Add python3 compatibility.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 84 additions and 81 deletions
@ -9,9 +9,10 @@ import time
import datetime
import pprint
import re
import sys
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
from builtins import bytes
from builtins import bytes, str
from collections import deque, Mapping, Iterable, namedtuple
from operator import itemgetter
@ -26,27 +27,27 @@ from http_parser.pyparser import HttpParser
# pylint: disable=import-error
import weechat
WEECHAT_SCRIPT_NAME = "matrix" # type: unicode
WEECHAT_SCRIPT_DESCRIPTION = "matrix chat plugin" # type: unicode
WEECHAT_SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "Damir Jelić <>" # type: unicode
WEECHAT_SCRIPT_VERSION = "0.1" # type: unicode
WEECHAT_SCRIPT_LICENSE = "MIT" # type: unicode
WEECHAT_SCRIPT_NAME = "matrix" # type: str
WEECHAT_SCRIPT_DESCRIPTION = "matrix chat plugin" # type: str
WEECHAT_SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "Damir Jelić <>" # type: str
WEECHAT_SCRIPT_VERSION = "0.1" # type: str
MATRIX_API_PATH = "/_matrix/client/r0" # type: unicode
MATRIX_API_PATH = "/_matrix/client/r0" # type: str
SERVERS = dict() # type: Dict[unicode, MatrixServer]
SERVERS = dict() # type: Dict[str, MatrixServer]
CONFIG = None # type: weechat.config
GLOBAL_OPTIONS = None # type: PluginOptions
# Unicode handling
def encode_to_utf8(data):
if isinstance(data, unicode):
if isinstance(data, str):
return data.encode('utf-8')
if isinstance(data, bytes):
return data
elif isinstance(data, Mapping):
return type(data)(map(encode_to_utf8, data.iteritems()))
return type(data)(map(encode_to_utf8, data.items()))
elif isinstance(data, Iterable):
return type(data)(map(encode_to_utf8, data))
return data
@ -55,10 +56,10 @@ def encode_to_utf8(data):
def decode_from_utf8(data):
if isinstance(data, bytes):
return data.decode('utf-8')
if isinstance(data, unicode):
if isinstance(data, str):
return data
elif isinstance(data, Mapping):
return type(data)(map(decode_from_utf8, data.iteritems()))
return type(data)(map(decode_from_utf8, data.items()))
elif isinstance(data, Iterable):
return type(data)(map(decode_from_utf8, data))
return data
@ -165,13 +166,13 @@ class PluginOptions:
self.redaction_comp_len = 50 # type: int
self.options = dict() # type: Dict[unicode, weechat.config_option]
self.options = dict() # type: Dict[str, weechat.config_option]
class HttpResponse:
def __init__(self, status, headers, body):
self.status = status # type: int
self.headers = headers # type: Dict[unicode, unicode]
self.headers = headers # type: Dict[str, str]
self.body = body # type: bytes
@ -179,22 +180,22 @@ class HttpRequest:
def __init__(
request_type, # type: RequestType
host, # type: unicode
host, # type: str
port, # type: int
location, # type: unicode
data=None, # type: Dict[unicode, Any]
location, # type: str
data=None, # type: Dict[str, Any]
version=WEECHAT_SCRIPT_VERSION) # type: unicode
version=WEECHAT_SCRIPT_VERSION) # type: str
# type: (...) -> None
host_string = ':'.join([host, str(port)])
user_agent = 'User-Agent: {agent}'.format(agent=user_agent)
host_header = 'Host: {host}'.format(host=host_string)
request_list = [] # type: List[unicode]
accept_header = 'Accept: */*' # type: unicode
end_separator = '\r\n' # type: unicode
payload = None # type: unicode
request_list = [] # type: List[str]
accept_header = 'Accept: */*' # type: str
end_separator = '\r\n' # type: str
payload = None # type: str
if request_type == RequestType.GET:
get = 'GET {location} HTTP/1.1'.format(location=location)
