
CHIP_DATA(pnd)->power_mode = LOWVBAT;
DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->abort_flag = false;
// Check communication using "Diagnose" command, with "Communication test" (0x00)
int res = pn53x_check_communication(pnd);
if (res < 0) {
memcpy(connstrings[device_found], connstring, sizeof(nfc_connstring));
// Test if we reach the maximum "wanted" devices
if (device_found >= connstrings_len)
iDevice = 0;
while ((acPort = acPorts[iDevice++])) {
free((void *)acPort);
return device_found;
struct pn532_spi_descriptor {
char *port;
uint32_t speed;
static void
pn532_spi_close(nfc_device *pnd)
// Release SPI port
static nfc_device *
pn532_spi_open(const nfc_context *context, const nfc_connstring connstring)
struct pn532_spi_descriptor ndd;
char *speed_s;
int connstring_decode_level = connstring_decode(connstring, PN532_SPI_DRIVER_NAME, NULL, &ndd.port, &speed_s);
if (connstring_decode_level == 3) {
ndd.speed = 0;
if (sscanf(speed_s, "%10"PRIu32, &ndd.speed) != 1) {
// speed_s is not a number
return NULL;
if (connstring_decode_level < 2) {
return NULL;
if (connstring_decode_level < 3) {
ndd.speed = PN532_SPI_DEFAULT_SPEED;
spi_port sp;
nfc_device *pnd = NULL;
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "Attempt to open: %s at %d Hz.", ndd.port, ndd.speed);
sp = spi_open(ndd.port);
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "Invalid SPI port: %s", ndd.port);
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "SPI port already claimed: %s", ndd.port);
if ((sp == CLAIMED_SPI_PORT) || (sp == INVALID_SPI_PORT)) {
return NULL;
spi_set_speed(sp, ndd.speed);
spi_set_mode(sp, PN532_SPI_MODE);
// We have a connection
pnd = nfc_device_new(context, connstring);
if (!pnd) {
return NULL;
snprintf(pnd->name, sizeof(pnd->name), "%s:%s", PN532_SPI_DRIVER_NAME, ndd.port);
pnd->driver_data = malloc(sizeof(struct pn532_spi_data));
if (!pnd->driver_data) {
return NULL;
DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->port = sp;
// Alloc and init chip's data
if (pn53x_data_new(pnd, &pn532_spi_io) == NULL) {
return NULL;
// SAMConfiguration command if needed to wakeup the chip and pn53x_SAMConfiguration check if the chip is a PN532
CHIP_DATA(pnd)->type = PN532;
// This device starts in LowVBat mode
CHIP_DATA(pnd)->power_mode = LOWVBAT;
// empirical tuning
CHIP_DATA(pnd)->timer_correction = 48;
pnd->driver = &pn532_spi_driver;
DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->abort_flag = false;
// Check communication using "Diagnose" command, with "Communication test" (0x00)
if (pn53x_check_communication(pnd) < 0) {
nfc_perror(pnd, "pn53x_check_communication");
return NULL;
return pnd;
static int
pn532_spi_read_spi_status(nfc_device *pnd)
static const uint8_t pn532_spi_statread_cmd = 0x02;
uint8_t spi_status = 0;
int res = spi_send_receive(DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->port, &pn532_spi_statread_cmd, 1, &spi_status, 1, true);
if (res != NFC_SUCCESS) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "%s", "Unable to read SPI status");
return res;
return spi_status;
pn532_spi_wakeup(nfc_device *pnd)
/* SPI wakeup is basically activating chipselect for several ms.
