# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Weechat Matrix Protocol Script # Copyright © 2018 Damir Jelić <poljar@termina.org.uk> # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for # any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the # above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY # SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER # RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF # CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import socket import ssl import textwrap # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin from builtins import str from itertools import chain # pylint: disable=unused-import from typing import Any, AnyStr, Deque, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Text, Tuple import logbook import OpenSSL.crypto as crypto from future.utils import bytes_to_native_str as n from logbook import Logger, StreamHandler from nio import RemoteProtocolError, RemoteTransportError, TransportType from matrix import globals as G from matrix.bar_items import ( init_bar_items, matrix_bar_item_buffer_modes, matrix_bar_item_lag, matrix_bar_item_name, matrix_bar_item_plugin, matrix_bar_nicklist_count, matrix_bar_typing_notices_cb ) from matrix.buffer import room_buffer_close_cb, room_buffer_input_cb # Weechat searches for the registered callbacks in the scope of the main script # file, import the callbacks here so weechat can find them. from matrix.commands import (hook_commands, hook_page_up, matrix_command_buf_clear_cb, matrix_command_cb, matrix_command_pgup_cb, matrix_invite_command_cb, matrix_join_command_cb, matrix_kick_command_cb, matrix_me_command_cb, matrix_part_command_cb, matrix_redact_command_cb, matrix_topic_command_cb, matrix_olm_command_cb, matrix_devices_command_cb, matrix_room_command_cb, matrix_uploads_command_cb, matrix_upload_command_cb) from matrix.completion import (init_completion, matrix_command_completion_cb, matrix_debug_completion_cb, matrix_message_completion_cb, matrix_olm_device_completion_cb, matrix_olm_user_completion_cb, matrix_server_command_completion_cb, matrix_server_completion_cb, matrix_user_completion_cb, matrix_own_devices_completion_cb, matrix_room_completion_cb) from matrix.config import (MatrixConfig, config_log_category_cb, config_log_level_cb, config_server_buffer_cb, matrix_config_reload_cb, config_pgup_cb) from matrix.globals import SCRIPT_NAME, SERVERS, W, MAX_EVENTS from matrix.server import (MatrixServer, create_default_server, matrix_config_server_change_cb, matrix_config_server_read_cb, matrix_config_server_write_cb, matrix_timer_cb, send_cb, matrix_load_users_cb, matrix_partial_sync_cb) from matrix.utf import utf8_decode from matrix.utils import server_buffer_prnt, server_buffer_set_title from matrix.uploads import UploadsBuffer, upload_cb # yapf: disable WEECHAT_SCRIPT_NAME = SCRIPT_NAME WEECHAT_SCRIPT_DESCRIPTION = "matrix chat plugin" # type: str WEECHAT_SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "Damir Jelić <poljar@termina.org.uk>" # type: str WEECHAT_SCRIPT_VERSION = "0.1" # type: str WEECHAT_SCRIPT_LICENSE = "ISC" # type: str # yapf: enable logger = Logger("matrix-cli") def print_certificate_info(buff, sock, cert): cert_pem = ssl.DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(sock.getpeercert(True)) x509 = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert_pem) public_key = x509.get_pubkey() key_type = ("RSA" if public_key.type() == crypto.TYPE_RSA else "DSA") key_size = str(public_key.bits()) sha256_fingerprint = x509.digest(n(b"SHA256")) sha1_fingerprint = x509.digest(n(b"SHA1")) signature_algorithm = x509.get_signature_algorithm() key_info = ("key info: {key_type} key {bits} bits, signed using " "{algo}").format( key_type=key_type, bits=key_size, algo=n(signature_algorithm)) validity_info = (" Begins on: {before}\n" " Expires on: {after}").format( before=cert["notBefore"], after=cert["notAfter"]) rdns = chain(*cert["subject"]) subject = ", ".join(["{}={}".format(name, value) for name, value in rdns]) rdns = chain(*cert["issuer"]) issuer = ", ".join(["{}={}".format(name, value) for name, value in rdns]) subject = "subject: {sub}, serial number {serial}".format( sub=subject, serial=cert["serialNumber"]) issuer = "issuer: {issuer}".format(issuer=issuer) fingerprints = (" SHA1: {}\n" " SHA256: {}").format(n(sha1_fingerprint), n(sha256_fingerprint)) wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper( initial_indent=" - ", subsequent_indent=" ") message = ("{prefix}matrix: received certificate\n" " - certificate info:\n" "{subject}\n" "{issuer}\n" "{key_info}\n" " - period of validity:\n{validity_info}\n" " - fingerprints:\n{fingerprints}").format( prefix=W.prefix("network"), subject=wrapper.fill(subject), issuer=wrapper.fill(issuer), key_info=wrapper.fill(key_info), validity_info=validity_info, fingerprints=fingerprints) W.prnt(buff, message) def wrap_socket(server, file_descriptor): # type: (MatrixServer, int) -> None sock = None # type: socket.socket temp_socket = socket.fromfd(file_descriptor, socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # fromfd() duplicates the file descriptor, we can close the one we got from # weechat now since we use the one from our socket when calling hook_fd() os.close(file_descriptor) # For python 2.7 wrap_socket() doesn't work with sockets created from an # file descriptor because fromfd() doesn't return a wrapped socket, the bug # was fixed for python 3, more info: https://bugs.python.org/issue13942 # pylint: disable=protected-access,unidiomatic-typecheck if type(temp_socket) == socket._socket.socket: # pylint: disable=no-member sock = socket._socketobject(_sock=temp_socket) else: sock = temp_socket # fromfd() duplicates the file descriptor but doesn't retain it's blocking # non-blocking attribute, so mark the socket as non-blocking even though # weechat already did that for us sock.setblocking(False) message = "{prefix}matrix: Doing SSL handshake...".format( prefix=W.prefix("network")) W.prnt(server.server_buffer, message) ssl_socket = server.ssl_context.wrap_socket( sock, do_handshake_on_connect=False, server_hostname=server.address) # type: ssl.SSLSocket server.socket = ssl_socket try_ssl_handshake(server) @utf8_decode def ssl_fd_cb(server_name, file_descriptor): server = SERVERS[server_name] if server.ssl_hook: W.unhook(server.ssl_hook) server.ssl_hook = None try_ssl_handshake(server) return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK def try_ssl_handshake(server): sock = server.socket while True: try: sock.do_handshake() cipher = sock.cipher() cipher_message = ("{prefix}matrix: Connected using {tls}, and " "{bit} bit {cipher} cipher suite.").format( prefix=W.prefix("network"), tls=cipher[1], bit=cipher[2], cipher=cipher[0]) W.prnt(server.server_buffer, cipher_message) cert = sock.getpeercert() if cert: print_certificate_info(server.server_buffer, sock, cert) finalize_connection(server) return True except ssl.SSLWantReadError: hook = W.hook_fd(server.socket.fileno(), 1, 0, 0, "ssl_fd_cb", server.name) server.ssl_hook = hook return False except ssl.SSLWantWriteError: hook = W.hook_fd(server.socket.fileno(), 0, 1, 0, "ssl_fd_cb", server.name) server.ssl_hook = hook return False except (ssl.SSLError, ssl.CertificateError, socket.error) as error: try: str_error = error.reason if error.reason else "Unknown error" except AttributeError: str_error = str(error) message = ("{prefix}Error while doing SSL handshake" ": {error}").format( prefix=W.prefix("network"), error=str_error) server_buffer_prnt(server, message) server_buffer_prnt( server, ("{prefix}matrix: disconnecting from server..." ).format(prefix=W.prefix("network"))) server.disconnect() return False @utf8_decode def receive_cb(server_name, file_descriptor): server = SERVERS[server_name] while True: try: data = server.socket.recv(4096) except ssl.SSLWantReadError: break except socket.error as error: errno = "error" + str(error.errno) + " " if error.errno else "" str_error = error.strerror if error.strerror else "Unknown error" str_error = errno + str_error message = ("{prefix}Error while reading from " "socket: {error}").format( prefix=W.prefix("network"), error=str_error) server_buffer_prnt(server, message) server_buffer_prnt( server, ("{prefix}matrix: disconnecting from server..." ).format(prefix=W.prefix("network"))) server.disconnect() return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK if not data: server_buffer_prnt( server, "{prefix}matrix: Error while reading from socket".format( prefix=W.prefix("network"))) server_buffer_prnt( server, ("{prefix}matrix: disconnecting from server..." ).format(prefix=W.prefix("network"))) server.disconnect() break try: server.client.receive(data) except (RemoteTransportError, RemoteProtocolError) as e: server.error(str(e)) server.disconnect() break response = server.client.next_response(MAX_EVENTS) # Check if we need to send some data back data_to_send = server.client.data_to_send() if data_to_send: server.send(data_to_send) if response: server.handle_response(response) break return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK def finalize_connection(server): hook = W.hook_fd( server.socket.fileno(), 1, 0, 0, "receive_cb", server.name ) server.fd_hook = hook server.connected = True server.connecting = False server.reconnect_delay = 0 negotiated_protocol = (server.socket.selected_alpn_protocol() or server.socket.selected_npn_protocol()) if negotiated_protocol == "h2": server.transport_type = TransportType.HTTP2 else: server.transport_type = TransportType.HTTP data = server.client.connect(server.transport_type) server.send(data) server.login() @utf8_decode def connect_cb(data, status, gnutls_rc, sock, error, ip_address): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-branches status_value = int(status) # type: int server = SERVERS[data] if status_value == W.WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_OK: file_descriptor = int(sock) # type: int server.numeric_address = ip_address server_buffer_set_title(server) wrap_socket(server, file_descriptor) return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK elif status_value == W.WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND: server.error('{address} not found'.format(address=ip_address)) elif status_value == W.WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_IP_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND: server.error('IP address not found') elif status_value == W.WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_CONNECTION_REFUSED: server.error('Connection refused') elif status_value == W.WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_PROXY_ERROR: server.error('Proxy fails to establish connection to server') elif status_value == W.WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_LOCAL_HOSTNAME_ERROR: server.error('Unable to set local hostname') elif status_value == W.WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_GNUTLS_INIT_ERROR: server.error('TLS init error') elif status_value == W.WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_GNUTLS_HANDSHAKE_ERROR: server.error('TLS Handshake failed') elif status_value == W.WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_MEMORY_ERROR: server.error('Not enough memory') elif status_value == W.WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: server.error('Timeout') elif status_value == W.WEECHAT_HOOK_CONNECT_SOCKET_ERROR: server.error('Unable to create socket') else: server.error('Unexpected error: {status}'.format(status=status_value)) server.disconnect(reconnect=True) return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK @utf8_decode def room_close_cb(data, buffer): W.prnt("", "Buffer '%s' will be closed!" % W.buffer_get_string(buffer, "name")) return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK @utf8_decode def matrix_unload_cb(): for server in SERVERS.values(): server.config.free() G.CONFIG.free() # for server in SERVERS.values(): # server.store_olm() return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK def autoconnect(servers): for server in servers.values(): if server.config.autoconnect: server.connect() def debug_buffer_close_cb(data, buffer): G.CONFIG.debug_buffer = "" return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK def server_buffer_cb(server_name, buffer, input_data): message = ("{}{}: this buffer is not a room buffer!").format( W.prefix("error"), SCRIPT_NAME) W.prnt(buffer, message) return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK class WeechatHandler(StreamHandler): def __init__(self, level=logbook.NOTSET, format_string=None, filter=None, bubble=False): StreamHandler.