@ -244,16 +245,16 @@ class MatrixMessage:
server, # type: MatrixServer
message_type, # type: MessageType
room_id=None, # type: unicode
extra_id=None, # type: unicode
data=None, # type: Dict[unicode, Any]
extra_data=None # type: Dict[unicode, Any]
room_id=None, # type: str
extra_id=None, # type: str
data=None, # type: Dict[str, Any]
extra_data=None # type: Dict[str, Any]
# type: (...) -> None
self.type = message_type # MessageType
self.request = None # HttpRequest
self.response = None # HttpResponse
self.extra_data = extra_data # Dict[unicode, Any]
self.extra_data = extra_data # Dict[str, Any]
if message_type == MessageType.LOGIN:
path = ("{api}/login").format(api=MATRIX_API_PATH)
@ -358,34 +359,34 @@ class MatrixMessage:
class MatrixUser:
def __init__(self, name, display_name):
|||| = name # type: unicode
self.display_name = display_name # type: unicode
|||| = name # type: str
self.display_name = display_name # type: str
self.power_level = 0 # type: int
self.nick_color = "" # type: unicode
self.prefix = "" # type: unicode
self.nick_color = "" # type: str
self.prefix = "" # type: str
class MatrixRoom:
def __init__(self, room_id):
# type: (unicode) -> None
self.room_id = room_id # type: unicode
self.alias = room_id # type: unicode
self.topic = "" # type: unicode
self.topic_author = "" # type: unicode
# type: (str) -> None
self.room_id = room_id # type: str
self.alias = room_id # type: str
self.topic = "" # type: str
self.topic_author = "" # type: str
self.topic_date = None # type: datetime.datetime
self.prev_batch = "" # type: unicode
self.users = dict() # type: Dict[unicode, MatrixUser]
self.prev_batch = "" # type: str
self.users = dict() # type: Dict[str, MatrixUser]
self.encrypted = False # type: bool
def key_from_value(dictionary, value):
# type: (Dict[unicode, Any], Any) -> unicode
# type: (Dict[str, Any], Any) -> str
return list(dictionary.keys())[list(dictionary.values()).index(value)]
def server_config_change_cb(server_name, option):
# type: (unicode, weechat.config_option) -> int
# type: (str, weechat.config_option) -> int
server = SERVERS[server_name]
option_name = None
@ -428,22 +429,22 @@ def server_config_change_cb(server_name, option):
class MatrixServer:
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
def __init__(self, name, config_file):
# type: (unicode, weechat.config) -> None
|||| = name # type: unicode
# type: (str, weechat.config) -> None
|||| = name # type: str
self.user_id = ""
self.address = "" # type: unicode
self.address = "" # type: str
self.port = 8448 # type: int
self.options = dict() # type: Dict[unicode, weechat.config]
self.options = dict() # type: Dict[str, weechat.config]
self.user = "" # type: unicode
self.password = "" # type: unicode
self.user = "" # type: str
self.password = "" # type: str
self.rooms = dict() # type: Dict[unicode, MatrixRoom]
self.buffers = dict() # type: Dict[unicode, weechat.buffer]
self.rooms = dict() # type: Dict[str, MatrixRoom]
self.buffers = dict() # type: Dict[str, weechat.buffer]
self.server_buffer = None # type: weechat.buffer
self.fd_hook = None # type: weechat.hook
self.timer_hook = None # type: weechat.hook
self.numeric_address = "" # type: unicode
self.numeric_address = "" # type: str
self.autoconnect = False # type: bool
self.connected = False # type: bool
@ -452,8 +453,8 @@ class MatrixServer:
self.socket = None # type: ssl.SSLSocket
self.ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() # type: ssl.SSLContext
self.access_token = None # type: unicode