* To do so, we are sending harmless command at very low speed */
int res;
const uint32_t prev_port_speed = spi_get_speed(DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->port);
// Try to get byte from the SPI line. If PN532 is powered down, the byte will be 0xff (MISO line is high)
uint8_t spi_byte = 0;
res = spi_receive(DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->port, &spi_byte, 1, true);
if (res != NFC_SUCCESS) {
return res;
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "Got %x byte from SPI line before wakeup", spi_byte);
CHIP_DATA(pnd)->power_mode = NORMAL; // PN532 will be awake soon
if (spi_byte == 0xff) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "%s", "Wakeup is needed");
spi_set_speed(DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->port, 5000); // set slow speed
res = pn532_SAMConfiguration(pnd, PSM_NORMAL, 1000); // wakeup by sending SAMConfiguration, which works just fine
spi_set_speed(DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->port, prev_port_speed);
return res;
static int
pn532_spi_wait_for_data(nfc_device *pnd, int timeout)
static const uint8_t pn532_spi_ready = 0x01;
static const int pn532_spi_poll_interval = 10; //ms
int timer = 0;
int ret;
while ((ret = pn532_spi_read_spi_status(pnd)) != pn532_spi_ready) {
if (ret < 0) {
return ret;
if (DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->abort_flag) {
DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->abort_flag = false;
if (timeout > 0) {
timer += pn532_spi_poll_interval;
if (timer > timeout) {
static int
pn532_spi_receive_next_chunk(nfc_device *pnd, uint8_t *pbtData, const size_t szDataLen)
// According to datasheet, the entire read operation should be done at once
// However, it seems impossible to do since the length of the frame is stored in the frame
// itself and it's impossible to manually set CS to low between two read operations
// It's possible to read the response frame in a series of read operations, provided
// each read operation is preceded by SPI_DATAREAD byte from the host.
// Unfortunately, the PN532 sends first byte of the second and successive response chunks
// at the same time as host sends SPI_DATAREAD byte
// Many hardware SPI implementations are half-duplex, so it's became impossible to read this
// first response byte
// The following hack is used here: we first try to receive data from PN532 without SPI_DATAREAD
// and then begin full-featured read operation
// The PN532 does not shift the internal register on the receive operation, which allows us to read the whole response
// The example transfer log is as follows:
// CS ..._/---\___________________________/---\________/------\_____________/-----\_________/---\____________/---...
// MOSI (host=>pn532) ... 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x03 0x00
// MISO (pn532<=host) ... 0x01 0x00 0xff 0x02 0xfe 0xd5 0xd5 0x15 0x16 0x16 0x00
// linux send/receive s r r r r r s r r s r
// |<-- data -->| |<-data->| |<-data->| |<-data->| |<-data->|
// |<-- first chunk -->| |<-- second chunk -->| |<-- third chunk -->|
// The response frame is 0x00 0xff 0x02 0xfe 0xd5 0x15 0x16 0x00
int res = spi_receive(DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->port, pbtData, 1, true);
if (res != NFC_SUCCESS) {
return res;
res = spi_send_receive(DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->port, &pn532_spi_cmd_dataread, 1, pbtData + 1, szDataLen - 1, true);
return res;
static int
pn532_spi_receive(nfc_device *pnd, uint8_t *pbtData, const size_t szDataLen, int timeout)
uint8_t abtRxBuf[5];
size_t len;
pnd->last_error = pn532_spi_wait_for_data(pnd, timeout);
if (NFC_EOPABORTED == pnd->last_error) {
return pn532_spi_ack(pnd);
if (pnd->last_error != NFC_SUCCESS) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Unable to wait for SPI data. (RX)");
