Enhance error handeling.
- New API functions: nfc_strerror(), nfc_strerror_r() and nfc_perror(); - Drivers now have a reference to chips callback methods; - Rename -pn53x_err2string to pn53x_strerror and add it to pn53x_callbacks_list.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 96 additions and 63 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
- API: New nfc_perror(), nfc_strerror() and nfc_strerror_r() functions.
Apr 6, 2010 - 1.3.4
@ -93,6 +93,15 @@ typedef struct {
uint32_t uiBusIndex;
} nfc_device_desc_t;
* @struct chip_callbacks
* @brief Functions for chip specific functions.
struct chip_callbacks {
/** Error lookup */
const char* (*strerror) (const nfc_device_t *pnd);
* @struct driver_callbacks
* @brief Generic structure to handle NFC device functions.
@ -100,6 +109,8 @@ typedef struct {
struct driver_callbacks {
/** Driver name */
const char* acDriver;
/** Chip specific callback functions */
const struct chip_callbacks *pcc;
/** Pick devices callback */
nfc_device_desc_t *(*pick_device)(void);
/** List devices callback */
@ -78,6 +78,11 @@ NFC_EXPORT bool nfc_target_send_bits(nfc_device_t* pnd, const byte_t* pbtTx, con
NFC_EXPORT bool nfc_target_send_bytes(nfc_device_t* pnd, const byte_t* pbtTx, const size_t szTxLen);
NFC_EXPORT bool nfc_target_send_dep_bytes(nfc_device_t* pnd, const byte_t* pbtTx, const size_t szTxLen);
/* Error reporting */
NFC_EXPORT const char *nfc_strerror (const nfc_device_t *pnd);
NFC_EXPORT int nfc_strerror_r (const nfc_device_t *pnd, char *pcStrErrBuf, size_t szBufLen);
NFC_EXPORT void nfc_perror (const nfc_device_t *pnd, const char *pcString);
/* Special data accessors */
NFC_EXPORT const char* nfc_device_name(nfc_device_t* pnd);
@ -60,9 +60,6 @@ const byte_t pncmd_target_receive [ 2] = { 0xD4,0x88 };
const byte_t pncmd_target_send [264] = { 0xD4,0x90 };
const byte_t pncmd_target_get_status [ 2] = { 0xD4,0x8A };
const char *
pn53x_err2string (int iError, char const **ppcDescription);
bool pn53x_transceive(nfc_device_t* pnd, const byte_t* pbtTx, const size_t szTxLen, byte_t* pbtRx, size_t* pszRxLen)
byte_t abtRx[MAX_FRAME_LEN];
@ -81,16 +78,6 @@ bool pn53x_transceive(nfc_device_t* pnd, const byte_t* pbtTx, const size_t szTxL
pnd->iErrorCode = pbtRx[0] & 0x3f;
// Make sure there was no failure reported by the PN53X chip (0x00 == OK)
if (pnd->iErrorCode != 0) {
const char *s, *l;
s = pn53x_err2string (pnd->iErrorCode, &l);
if (s) {
printf (" s = %s\n l = %s\n", s, l);
// Succesful transmission
return (0 == pnd->iErrorCode);
@ -322,61 +309,49 @@ pn53x_InDeselect(nfc_device_t* pnd, const uint8_t ui8Target)
struct sErrorMessage {
int iError;
int iErrorCode;
const char *pcErrorMsg;
const char *pcErrorDescription;
} sErrorMessages[] = {
{ 0x00, "success", "The request was successful." },
{ 0x01, "timout", "Time Out, the target has not answered." },
{ 0x02, "crc error", "A CRC error has been detected by the CIU." },
{ 0x03, "parity error", "A Parity error has been detected by the CIU." },
{ 0x04, "wrong bit count", "During an anti-collision/select operation (ISO/IEC14443-3 Type A and ISO/"
"IEC18092 106 kbps passive mode), an erroneous Bit Count has been detected." },
{ 0x05, "framing error", "Framing error during Mifare operation." },
{ 0x06, "bit-collision", "An abnormal bit-collision has been detected during bit wise anti-collision"
" at 106 kbps." },
{ 0x07, "buffer too small", "Communication buffer size insufficient." },