self.next_batch = None # type: unicode
self.access_token = None # type: str
self.next_batch = None # type: str
self.transaction_id = 0 # type: int
self.http_parser = HttpParser() # type: HttpParser
@ -464,7 +465,7 @@ class MatrixServer:
# Queue of messages we send off and are waiting a response for
self.receive_queue = deque() # type: Deque[MatrixMessage]
self.message_queue = deque() # type: Deque[MatrixMessage]
self.ignore_event_list = [] # type: List[unicode]
self.ignore_event_list = [] # type: List[str]
@ -528,8 +529,8 @@ def wrap_socket(server, file_descriptor):
# For python 2.7 wrap_socket() doesn't work with sockets created from an
# file descriptor because fromfd() doesn't return a wrapped socket, the bug
# was fixed for python 3, more info
# pylint: disable=protected-access
if isinstance(temp_socket, socket._socket.socket):
# pylint: disable=protected-access,unidiomatic-typecheck
if type(temp_socket) == socket._socket.socket:
# pylint: disable=no-member
sock = socket._socketobject(_sock=temp_socket)
@ -557,11 +558,11 @@ def handle_http_response(server, message):
def decode_json(server, json_string):
return json.loads(json_string, encoding='utf-8')
except Exception as e:
except Exception as error:
message = ("{prefix}matrix: Error decoding json response from "
"server: {error}").format(
W.prnt(server.server_buffer, message)
return None
@ -633,7 +634,7 @@ def handle_http_response(server, message):
def strip_matrix_server(string):
# type: (unicode) -> unicode
# type: (str) -> str
return string.rsplit(":", 1)[0]
@ -661,7 +662,7 @@ def add_user_to_nicklist(buf, user):
def matrix_create_room_buffer(server, room_id):
# type: (MatrixServer, unicode) -> None
# type: (MatrixServer, str) -> None
buf = W.buffer_new(
@ -695,7 +696,7 @@ def matrix_create_room_buffer(server, room_id):
def matrix_handle_room_aliases(server, room_id, event):
# type: (MatrixServer, unicode, Dict[unicode, Any]) -> None
# type: (MatrixServer, str, Dict[str, Any]) -> None
buf = server.buffers[room_id]
room = server.rooms[room_id]
@ -713,7 +714,7 @@ def matrix_handle_room_aliases(server, room_id, event):
def matrix_handle_room_members(server, room_id, event):
# type: (MatrixServer, unicode, Dict[unicode, Any]) -> None
# type: (MatrixServer, str, Dict[str, Any]) -> None
buf = server.buffers[room_id]
room = server.rooms[room_id]
@ -773,7 +774,7 @@ def color_for_tags(color):
def matrix_handle_room_text_message(server, room_id, event, old=False):
# type: (MatrixServer, unicode, Dict[unicode, Any], bool) -> None
# type: (MatrixServer, str, Dict[str, Any], bool) -> None
tag = ""
msg_author = ""
nick_color_name = ""
@ -815,7 +816,7 @@ def matrix_handle_room_text_message(server, room_id, event, old=False):
def matrix_handle_redacted_message(server, room_id, event):
# type: (MatrixServer, unicode, Dict[Any, Any]) -> None
# type: (MatrixServer, str, Dict[Any, Any]) -> None
reason = ""
room = server.rooms[room_id]
@ -875,7 +876,7 @@ def matrix_handle_redacted_message(server, room_id, event):
def matrix_handle_room_messages(server, room_id, event, old=False):
# type: (MatrixServer, unicode, Dict[unicode, Any], bool) -> None
# type: (MatrixServer, str, Dict[str, Any], bool) -> None
if event['type'] == '':
if 'redacted_by' in event['unsigned']:
matrix_handle_redacted_message(server, room_id, event)
@ -894,7 +895,7 @@ def matrix_handle_room_messages(server, room_id, event, old=False):
def event_id_from_tags(tags):
# type: (List[unicode]) -> unicode
# type: (List[str]) -> str
for tag in tags:
if tag.startswith("matrix_id"):