goto error;
pnd->last_error = spi_send_receive(DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->port, &pn532_spi_cmd_dataread, 1, abtRxBuf , 4, true);
if (pnd->last_error < 0) {
goto error;
const uint8_t pn53x_long_preamble[3] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xff };
if (0 == (memcmp(abtRxBuf, pn53x_long_preamble, 3))) {
// long preamble
// omit first byte
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
abtRxBuf[i] = abtRxBuf[i + 1];
// need one more byte
pnd->last_error = pn532_spi_receive_next_chunk(pnd, abtRxBuf + 3, 1);
if (pnd->last_error != 0) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Unable to receive one more byte for long preamble frame. (RX)");
goto error;
const uint8_t pn53x_preamble[2] = { 0x00, 0xff };
if (0 != (memcmp(abtRxBuf, pn53x_preamble, 2))) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", " preamble+start code mismatch");
pnd->last_error = NFC_EIO;
goto error;
if ((0x01 == abtRxBuf[2]) && (0xff == abtRxBuf[3])) {
// Error frame
pn532_spi_receive_next_chunk(pnd, abtRxBuf, 3);
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Application level error detected");
pnd->last_error = NFC_EIO;
goto error;
} else if ((0xff == abtRxBuf[2]) && (0xff == abtRxBuf[3])) {
// Extended frame
pnd->last_error = pn532_spi_receive_next_chunk(pnd, abtRxBuf, 3);
if (pnd->last_error != 0) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Unable to receive data. (RX)");
goto error;
// (abtRxBuf[0] << 8) + abtRxBuf[1] (LEN) include TFI + (CC+1)
len = (abtRxBuf[0] << 8) + abtRxBuf[1] - 2;
if (((abtRxBuf[0] + abtRxBuf[1] + abtRxBuf[2]) % 256) != 0) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Length checksum mismatch");
pnd->last_error = NFC_EIO;
goto error;
} else {
// Normal frame
if (256 != (abtRxBuf[2] + abtRxBuf[3])) {
// TODO: Retry
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Length checksum mismatch");
pnd->last_error = NFC_EIO;
goto error;
// abtRxBuf[3] (LEN) include TFI + (CC+1)
len = abtRxBuf[2] - 2;
if (len > szDataLen) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "Unable to receive data: buffer too small. (szDataLen: %zu, len: %zu)", szDataLen, len);
pnd->last_error = NFC_EIO;
goto error;
// TFI + PD0 (CC+1)
pnd->last_error = pn532_spi_receive_next_chunk(pnd, abtRxBuf, 2);
if (pnd->last_error != 0) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Unable to receive data. (RX)");
goto error;
if (abtRxBuf[0] != 0xD5) {
pnd->last_error = NFC_EIO;
goto error;
if (abtRxBuf[1] != CHIP_DATA(pnd)->last_command + 1) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Command Code verification failed");
pnd->last_error = NFC_EIO;
goto error;
if (len) {
pnd->last_error = pn532_spi_receive_next_chunk(pnd, pbtData, len);
if (pnd->last_error != 0) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Unable to receive data. (RX)");
goto error;
pnd->last_error = pn532_spi_receive_next_chunk(pnd, abtRxBuf, 2);
if (pnd->last_error != 0) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Unable to receive data. (RX)");
goto error;
uint8_t btDCS = (256 - 0xD5);
btDCS -= CHIP_DATA(pnd)->last_command + 1;
for (size_t szPos = 0; szPos < len; szPos++) {
btDCS -= pbtData[szPos];
if (btDCS != abtRxBuf[0]) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Data checksum mismatch");
pnd->last_error = NFC_EIO;
goto error;
if (0x00 != abtRxBuf[1]) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Frame postamble mismatch");
pnd->last_error = NFC_EIO;
goto error;
// The PN53x command is done and we successfully received the reply
return len;
return pnd->last_error;
static int
pn532_spi_send(nfc_device *pnd, const uint8_t *pbtData, const size_t szData, int timeout)
int res = 0;
// Before sending anything, we need to discard from any junk bytes
//~ spi_flush_input(DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->port);