{ 0x09, "buffer overflow", "RF Buffer overflow has been detected by the CIU (bit BufferOvfl of the register"
" CIU_Error)." },
{ 0x0a, "timout", "In active communication mode, the RF field has not been switched on in time by"
" the counterpart (as defined in NFCIP-1 standard)." },
{ 0x0b, "protocol error", "RF Protocol error." },
{ 0x0d, "temerature", "The internal temperature sensor has detected overheating, and therefore has"
" automatically switched off the antenna drivers." },
{ 0x0e, "overflow", "Internal buffer overflow." },
{ 0x10, "invalid parameter", "Invalid parameter."},
{ 0x00, "Success" },
{ 0x01, "Timeout" },
{ 0x02, "CRC Error" },
{ 0x03, "Parity Error" },
{ 0x04, "Erroneous Bit Count" },
{ 0x05, "Framing Error" },
{ 0x06, "Bit-collision" },
{ 0x07, "Buffer Too Small" },
{ 0x09, "Buffer Overflow" },
{ 0x0a, "Timeout" },
{ 0x0b, "Protocol Error" },
{ 0x0d, "Overheating" },
{ 0x0e, "Internal Buffer overflow." },
{ 0x10, "Invalid Parameter" },
/* DEP Errors */
{ 0x12, "unknown command", "The PN532 configured in target mode does not support the command received from"
" the initiator." },
{ 0x13, "invalid parameter", "The data format does not match to the specification." },
{ 0x12, "Unknown DEP Command" },
{ 0x13, "Invalid Parameter" },
/* MIFARE */
{ 0x14, "authentication", "Authentication error." },
{ 0x23, "check byte", "ISO/IEC14443-3: UID Check byte is wrong." },
{ 0x25, "invalid state", "The system is in a state which does not allow the operation." },
{ 0x26, "operation not allowed", "Operation not allowed in this configuration (host controller interface)." },
{ 0x27, "command not acceptable", "This command is not acceptable due to the current context of the PN532"
" (Initiator vs. Target, unknown target number, Target not in the good state,"
" ...)" },
{ 0x29, "target released", "The PN532 configured as target has been released by its initiator." },
{ 0x2a, "card id mismatch", "PN532 and ISO/IEC14443-3B only: the ID of the card does not match, meaning "
"that the expected card has been exchanged with another one." },
{ 0x2B, "card discarded", "PN532 and ISO/IEC14443-3B only: the card previously activated has disappeared." },
{ 0x2C, "NFCID3 mismatch", "Mismatch between the NFCID3 initiator and the NFCID3 target in DEP 212/424 kbps"
" passive." },
{ 0x2D, "over current", "An over-current event has been detected." },
{ 0x2E, "NAD missing", "NAD missing in DEP frame." },
{ 0x14, "Authentication Error" },
/* */
{ 0x23, "Wrong ISO/IEC14443-3 Check Byte" },
{ 0x25, "Invalid State" },
{ 0x26, "Operation Not Allowed" },
{ 0x27, "Command Not Acceptable" },
{ 0x29, "Target Released" },
{ 0x2a, "Card ID Mismatch" },
{ 0x2B, "Card Discarded" },
{ 0x2C, "NFCID3 Mismatch" },
{ 0x2D, "Over Current" },
{ 0x2E, "NAD Missing in DEP Frame" }
const char *
pn53x_err2string (int iError, char const **ppcDescription)
pn53x_strerror (const nfc_device_t *pnd)
const char *pcRes = NULL;
const char *pcRes = "Unknown error";
for (size_t i=0; i < (sizeof (sErrorMessages) / sizeof (struct sErrorMessage)); i++) {
if (sErrorMessages[i].iError == iError) {
if (sErrorMessages[i].iErrorCode == pnd->iErrorCode) {
pcRes = sErrorMessages[i].pcErrorMsg;
if (ppcDescription)
*ppcDescription = sErrorMessages[i].pcErrorDescription;
@ -81,5 +81,11 @@ bool pn53x_decode_target_data(const byte_t* pbtRawData, size_t szDataLen, nfc_ch
