Update issue 114
Status: Fixed
Owner: yobibe
This workaround allow to use PN533 USB (like SCL3711) without toogle bit issue (on OSes that care about this toogle bit: e.g. GNU/Linux, MacOS).
libfreefare tests suite now works as expected, enjoy!
New issue
Summary: Implement the abort mechanism (PCD->PICC ACK)
Currently, this issue is motivated by the need to reconnect to the device after a failure: ie. Issue 114.
BTW, this feature could also be useful to break an infinite polling or to cancel a previously sent command.
While here, rename the pn53x_transceive_callback() function to
pn53x_transceive_check_ack_frame_callback() to make it more obvious what it is
supposed to do.
- Define two sets of DE<FOOBAR> macros: the first one for 'generic' errors
which could be encountered regardless of the NFC device the library is acting
with (0xX000), and ont set for device-dependant errors (0x0X00).
- Make some more functions accept a nfc_device_t* as first argument to have
access to the iLastError;
- Reset errors when entering public API functions;
- Save errors when applicable;
- Distinguish system-level errors (e.g. I/O error) and operational errors (the
PCD returns an unexpected value);
- Minor tweaks.
Update issue 65
Status: Feedback
New review:
Owner: rconty@il4p.fr
Cc: rtartiere@il4p.fr
Summary: Review the error-handling code.
Branch: /branches/libnfc-error-handling
For this development, a strong emphasis has been set on making changes that
will not go through our way on the way to libnfc-1.6+. For this reason, some
constructs are not natural (e.g. error codes defined in two different places),
please keep this in mind when reviewing.
New issue
Summary: Make sending ACK on message transmission skipable.
Owner: rtartiere@il4p.fr
Cc: rtartiere@il4p.fr
Status: New
I guess that for performance reasons, some advance users would prefer to skip
sending the non-mandatory ACK on data transmission. They may also perform a
quicker check of the ACK returned by the chip after sending the command and
before receiving the response (not sure about this one).
It will probably be a ./configure option disabled by default that allows some "shortcuts" to perform NFC hacking.
Avoid redundant code in PN53x usb and uart drivers. Since it makes sense to
report errors at the nfc_device_t level, pass it directly to
Programs using the libnfc MAY use pn53x_transceive() to communicate with a NFC
device, and SHALL not use anymore pnd->pdc->transceive(). Code in the library
itself SHOULD avoid calling pnd->pdc->transceive(), so such construct have been
updated accordingly.
ISO C forbids empty source files. Instead of compiling possibly empty source
files depending on the compiler parameters, only compile required files to
build the library as requested at the ./configure stage.
Windows users (and more precisely non-autotools users), you may have to update
whatever you use to build the libnfc to fit your needs. The Makefile shipped
in the windows directory compiles all drivers as it is written so you should
not notice any difference, but if you don't use _that_ makefile, then you will
have to do some adjustment.
For now, keep the defines in CFLAGS just in case. Planned for removal in circa
one week.
While here, pet `./configure` output (--help format and summary).
As the documentation states, and as reported in isssue 81 (fixed in r421),
usb_reset()'s argument is invalid after the call and so usb_close(3) must be
called before usb_reset(3).
The doc says LCS (aka abtTx[4]) must be set so that the lower byte of LCS+LEN
(aka abtTx[3]) is 0x00. This has not to be related to the USB buffer size, so
that we can adjust it without breaking down the libnfc.
- New API function append_iso14443a_crc();
- Add a PRINT_HEX macro for driver debugging (replaces print_hex function from bitutils.c);
- Move bit-mirroring related functions to libnfc/mirror-subr.[hc];
- Move iso14443 related functions to libnfc/iso14443-subr.c;
- Move libnfc/bitutils.c hex-dumping code to examples/nfc-utils.c;
- Replace calls to swap_endian32() and swap_endian64() functions with calls to bswap32() and bswap64 provided by endian.h.
And while I am here:
- Fix the DBG macro so that it does not throw warning at compile time.
- Put libusb and PC/SC check in m4 macros.
- Suppress --disable-pcsclite and --disable-libusb
- Add --with-drivers option: we now could choose which driver to build. without this option a default set is build (ATM all drivers except PN532_UART)