switch (CHIP_DATA(pnd)->power_mode) {
case LOWVBAT: {
/** PN532C106 wakeup. */
if ((res = pn532_spi_wakeup(pnd)) < 0) {
return res;
// According to PN532 application note, C106 appendix: to go out Low Vbat mode and enter in normal mode we need to send a SAMConfiguration command
if ((res = pn532_SAMConfiguration(pnd, PSM_NORMAL, 1000)) < 0) {
return res;
if ((res = pn532_spi_wakeup(pnd)) < 0) {
return res;
case NORMAL:
// Nothing to do :)
uint8_t abtFrame[PN532_BUFFER_LEN + 1] = { pn532_spi_cmd_datawrite, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff }; // SPI data transfer starts with DATAWRITE (0x01) byte, Every packet must start with "00 00 ff"
size_t szFrame = 0;
if ((res = pn53x_build_frame(abtFrame + 1, &szFrame, pbtData, szData)) < 0) {
pnd->last_error = res;
return pnd->last_error;
res = spi_send(DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->port, abtFrame, szFrame, true);
if (res != 0) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Unable to transmit data. (TX)");
pnd->last_error = res;
return pnd->last_error;
res = pn532_spi_wait_for_data(pnd, timeout);
if (res != NFC_SUCCESS) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR, "%s", "Unable to wait for SPI data. (RX)");
pnd->last_error = res;
return pnd->last_error;
uint8_t abtRxBuf[6];
res = spi_send_receive(DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->port, &pn532_spi_cmd_dataread, 1, abtRxBuf, 6, true);
if (res != 0) {
log_put(LOG_GROUP, LOG_CATEGORY, NFC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "%s", "Unable to read ACK");
pnd->last_error = res;
return pnd->last_error;
if (pn53x_check_ack_frame(pnd, abtRxBuf, sizeof(abtRxBuf)) == 0) {
// The PN53x is running the sent command
} else {
return pnd->last_error;
pn532_spi_ack(nfc_device *pnd)
const size_t ack_frame_len = (sizeof(pn53x_ack_frame) / sizeof(pn53x_ack_frame[0]));
uint8_t ack_tx_buf [1 + ack_frame_len];
ack_tx_buf[0] = pn532_spi_cmd_datawrite;
memcpy(ack_tx_buf + 1, pn53x_ack_frame, ack_frame_len);
int res = spi_send(DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->port, ack_tx_buf, ack_frame_len + 1, true);
return res;
static int
pn532_spi_abort_command(nfc_device *pnd)
if (pnd) {
DRIVER_DATA(pnd)->abort_flag = true;
const struct pn53x_io pn532_spi_io = {
.send = pn532_spi_send,
.receive = pn532_spi_receive,
const struct nfc_driver pn532_spi_driver = {
.name = PN532_SPI_DRIVER_NAME,
.scan_type = INTRUSIVE,
.scan = pn532_spi_scan,
.open = pn532_spi_open,
.close = pn532_spi_close,
.strerror = pn53x_strerror,
.initiator_init = pn53x_initiator_init,
.initiator_init_secure_element = pn532_initiator_init_secure_element,
.initiator_select_passive_target = pn53x_initiator_select_passive_target,
.initiator_poll_target = pn53x_initiator_poll_target,
.initiator_select_dep_target = pn53x_initiator_select_dep_target,
.initiator_deselect_target = pn53x_initiator_deselect_target,
.initiator_transceive_bytes = pn53x_initiator_transceive_bytes,
.initiator_transceive_bits = pn53x_initiator_transceive_bits,
.initiator_transceive_bytes_timed = pn53x_initiator_transceive_bytes_timed,
.initiator_transceive_bits_timed = pn53x_initiator_transceive_bits_timed,
.initiator_target_is_present = pn53x_initiator_target_is_present,
.target_init = pn53x_target_init,
.target_send_bytes = pn53x_target_send_bytes,
.target_receive_bytes = pn53x_target_receive_bytes,
.target_send_bits = pn53x_target_send_bits,
.target_receive_bits = pn53x_target_receive_bits,
.device_set_property_bool = pn53x_set_property_bool,
.device_set_property_int = pn53x_set_property_int,
.get_supported_modulation = pn53x_get_supported_modulation,
.get_supported_baud_rate = pn53x_get_supported_baud_rate,
.device_get_information_about = pn53x_get_information_about,
.abort_command = pn532_spi_abort_command,
.idle = pn53x_idle,
.powerdown = pn53x_PowerDown,