import html.entities

from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.strategies import sampled_from

from matrix.colors import MatrixHtmlParser

    # python 3
    html_entities = [(name, char, ord(char))
                     for name, char in html.entities.html5.items()
                     if not name.endswith(';')]
except AttributeError:
    # python 2
    html_entities = [(name, unichr(codepoint), codepoint)
                     for name, codepoint
                     in html.entities.name2codepoint.items()]

def test_html_named_entity_parsing(entitydef):
    name = entitydef[0]
    character = entitydef[1]
    parser = MatrixHtmlParser()
    assert parser.unescape('&{};'.format(name)) == character

def test_html_numeric_reference_parsing(entitydef):
    character = entitydef[1]
    num = entitydef[2]
    parser = MatrixHtmlParser()
    assert parser.unescape('&#{};'.format(num)) == character

def test_html_entityref_reconstruction_from_name(entitydef):
    name = entitydef[0]
    parser = MatrixHtmlParser()
    s = parser.get_substrings()
    assert s[0].text == parser.unescape('&{};'.format(name)) and len(s) == 1

def test_html_charref_reconstruction_from_name(entitydef):
    num = entitydef[2]
    parser = MatrixHtmlParser()
    s = parser.get_substrings()
    assert s[0].text == parser.unescape('&#{};'.format(num)) and len(s) == 1

def test_parsing_of_escaped_brackets():
    p = MatrixHtmlParser()
    s = p.get_substrings()
    assert s[0].text == '<faketag>' and len(s) == 1