bool pn53x_InListPassiveTarget(const nfc_device_t* pnd, const nfc_modulation_t nmInitModulation, const byte_t szMaxTargets, const byte_t* pbtInitiatorData, const size_t szInitiatorDataLen, byte_t* pbtTargetsData, size_t* pszTargetsData);
bool pn53x_InDeselect(nfc_device_t* pnd, const uint8_t ui8Target);
const char *pn53x_strerror (const nfc_device_t *pnd);
static const struct chip_callbacks pn53x_callbacks_list = {
#endif // __NFC_CHIPS_PN53X_H__
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
#include <nfc/nfc-types.h>
#include "chips/pn53x.h"
#if defined (DRIVER_ACR122_ENABLED)
#include "drivers/acr122.h"
#endif /* DRIVER_ACR122_ENABLED */
@ -55,21 +57,21 @@
#define MAX_FRAME_LEN 264
static const struct driver_callbacks drivers_callbacks_list[] = {
// Driver Name Pick Device List Devices Connect Transceive Disconnect
// Driver Name Chip callbacks Pick Device List Devices Connect Transceive Disconnect
#if defined (DRIVER_ACR122_ENABLED)
{ ACR122_DRIVER_NAME, acr122_pick_device, acr122_list_devices, acr122_connect, acr122_transceive, acr122_disconnect },
{ ACR122_DRIVER_NAME, &pn53x_callbacks_list, acr122_pick_device, acr122_list_devices, acr122_connect, acr122_transceive, acr122_disconnect },
#endif /* DRIVER_ACR122_ENABLED */
#if defined (DRIVER_PN531_USB_ENABLED)
{ PN531_USB_DRIVER_NAME, pn531_usb_pick_device, pn531_usb_list_devices, pn531_usb_connect, pn53x_usb_transceive, pn53x_usb_disconnect },
{ PN531_USB_DRIVER_NAME, &pn53x_callbacks_list, pn531_usb_pick_device, pn531_usb_list_devices, pn531_usb_connect, pn53x_usb_transceive, pn53x_usb_disconnect },
#endif /* DRIVER_PN531_USB_ENABLED */
#if defined (DRIVER_PN533_USB_ENABLED)
{ PN533_USB_DRIVER_NAME, pn533_usb_pick_device, pn533_usb_list_devices, pn533_usb_connect, pn53x_usb_transceive, pn53x_usb_disconnect },
{ PN533_USB_DRIVER_NAME, &pn53x_callbacks_list, pn533_usb_pick_device, pn533_usb_list_devices, pn533_usb_connect, pn53x_usb_transceive, pn53x_usb_disconnect },
#endif /* DRIVER_PN533_USB_ENABLED */
{ ARYGON_DRIVER_NAME, arygon_pick_device, arygon_list_devices, arygon_connect, arygon_transceive, arygon_disconnect },
{ ARYGON_DRIVER_NAME, &pn53x_callbacks_list, arygon_pick_device, arygon_list_devices, arygon_connect, arygon_transceive, arygon_disconnect },
#if defined (DRIVER_PN532_UART_ENABLED)
{ PN532_UART_DRIVER_NAME, pn532_uart_pick_device, pn532_uart_list_devices, pn532_uart_connect, pn532_uart_transceive, pn532_uart_disconnect },
{ PN532_UART_DRIVER_NAME, &pn53x_callbacks_list, pn532_uart_pick_device, pn532_uart_list_devices, pn532_uart_connect, pn532_uart_transceive, pn532_uart_disconnect },
#endif /* DRIVER_PN532_UART_ENABLED */
@ -1004,6 +1004,32 @@ bool nfc_target_send_dep_bytes(nfc_device_t* pnd, const byte_t* pbtTx, const siz
return true;
* @brief Return the PCD error string
* @return Returns a string
const char *nfc_strerror (const nfc_device_t *pnd)
return pnd->pdc->pcc->strerror (pnd);
* @brief Renders the PCD error in pcStrErrBuf for a maximum size of szBufLen caracters
* @return Returns 0 upon success
int nfc_strerror_r (const nfc_device_t *pnd, char *pcStrErrBuf, size_t szBufLen)
return (snprintf (pcStrErrBuf, szBufLen, "%s", nfc_strerror (pnd)) < 0) ? -1 : 0;
* @brief Display the PCD error a-la perror
void nfc_perror (const nfc_device_t *pnd, const char *pcString)
fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s\n", pcString, nfc_strerror (pnd));
/* Special data accessors */
Add table
Reference in a new issue