__init__( self, object(), level, format_string, None, filter, bubble ) def write(self, item): buf = "" if G.CONFIG.network.debug_buffer: if not G.CONFIG.debug_buffer: G.CONFIG.debug_buffer = W.buffer_new( "Matrix Debug", "", "", "debug_buffer_close_cb", "") buf = G.CONFIG.debug_buffer W.prnt(buf, item) def buffer_switch_cb(_, _signal, buffer_ptr): """Do some buffer operations when we switch buffers. This function is called every time we switch a buffer. The pointer of the new buffer is given to us by weechat. If it is one of our room buffers we check if the members for the room aren't fetched and fetch them now if they aren't. Read receipts are send out from here as well. """ for server in SERVERS.values(): if buffer_ptr == server.server_buffer: return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK if buffer_ptr not in server.buffers.values(): continue room_buffer = server.find_room_from_ptr(buffer_ptr) if not room_buffer: continue if room_buffer.should_send_read_marker: event_id = room_buffer.last_event_id # A buffer may not have any events, in that case no event id is # here returned if event_id: server.room_send_read_marker( room_buffer.room.room_id, event_id) room_buffer.last_read_event = event_id if room_buffer.members_fetched: return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK room_id = room_buffer.room.room_id server.get_joined_members(room_id) break return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK def typing_notification_cb(data, signal, buffer_ptr): """Send out typing notifications if the user is typing. This function is called every time the input text is changed. It checks if we are on a buffer we own, and if we are sends out a typing notification if the room is configured to send them out. """ for server in SERVERS.values(): room_buffer = server.find_room_from_ptr(buffer_ptr) if room_buffer: server.room_send_typing_notice(room_buffer) return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK if buffer_ptr == server.server_buffer: return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK def buffer_command_cb(data, _, command): """Override the buffer command to allow switching buffers by short name.""" command = command[7:].strip() buffer_subcommands = ["list", "add", "clear", "move", "swap", "cycle", "merge", "unmerge", "hide", "unhide", "renumber", "close", "notify", "localvar", "set", "get"] if not command: return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK command_words = command.split() if len(command_words) >= 1: if command_words[0] in buffer_subcommands: return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK elif command_words[0].startswith("*"): return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK try: int(command_words[0]) return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK except ValueError: pass room_buffers = [] for server in SERVERS.values(): room_buffers.extend(server.room_buffers.values()) sorted_buffers = sorted( room_buffers, key=lambda b: b.weechat_buffer.number ) for room_buffer in sorted_buffers: buffer = room_buffer.weechat_buffer if command in buffer.short_name: displayed = W.current_buffer() == buffer._ptr if displayed: continue W.buffer_set(buffer._ptr, 'display', '1') return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT return W.WEECHAT_RC_OK if __name__ == "__main__": if W.register(WEECHAT_SCRIPT_NAME, WEECHAT_SCRIPT_AUTHOR, WEECHAT_SCRIPT_VERSION, WEECHAT_SCRIPT_LICENSE, WEECHAT_SCRIPT_DESCRIPTION, 'matrix_unload_cb', ''): if not W.mkdir_home("matrix", 0o700): message = ("{prefix}matrix: Error creating session " "directory").format(prefix=W.prefix("error")) W.prnt("", message) handler = WeechatHandler() handler.format_string = "{record.channel}: {record.message}" handler.push_application() # TODO if this fails we should abort and unload the script. G.CONFIG = MatrixConfig() G.CONFIG.read() hook_commands() init_bar_items() init_completion() W.hook_command_run("/buffer", "buffer_command_cb", "") W.hook_signal("buffer_switch", "buffer_switch_cb", "") W.hook_signal("input_text_changed", "typing_notification_cb", "") if not SERVERS: create_default_server(G.CONFIG) autoconnect(SERVERS)