return tag[10:]
@ -976,7 +977,7 @@ def matrix_handle_room_redaction(server, room_id, event):
def get_prefix_for_level(level):
# type: (int) -> unicode
# type: (int) -> str
if level >= 100:
return "&"
elif level >= 50:
@ -988,7 +989,7 @@ def get_prefix_for_level(level):
# TODO make this configurable
def get_prefix_color(prefix):
# type: (unicode) -> unicode
# type: (str) -> str
if prefix == "&":
return "lightgreen"
elif prefix == "@":
@ -1019,7 +1020,7 @@ def matrix_handle_room_power_levels(server, room_id, event):
def matrix_handle_room_events(server, room_id, room_events):
# type: (MatrixServer, unicode, Dict[Any, Any]) -> None
# type: (MatrixServer, str, Dict[Any, Any]) -> None
for event in room_events:
if event['event_id'] in server.ignore_event_list:
@ -1131,7 +1132,7 @@ def matrix_handle_room_events(server, room_id, room_events):
def matrix_handle_room_info(server, room_info):
# type: (MatrixServer, Dict) -> None
for room_id, room in room_info['join'].iteritems():
for room_id, room in room_info['join'].items():
if not room_id:
@ -1191,7 +1192,7 @@ def matrix_sort_old_messages(server, room_id):
# will reverse the list at the same time
while sorted_lines:
line = sorted_lines.pop()
new_line = {k: unicode(v) for k, v in line.items()}
new_line = {k: str(v) for k, v in line.items()}
matrix_update_buffer_lines(lines, own_lines)
@ -1230,8 +1231,8 @@ def matrix_handle_old_messages(server, room_id, events):
def matrix_handle_message(
server, # type: MatrixServer
message_type, # type: MessageType
response, # type: Dict[unicode, Any]
extra_data # type: Dict[unicode, Any]
response, # type: Dict[str, Any]
extra_data # type: Dict[str, Any]
# type: (...) -> None
@ -1410,7 +1411,7 @@ def disconnect(server):
def server_buffer_prnt(server, string):
# type: (MatrixServer, unicode) -> None
# type: (MatrixServer, str) -> None
assert server.server_buffer
buffer = server.server_buffer
now = int(time.time())
@ -1562,7 +1563,7 @@ def reconnect_cb(server_name, remaining):
def connect(server):
# type: (MatrixServer) -> bool
# type: (MatrixServer) -> int
if not server.address or not server.port:
message = "{prefix}Server address or port not set".format(
@ -2489,7 +2490,7 @@ def matrix_command_pgup_cb(data, buffer, command):
def tags_from_line_data(line_data):
# type: (weechat.hdata) -> List[unicode]
# type: (weechat.hdata) -> List[str]
tags_count = W.hdata_get_var_array_size(
@ -2506,7 +2507,7 @@ def tags_from_line_data(line_data):
def event_id_from_line(buf, target_number):
# type: (weechat.buffer, int) -> unicode
# type: (weechat.buffer, int) -> str
own_lines = W.hdata_pointer(W.hdata_get('buffer'), buf, 'own_lines')
if own_lines:
line = W.hdata_pointer(
@ -2660,6 +2661,7 @@ def hook_page_up():
def matrix_bar_item_plugin(data, item, window, buffer, extra_info):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
for server in SERVERS.values():
if (buffer in server.buffers.values() or
buffer == server.server_buffer):
@ -2673,6 +2675,7 @@ def matrix_bar_item_plugin(data, item, window, buffer, extra_info):
def matrix_bar_item_name(data, item, window, buffer, extra_info):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
for server in SERVERS.values():
if buffer in server.buffers.values():
color = ("status_name_ssl"
@ -2797,7 +2800,7 @@ def autoconnect(servers):
if __name__ == "__main__":
W = WeechatWrapper(weechat)
W = weechat if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000 else WeechatWrapper(weechat)
Add table
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